Merry Christmas To All Singles This Holiday Season

Merry Christmas Secure Singles! 

Secure Single would like to thank and wish everyone who supports and reads our content a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s. The site exists for you and to help singles thrive and flourish. Be prepared for Christmas dinner when they ask why you are still single or enjoy Christmas alone. Both are great options depending on your Christmas plans. Thank you again for your support and Merry Christmas to our readers and those who are single, single again, and unmarried. Thrive as a single person and enjoy the single life this Christmas!


James Bollen

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

12 Ways To Enjoy Christmas Alone

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me… You don’t have a true love and there are no soul mates, so screw that lyric to the song. There is nothing wrong or pathetic about being alone, solitude is actually healthy. You will also miss the awkward Christmas dinner conversations that you would have had, if you had gone home this year.  Here are twelve ways to enjoy spending Christmas alone this year.

12 Ways To Enjoy Christmas Alone


Do you have a sled or something that could work as a sled? Great! Find a hill and go sledding.


Reading a book is always a good idea. Consider reading a classic, picking up a popular novel, or diving into some philosophy.

Watch TV Or A Movie

It’s a holiday. Why not chill and watch your favorite TV show or a movie? It’s fine and there is no reason to feel sorry for yourself while doing it today.

Text A Friend And Catch Up

Text a few friends who you are close to or who you want to catch up with and wish them a Merry Christmas. Instead of spending Christmas alone, spend it with friends. It may lead to a short conversation and provide a chance to reconnect with friends who you have fallen out of touch with in your life.

Work Out

It is always good to be healthy, even on a holiday. Most gyms are open twenty-four hours now every day. Get your gym card and go work out.

Make Eggnog or a Christmas Cocktail

Follow a simple holiday eggnog recipe to enjoy a classic Christmas drink or make a Christmas cocktail on Christmas. Cheers!

Get Together With Friends

You may not be the only person in your social group who is alone on Christmas. Get together with your friends and play games, watch movies, and catch up. Have fun with your friends!

Find An Event In Your City

Yes, it is Christmas. However, depending on how big the city is that you live in and the demographic makeup of the city there may be some events going on. Find an event this Christmas.


Don’t be a Scrooge, instead be generous with your time on Christmas and volunteer this holiday.

Attend A Christmas Church Service

Christmas is a Christian holiday so there are many Christmas services and masses going on in your city. Be adventurous and explore a new faith this year or just go for the experience.

Christmas Brunch Or Dinner

There are restaurants that will be open on Christmas. These restaurants will have Christmas brunch, dinner, or both for those who prefer to go out instead of to cook and stay in on Christmas alone.

Prepare For Next Year

Prepare for the New Year by cleaning up your house or apartment and make a list of what you want to accomplish next year.



These are twelve things that singles can do on Christmas day, if you will not be travelling to see family or friends this year. It is great to be alone. So don’t be sad that you are alone on the holiday. You are probably not the only one alone today. Make the most of being alone on Christmas and enjoy it instead of being a Grinch today.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

4 Responses To The Family Scrooge At Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner during the holiday can be awkward with family, extended family, in-laws, and friends who will ask you all questions that are on all of their minds. After all, this is normally the one time of the year where you all see each other. They will ask, why are you single and why are you not seeing anyone? You are handsome or gorgeous after all. Here is a Christmas conversation guide for how to respond to the Christmas Scrooge at Christmas dinner this year.

4 Responses To The Family Scrooge At Christmas Dinner

Why Are You Still Single?

I’m single because the single life has much to offer. In fact, why it is a problem? Why is your concern if I’m unmarried? Would you like if I asked you, why aren’t you divorced yet or how your marriage is going? Great, glad that we are both on the same page now.


When Was Your Last Relationship?

The values of the single life are not recognized by this question. It assumes that being in a relationship is always the best thing that could happen to me, which is false. How is your marriage going? Are you considering getting a divorce? Maybe you would enjoy being single again.


Is There Anyone Who You Have Your Eyes On?

Why should I have my eyes on anyone? Sure, I see handsome men or beautiful women, but that doesn’t automatically make me interested in them? I very much enjoy being single. If you truly care about me, you should be happy for me. Why is this such a concern to you? I hope you get visited by your ex of your past, your ex of the present, and your ex of your future just like Scrooge for asking me these questions.

I know you recently got married, how is that going for you? Have you got your eyes on anyone else besides your partner? Since you were the one who brought this up, I thought I might ask as well.


