What Is An Intrapersonal Relationship?

What is the most crucial relationship that you can have? Is it with someone else? Is it a romantic relationship? No! The most important relationship that you can have is the one with yourself. This is called an intrapersonal relationship.


What Is An Intrapersonal Relationship?

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According to Dictionary, intrapersonal is “existing or occurring within the self or within one’s mind.” The Dictionary says, “People with high intrapersonal intelligence are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Intrapersonal conflict can lead to emotional stress.”


An intrapersonal relationship is a relationship that you have with yourself. It can be within yourself. It can be within your mind. The most important relationship that you can have is the relationship with yourself. To have a relationship with yourself, you must first know yourself.


3 Ways How To Know Yourself


You can start to know yourself by learning about your likes and dislikes. You can learn about your strengths. You can learn about your weaknesses. You must take time take time to figure out what your skills are. You can also figure out what you are passionate about. The final way is to find a way to monetize your strengths, skills, and what you are passionate about.


Know Your Interests


You can spend time figuring out what your interests are. You may be interested in computers. You could be interested in the trades. You could be interested in business. You could be interested in many different things. If you always focus on multiple items, you will never become a subject matter expert or known in your niche. That is because you constantly distract yourself from learning the skills you must know. You will need to learn to focus on one thing. You can add to your primary skills once you have masted your critical skills.


Learn Your Strengths


You can also take time to learn your strengths. It will also help you to know your weaknesses. This will help you to understand what you could improve at.


You will want to spend the most time developing your strengths. This will help you to stand out among your peers. Rather than focusing on your weaknesses or getting distracted by bread and circuses, you chose to focus on your strengths. You can then figure out ways to monetize your strengths.


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Monetize Your Skills


Life is expensive. You will need to find a way to pay the bills. Ideally, you would want to do it doing something that you enjoy rather than doing something that you hate. You can find ways to monetize your skills.


You can work a traditional in-person job, a remote position, or go into business for yourself. You want to make enough money to cover your monthly costs, then have enough left to save. If you can, you want to learn about investing. You can work to generate passive income streams. You want to find ways to make your money work for you.



4 Options To Monetize Your Skills


You can monetize your skills and knowledge in many ways today. You have four main options when it comes to making money, according to the ESBI Model.  You can always work for an employer, but you could also work for yourself. You could be self-employed. You could also start your business. You can also invest your money or reinvest the profits from your business into another venture or in real assets.


Employee Model


In the employee model, you trade your time for money. You can be fired or replaced at any time. You will not get paid if you do not work a shift or are laid off. You have no control over your income in this model.


Self-Employment Model


 In the self-employment model, you work for yourself, but if you stop working at any time, your income may stop coming in. Your time is still tied to your money, but you own your own business.


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Business Model


Today with the Internet, you can start an online business for much less than it costs to start a brick-and-mortar business. A business is the ultimate real financial asset. You own a system. You have people who work for you in the business model. It is up to you to maximize your business’s full potential. Once you have money coming into your business, you can start to invest it.


Investor Model


In the investor model, you make money work for you by investing money into income-producing assets. You trade your money for more money. Income-producing assets are often hard assets like businesses, real estate, and stock market investments. Once you have enough money from your investments, you can also speculate in the markets. Speculation is an art.


“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.” – Ayn Rand


Know Your Values


You want to figure out your interests, values, and principles. These will be your guiding light. Your values will help you to make friends. It will help you to build a community around you. It is essential to surround yourself with like-minded people.


Society Does Not Want You To Succeed


The reality is that society does not want you to succeed. Society teaches you all the wrong things. It wants you to be weak, helpless, and dependent on others. Society does not want you to be able to provide for yourself. Here are three ways society works to prevent you from succeeding.


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Financial System


The American financial system is debt-based. The system relies on people being in debt. The system requires various types of debt to maintain the system. The best thing you can do is not to be in debt.

Education System


The education system does not teach you hard skills that will benefit you. The education system instead focuses on soft skills and teaches skills that won’t help you get employed by learning things like gender studies. If you must go to college, study a STEM field. Otherwise, the last person you want to learn from is a professor. The best thing you can do is to learn to think for yourself, question authority and to self-educate yourself.


Mainstream Media


The mainstream media does not tell you the news. It only tells you what it wants you to be aware of.  The tole of the mainstream media, both on the left and the right, is to feed you a narrative to make you go along with the following current thing or agenda.


The mainstream media wants you to remain in a fearful state. The best thing you can do is turn off your television or news network on your phone, tablet, or computer.




Society does not want you to learn to have an intrapersonal relationship with yourself. It wants you to remain distracted, fearful, and in debt. You can learn to know yourself. You can begin to have an intrapersonal relationship with yourself. The most important relationship you can have is with yourself. You do not need a significant other to be happy.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Astonishing Causes Of Autism And Social Isolation

There are many reasons for the connection between autism and social isolation. A large part has to do with society and people’s expectations. People enjoy outgoing and charismatic people more than solemn and thoughtful people. Autistic people are most often in the second camp because of verbal and nonverbal communication issues. Autistic individuals eventually learn to become comfortable being outsiders and maximize their time in solitude. to work on their projects. They learn to accept that they can’t fit in with society. There are five primary causes of autism and social isolation.


Autism And Social Isolation


What Is Autism?


According to Autism Research Institute, “Autism is a developmental disorder with symptoms that appear within the first three years of life. Its formal diagnostic name is autism spectrum disorder. The word ‘spectrum’ indicates that autism appears in different forms with varying levels of severity. That means that each individual with autism experiences their own unique strengths, symptoms, and challenges.”


The Autism Spectrum


There is a range of autism. Some autistic individuals who are high functioning may be able to pass by people on the surface until they get into a conversation with someone. On the other end of the spectrum are autistic individuals who cannot fully function. They need other people’s help and assistance with daily tasks. They may hurt themselves by banging themselves or hitting themselves. There are yet others who are somewhere in the middle of this spectrum.


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15 Common Signs Of Autism


There are things that you can look out for to identify autism. The main symptoms of autism relate to verbal and non-verbal communication. There are fifteen common signs of autism:


  • Reduced eye contact
  • Differences in body language or lack of body language
  • Lack of facial expressions
  • Lack of eye contact
  • Lack of nonverbal communication
  • Not engaging in imaginative play
  • Repeating gestures or sounds
  • Repeating routines
  • Repetitive behaviors
  • Ritualistic behaviors
  • Tone of voice
  • Pragmatic language
  • Self-injury
  • Closely focused interests
  • Indifference to temperature extremes



4 Ways How Autistic Individuals Become Social Outcasts


Autistic individuals will usually become social outcasts. They lack the acceptable soft and social skills that are needed to gain approval from people and society. There are four ways how autistic individuals become social outcasts in society.


Society’s Focus On Soft Skills


There is an overemphasis on soft skills in society and by people. These are the very skills that autistic individuals lack. To succeed in life, they must find ways to deal with this enduring social expectation while trying to navigate as a social pariah in society. They eventually learn to become comfortable as social outcasts and spend time alone.


Society’s Expectation


Society is built around extroverts. It favors extroversion personalities. That is why you see people often gushing over celebrities, politicians, or well-known influencers. These people can understand emotions and manipulate them to their advantage. Since they can connect with people on an emotional level, people think that they are just like them, so they must be nice. These people must care about them. Autistic individuals may eventually learn to see through the facade of nice-sounding words, charisma, and good looks because it is part of a world that is alien to them. They learn to overlook society’s expectations and to embrace being society’s black sheep.


People’s Expectations


People often have those same emotions. People prefer extroverted and outgoing people to introverts. This is because most people think that what society says is the best way. People like to go along with the crowd and fit in. They want to please their friends or co-workers. People often focus on external validation. External validation comes from relationships and getting others’ approval of you. Autistic individuals learn that they can’t meet people’s social expectations, so they would rather spend time alone.

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Social Outcasts


Since autistic people lack the social skills and charisma to excite people, they often experience being outcasts. They cannot go along with the crowd because they stick out, even if they try to fit in. Eventually, autistic individuals learn that society and how the system is built are not for them. They must find their way to make do in a culture that highly values the things that autistic people lack. This may result in autistic individuals learning to enjoy spending time in solitude which society frowns upon.

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5 Causes Of Autism And Social Isolation


Several factors can drive autistic individuals into self-isolation. Five causes contribute to autism and social isolation.


Poor Social Skills


Autistic individuals usually have poor social skills, a lack of nonverbal communication, and an inability to read body language; many may end up in social isolation. This is because it takes too much effort or is impossible to communicate verbally and non-verbally with people. This leads to many autistic individuals ending up in social isolation. It is easier for them not to deal with people who expect them to have a range of emotions and to be able to communicate those emotions or feelings to others fully.

Poor Verbal Communication


Autistic people may spend more time alone or experience social isolation for many reasons. It may not be worth the time to work to improve non-verbal communication skills because it does not make a difference. They can only marginally improve so much, but still, they stand out to people for their inability to read non-verbal’s. They will also stand out to others because of their monotone voice. They have difficulty fluctuating and changing the range of their voice to show a range of emotions or to stress particular points in verbal communication. As a result of these everyday problems, they may eventually stop trying to improve these soft skills that society places a premium on in their professional and daily life.


Poor Nonverbal Communication


This leads them to end up socially isolated. Instead, they would focus on their interests rather than deal with other people’s expectations that they know they cannot meet. Instead, they would find ways to become the best at that one interest rather than deal with others. Since they do not have the required verbal and social skills that society and employers expect, they have a higher unemployment rate. According to Good Autism School, “up to 70% of approximately 6 million adults with autism in the USA are struggling with unemployment or underemployment.”


Difficulty With Relationships


As a result of often having poor communication and non-verbal skills, autistic individuals have difficulty with relationships. This makes it difficult to make and maintain relationships. Autistic individuals have a hard time with relationships, be it with family to romantic relationships, because they come across as cold due to their monotone voice and poor non-verbal skills. Nonverbal body language accounts for 60% to 65% of communication. People place a premium on soft skills instead of the delivered information. Those are the very things autistic individuals have the most difficulty with, directly affecting their relationships.


Always Being In Their Heads


Autistic individuals often experience being in their heads. This means that their brain is always running. It seems never to stop. It can get even worse if they experience sensory overload from sounds or visuals. Since people are expected to have good soft skills, the interaction with people that autistic individuals lack may replay those interactions in their minds for what they should have done. These types of things make autistic individuals always live in their heads. The mind will run non-stop twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and three hundred sixty-five days a year. It never stops.


Autism And Solitude


Despite being socially isolated, many autistic individuals may learn to enjoy spending their time alone. What most people think of as scary or not normal, autistic people can learn to enjoy spending their time alone in solitude. They can use solitude to take advantage of the autistic symptoms by focusing and working on an interest in creative ways. Autistic individuals can spend time in solitude to master a skill and craft. They can be highly productive once they learn to utilize time management strategies to focus solely on a project. Autism, when appropriately managed, can become a superpower!

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Social isolation is often thought of as a bad thing. The flip side of isolation is solitude. It is ultimately a matter of perspective and how someone views spending time alone. Autistic individuals have difficulty maintaining relationships because they lack the non-verbal and soft skills that people expect in social situations. For these reasons, they may enjoy spending time in solitude working on their projects because they don’t have to deal with people and society.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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