Do You Plan to Have Children?

How is that an acceptable question for you to ask me? I have never asked you about your sex life, how it is in the bedroom, what your favorite position is, and whether or not the children you have were planned.  Plus, many of my friends who are single by circumstance don’t want to date anyone who may want to have children. They are childless by choice. Can you respect that? It’s not like the human race is going to die off anytime soon.


These are four short and simple response recipes to help you this Christmas, should that uncle you see once-a-year ask you an impolite question and become the Scrooge at this year’s Christmas family gathering.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Ways To Navigate Engagement Season This Christmas

Tis the season this Christmas to get engaged! Just kidding, but for real, everyone is getting engaged during the holidays, so it seems. What do you do when everyone around you is getting paired up? Here are the top five ways you can feel amazing about your singlehood when everyone else has an engagement and are getting ready to get married.

5 Ways To Navigate Engagement Season This Christmas

Singles Have More Time To Do What They Want

A time study conducted found that singles have more time to take care of their health and workout, advance in their career and invest in educational activities, and stay in touch with friends. When you are single, you have just one person to manage. If you are a single parent, then it’s you and your kids. Nonetheless, not having a romantic partner will definitely free up a lot of your time.

Singles Have More Leisure Time

You don’t have to worry about pleasing another person, you just have to please yourself. Relationships can be sticky and messy when you have the responsibility of taking care of another person’s needs. When you are single you have the liberty to be leisurely when you want to without your other half persuading you to do something else or to take care of a shared obligation. Now that your friend has an engagement, they will have less leisure time compared to you as a single person.

Singles Have More Time To Themselves

The meaning of life is one of the most mysterious questions throughout history. As a single person, having more time to yourself can allow you time to ponder what life has in store for you and how you can become the greatest version of yourself. Taking time to yourself allows you to take care of yourself, to reassess your values, life projection, and so on. Get lost in thought and have fun with it.

Singles Have A More Fulfilling Social Live

Singles have more of a fulfilling social life than their coupled counterparts. If you have ever been in a relationship, you tend to fall into a routine. Singles tend to have more of a social life and go out more, hence the term, “Single and Ready To Mingle!”

Singles Have More Opportunities For Success

Too often, women face the marriage or career orientation trade-off. Women who choose the career path over family are more ambitious to make their own money and living. Single women are on the rise and many of the notable women in history chose their careers over marriage, and the majority of them were single.  

This Christmas, remind yourself that you are perfect just the way you are. You can thrive as a single person knowing that you have more freedom to change your life, do amazing bucket list items, and thrive as a single. Enjoy your life to the fullest, because you are worth it to make it an amazing journey! Take inventory and make your life fun, loving, exciting, and wonderful as a single person. Be happy in our singlehood and enjoy your life! Navigate the engagement waters of your friends by being supportive while feeling confident in yourself that you’re an amazing person. Have fun this Christmas, and remember to enjoy and love your journey instead of worrying about your friends’ engagements! 


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

9 Reasons Why It’s Best To Be Single During The Christmas Season

Being single during Christmas is often presented as a sad and lonely life, but it is actually the opposite. There is nothing wrong with being single or alone during Christmas. Here are nine reasons why being single during Christmas is wonderful.

Time to Yourself

A great thing about being single is that you get all the time to yourself that you want. You can decide to spend it alone or with friends. It is up to you.

Save Money

Being single also saves you money during the holidays. You don’t need to pay for coffee, drinks, or dinner for two. It is only you.


Sure, you could travel home to your parents or see your family during Christmas. That is an option. Or, you could decide to travel to another part of the country or world to see how other people celebrate Christmas.

Treat Yourself

Since you are not dating someone, treat yourself! Buy yourself that new gadget that you have been wanting or finally fix that part of the car or house that has been giving your trouble over this last year. If there is nothing that you really want, put some extra money in your savings or invest it.

Explore Your City During Christmas

If you are not able to travel this Christmas, explore a new area of your town or city. Go somewhere new. Try a new restaurant, bar, or attend an event that you normally would not go to this Christmas.


Yes, New Year’s is coming up but it is important to stay healthy and fit. Go to your gym. Do some cardio. Lifts some weights. Gain muscle, burn fat, and eat healthy.


Find Christmas and holiday events in your city. Take a risk and go somewhere new! Get out of your comfort zone and meet new people in your city.

Get Together with Friends

Since you’re not going home to family this Christmas, spend time with your friends. Get together with your friends on Christmas or meet somewhere after the holiday. You can all talk about the good and bad gifts that you received along with the worst single shaming questions that your family or relatives asked this year at Christmas dinner.


It has been found that singles volunteer more than their coupled and married friends. Get in the holiday spirit and volunteer at a local food bank, church, or soup kitchen to help those who are less fortunate this Christmas.

Bonus: Find Ways to Make Extra Money

The holidays provide extra opportunities for singles to find a weekend or part-time job to make extra money with the extra demand on people to buy gifts. Look around or online and find a seasonal job to help you save, invest, or pay off any debt that you may have this holiday season.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How Singles Can Handle Christmas Dinner With Family

The holiday season during the fall to winter seasons bring with it cuffing season. It is expected during this season that singles date someone. Along with the added pressure of cuffing season, there are the Christmas and holiday dinner conversations about how you are doing, your love life, and why you are single. Here are five responses for singles when their family or friends asks why you are still single and not getting engaged like all of your other social media friends.

Responses For Singles To Family And Friends At Christmas Dinner

Q: Why didn’t you bring home a boyfriend or girlfriend this year?

A: I don’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend now (or ever). I would appreciate if you would support my decision as my family or friend instead of pressuring me to getting into a relationship that most likely wouldn’t end well anyways.

Q: Without a boyfriend or girlfriend, who are you going to kiss on New Year’s?

A: That is what you are worried about right now? Not the direction that the country is going, the possibility of a World War III, people who are less fortunate or hungry right now while we enjoy this Christmas meal. If I choose, I’ll find a nice guy/girl to kiss on New Year’s Eve at the event I’ll be going to, but I honestly don’t care if I kiss someone or not.

Q: Aren’t you lonely being single? You should be dating someone?

A: I enjoy being alone. No I am not lonely. I have friends who I hang out with on a regular basis. It is also easy to find events to go to for when I want to get out and meet new people. I enjoy being single.

Q: You’re a handsome or a beautiful person, can’t you find someone to date?

A: You think that I should be dating someone just because of my looks? How shallow are you? I’ve received random sext messages from people who wanted to get together with me because they thought I was hot, but I politely declined their invitation. Being single is wonderful and I avoid all the other complications of having another person in my life.

Q: Don’t you think that having someone in your life would make you happy?

A: I’m happy right now! I have friends. I am moving up in my career field. I enjoy exploring my town or city. I am saving and investing both financially and professionally in myself. I am also planning a trip soon. Honestly, I am the happiest I have been since I have been single and I do not intend to date again any time soon. Dating or being to married to someone does not make you happy.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Ways To Be Your Best Single Self During Holidays

Being single is awesome! And here is why. During this holiday season, we remind you of some special benefits only singles have. Being around friends and family during Christmas and New Years just got even better. When you are single, you have many doors open for you to experience new things and to also take time to go at your own pace when it comes to life, relationships, and career status. Being single is the time you have to ‘figure it all out’, but of course that is a lifelong journey. It is just easier when you’re a single-mingle guy or gal. Here are five ways that remind you the holidays can be exciting. Here’s how you can be even better during it all. Here are five ways to be your best single self during holidays!

5 Ways To Be Your Best Single Self During Holidays

Travel Is Affordable

When you are single, like many of us millennials, then you’ve got a more affordable travel ticket. Most 60% of millennials do not have any children, which means that over half of millennials don’t have to worry about purchasing children tickets, or even their spouses’ ticket.

You Can Drink

This may be one of the most fun parts of the holiday season. You can drink and be merry! Often times, you may have a significant other (S.O.) who works to constricts what you can/can’t do, or has an agreement with you that makes you have certain boundaries. As a single, you can break free, and do what pleases you!

You Can Have 1-on-1 With Your Family

Without dragging along a significant other, you can be present with all your family members to greet them, help in the kitchen, and spend quality time playing card games. You have a special time to spend with your family, and can do so without distractions.

Dress How You Want

Sometimes couples dress alike, or your significant other tries to tailor what you wear. Don’t worry about that this season, because being single allows you to be an individual, with no ball and chain. This is why you can be even better as a single person, without worrying about what to wear. So what if your dress is a little short, or your clothes just don’t match. Wear what you want without having an S.O.’s opinion guide you.

You Can Become More Emotionally Stable

Many times when you date someone, you become emotionally enthralled with the other person. You depend on them emotionally, and sort of lose your sense of independence. The holidays can be an initial time for many of us, and when we have our independence to be emotionally stable, we don’t have to worry about a significant other to depend out emotional well-being on. You can be better by being independent.


This holiday season, be even better as a single person by being independent and working your butt off to appreciate what you have. Work to love your single life and the independence it brings to you. Enjoy your holiday season, and have fun with your family, drinking and being merry, and being emotionally independent.



Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 White Elephant Christmas Present Ideas For Singles

Excited about the upcoming December holidays but don’t know what to bring to your friends white elephant party? There is  no need to worry, as this gift guide is here to help you find the perfect gift. Before we begin, what is a white elephant gift, and where did this name originate from? The term white elephant refers to an extravagant but burdensome gift that cannot be easily disposed of, based on the legend of the King of Siam giving rare albino elephants to courtiers who had displeased him, that they might be ruined by the animals’ upkeep costs. Fast forwarding to today, the term white elephant just means that a group of people pick a name and anonymously give a gift to the person whose name was drawn or follow another variation of the exchange. The gifts can be useful, silly, or even edible. There is no burdensome gift that is commonly given in today’s holiday exchange. Here are some ideas you’ll like!

5 White Elephant Christmas Present Ideas For Singles

Festive Ugly Christmas Sweater

This is a NOVELTY item everyone should have. You never know when you need one to wear to those end of the year parties. And the best part about giving and Ugly Sweater is that the uglier the better!


Okay, so we are not in middle school anymore. As a responsible adult, we can appreciate a good drink. You may want to check out some seasonal alcohols or gift alcoholic present ideas, and pick up a bottle of rum-infused eggnog. You’ll want to be careful about this gift only if you know one of your friends is an AA member. If your friend likes to party, this gift is perfect!

 Cards Against Humanity

This gift is a hilarious card game that involves a group of people. When you get together with friends, pulling this game out is sure to bring laughter around the room. Like the ugly sweater, this is also a novelty item. Take heed – you may find out more about your friends while playing this game! It’s a win-win!

Fruit Cake

I don’t know why, but this is a traditional holiday item I see almost every year. You can either buy this item, or make it yourself with love. This white elephant gift is naughty and nice, because you have the healthy fruit component and the sweet cake side. Your gift is shareable, and your friends will love it. Go for the fruit cake, it’s great! for a white elephant present


You can either buy or make mittens, and they are a great seasonal item for those who live in colder climates. You can give your gift knowing it will be put to good use, and your friends hands will be kept warm. It’s a feel good gift for sure, and if you do not know where to purchase mittens, head to a local holiday gift show, they are sure to have them,

Are you still having trouble finding a white elephant gift? This may be a useful guide for you to check out.


Got your gift, and ready to go? Well then, great work! The nice thing about white elephant parties are that they are great for single people because it is one gift to a group of friends, and when everyone participates it can be a lot of fun because everyone gets a gift. So have fun this holiday season, stay bundled up and warm, and don’t forget to enjoy the experience. Cheers this holiday season!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Reasons Why Singles Should Meditate During The Holiday Season

This holiday season we come together and realize just how fast the year has gone. Not only is it the end of the year, but this holiday season things are much more fast paced with meetings, family visits, vacations, trips, quarterly end reviews, and quotas. All tie into what is necessary and urgent. We can feel stressed and out of control. In order to get back control over our lives, we need to meditate. Meditation can calm a stressful mind and will help you center yourself before you go back out onto the battlefield of life. Here are the five benefits of meditation that you can integrate into your schedule that singles can implement today.

Meditation Helps You Get Organized

Ever heard the term scatterbrained? Too often we are so busy micromanaging things in our lives that we forget about rest and recovery. Life is simple, and far too simple for most people. To make things work better in your life, give meditation a try to organize your thoughts and get going on what is most important. An organized mind makes better decisions.

Meditation Reduces Stress

Our lives are far more fast-paced than our parents, and it is up to us to keep up with the current times or we will surely get swept under. To reduce stress in your life and be sharper and more effective in our super-sonic speed lives, meditate to reduce stress to be best prepared to handle all obstacles that arise in a calm and controlled mind. Reduce your stress today.

Meditation Improves Your Immune System

Counter-intuitive, but true. Meditating has multiple health benefits which includes improving your immune system. Tied into the stress factor, when we are stressed our immune system isn’t at it’s strongest, and times like these are when we can get an illness. To make matters better, meditating will improve your immune system by lowering rushing thoughts and pressures. You will feel more calm and collected, and healthier.

Meditation Improves Relationships

When you are more centered, you are able to be present for most, if not all, situations. Our minds constantly wander from past to future, but are rarely in the present. When we are with friends, family, and loved ones, we often are elsewhere in our minds thinking about rushing deadlines and things out of our control.

Meditation Improves Self-Knowledge

You can learn a lot about yourself when you sit with yourself and take the time to actually be with yourself. Meditation is a form of self-love, and can help you reach a better understanding of yourself as you listen to the flying thoughts in your mind. Take a pen and paper and write down everything that comes to you. There are no right or wrong answers, just pure consciousness. All the answers you need are within you, so if there is an issue in your life, meditate about it. You know what to do, so trust yourself and improve the relationship you have with yourself.


Now you’re aware of how you can calm down your mind and get organized. Meditation brings us to the present, and is a daily habit we need to embody, like showering, which improves our lives. Get better today, one step at a time. Practice meditation multiple times a day and keep a journal to note the benefits you get from your practice. It may be difficult at first, but keep going. Get better today, and become the best version of yourself that you can be. Get bigger, better, faster, and stronger!


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

10 Reasons Why Singles Should Celebrate Not Being In a Relationship This Christmas

There are many reasons why singles should be thankful not to be in a relationship or married this holiday season. You get to enjoy the holiday season alone, with friends, or with family. It is up to you how you want to celebrate the holidays. Here are ten reasons why being single during the holidays is great and why you should be thankful that you don’t have a significant other this holiday season.

Save Money

One of the great things about single is saving to prepare for your future or for that gift that you want to give yourself this Christmas. If you were dating someone, you would have to buy them a gift this Christmas. Depending on the person who you are dating, that gift may be expensive along with the other gifts that you have to buy for both your family and their family this Christmas.

Avoid Family Fights

Holidays. The time once or twice a year where families come together and have family fights. As a single, you can choose if you want to go home to participate in this annual event or find a way to celebrate in the city that you live in.


Don’t have to Buy Gifts for a Significant Other

Gifts often cost money. There are things that you have to pay for from student loans to rent to food each month. The cost of gifts cut into the money that you can put towards those necessities that will provide you more freedom once they are payed off or you are prepared to move towards the next step in your adult life.

Kiss Anyone Under the Mistletoe

Another fun reason to be single during the holidays is that you don’t have to only kiss your significant other under mistletoe, if you had one. You can kiss anyone who is under the mistletoe with you at Christmas parties this Christmas. Get practicing now and get some under the mistletoe this holiday season.

Christmas Parties

Christmas and holiday parties are everywhere! You can hang out with friends who are hosting a party. You can visit a bar or club that is having a party. This is a great chance to explore your city, try new places, and enjoy the festivities of the holiday season.

Learn to Make Eggnog

Real eggnog is a punch. It uses a couple different types of liquor, milk, sugar, and ice cream. It is creamy and delicious. Learn how to make it this holiday season and show it off to your friends at your next holiday party. You will become everyone’s favorite friend during the holidays after you learn to make traditional alcoholic eggnog. It is that delicious.

Stay Home or Travel

No significant other. Check. Family. Sure. You’re an adult so you get to decide where you want to spend your holiday. You could stay home in your city or go visit your family. You could also travel and explore the world during the holidays. It is your Christmas, You can decide where and with whom you want to spend it with on your own terms.


Christmas time can be hectic. It is fine to choose to relax and stay inside with a hot cup of cocoa (spiked is optional). You can watch your favorite tv shows, read, or work on projects that you have meaning to finish but never got around to finishing on time. Relax from the holidays.

Free from Couples

The single life offers freedom and flexibility. Being is a couple means restraint and unadaptable. As a single you are free from couples, except for friends and family who are couples. But you are free to do your own thing because you are not dating and are uncoupled! You get to decide how you want to celebrate the holiday season on your own!

Free from Obligations

Besides any family obligations if you go home for Christmas, you are free from holiday obligations. You are able to spend the holiday exactly how you want. You can go to as many or as little Christmas parties as you want. You can be happy during the holidays or you can be a Scrooge or Grinch this season. It is up to you since you have no holiday obligations, you can plan how to spend Christmas.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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