A Record-High Number Of 40-Year-Olds Have Never Married

A record high number of forty-year-olds have never married. People are continuing to stay single longer or put off marriage altogether. This demographic trend in motion currently shows no sign of stopping.

A Record-High-Number Of 40-Years Olds Have Never Married

Statista reports, “A quarter of 40-year-olds in the United States have never been married, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center. This marks the highest figure since the data first started being published back in 1900, and a major leap from the 6 percent low of 1980.”

Source: Statista, Chart: Record-High Number of U.S. 40-Year Olds Have Never Married.


I recorded a similar statistic in my book when I discussed the rising single demographics in the United States and worldwide. The demographic direction is the new normal.

Common Reasons

Common reasons people stay single longer include the rising cost of living, being unable to own a first home, and the loss of good-paying jobs.

Young people are told they must go to college. They end up with student loan debt. People then have a difficult time being able to get started in life.

Add on all the different types of debt that many people become accustomed to from a young age:

  • Student loans
  • Auto loans
  • Mortgage
  • Medical debt
  • Credit card debt

It has become more difficult for younger people to get started in life. The American Dream is dead if there was even an American Dream. The financialization of the global economy created the everything bubble. The everything bubble has made everything more expensive. People can’t get by unless they make six figures or more each year. If a person cannot afford to get by on their own, they won’t consider getting married. It is just common sense.

Things People Are Not Allowed To Talk About

There are a few controversial reasons why people no longer want to marry. Women have been empowered through feminism. Single women are told that they can do everything on their own. The modern woman is an empowered woman. There is no reason for her to marry or to become a housewife when she can work at a job just like men always have.

There is no reason to be associated with a man. Men are deemed to be toxic and stupid. That is a standard message sent in modern television shows and Hollywood.  Is it any wonder why men are choosing to go their own way? Women do not want to be with men. Society portrays men as useless. This is one reason why the men that are able are giving up on Western women.

The family has been destroyed because of government programs, feminism, divorce, and alimony. A man can get destroyed if he marries a woman who decides to divorce him later.

Secure Single recommends:


It is no surprise that there is a record number of 40-year-olds who are not married. These demographics are a trend in motion. People remain single longer due to the standard and negative reasons listed above.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Why Schools Avoid Teaching Personal Finance

Why is personal finance never taught in schools? Why is this critical life skill never taught to people? Why do most people not understand the basics of personal finance? Here is a look at why schools avoid teaching personal finance.

Why Schools Avoid Teaching Personal Finance

The education system has a simple goal. It is not to educate you. It is not meant to develop young people into well-rounded and critical-thinking citizens. It is not to teach the life skills that are needed to make someone successful. The goal of the education system is to dumb people down and to make them into compliant workers for corporations.

This is done by never teaching personal finance in the classroom. If it is discussed at all, it is at a bare minimum. This is because the financial system does not want people to learn the basics of personal finance.

In high school, I was only taught during one class what a certificate of deposit (CD) was and how to write a check. That shows how displaced the education system is from teaching essential life skills to future generations.

The consequence is it makes young people susceptible to going into debt. There are many types of debt: credit cards, mortgages, car loans, medical, and higher education. Debt is a way to control the people. It is a way to ensure that people cannot advance and live a good life.

Once a person is in debt, getting out can be very difficult. This makes it nearly impossible for someone to begin to save, invest, and reach financial freedom. It also makes a person an employee for life. They are indentured to their employer because they must pay off their debt.

The actual reason why schools avoid teaching personal finance is that students must become obedient and unthinking employees to employers.

Taught To Be An Employee, Not An Employer

The education trains young people to become obedient employees. Unthinking people make great employees. They do what they are told. They are unable to think for themselves. They want to clock in and clock out to earn a paycheck simply.

The problem with being an employee is that it is challenging to keep up with inflation and the rising cost of living. An employee can only negotiate so much with an employer for a raise. Employees are replaceable. This is becoming even more evident with artificial intelligence, automation, and technology.

In contrast, an employer is a business owner. A business owner can find ways to increase one’s income by releasing a new product or service. In the Internet Age, a business owner can sell products and services online. There is no longer a need to sell in person. The result is that a business can reach a global audience, not just an audience in one fixed area.

I have noticed this with the book that I self-published on Amazon. I can reach people outside of the United States. This allows me to reach a wider audience of people who may be interested in my book “Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate),” which is available through Amazon.

 Two Options

You have two main choices. Be an employee or be an employer. Not everyone is meant to be a business owner since it requires lots of personal responsibility until the business makes enough money to delegate tasks.

The problem is that employees are limited in how much they can make in their field. Eventually, the peak will be met, where you will reach your maximum earning potential. You will then decide if you are fine where you are or if it may be a good choice to change career paths.

The other option is to become a business owner. You will deal with the struggles of working with freelancers, time management, and other complications. Once the business generates enough revenue and makes a profit, the business owner can delegate tasks to contractors and employees. This allows the business owner to get his time back while continuing to make money.

It is up to you to decide if you are happy being an employee or if you may want to take the risk in solopreneurship.

Secure Single recommends:


Why do schools avoid teaching about personal finance? It is because the education system is a factory. It produces obedient workers for employers, not self-confident and critical thinkers who can start their own businesses. The good news is that you can transition from being an employee to being your own boss. It will just require that you decide to want to commit to making the change.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

What Is Antinatalism?

What is antinatalism? There are different schools of thought within antinatalism, but each critiques procreation and the belief in the need to reproduce and have children. There are philosophical and social reasons why someone may adopt an anti-procreative worldview. Antinatalism presents a negative view of procreation. It is best to minimize world suffering; the only inevitable outcome is death.

What Is Antinatalism?

Antinatalism is a broad term for anti-procreation philosophy and school of thought. Antinatalism is a critique of human existence, has a negative view of procreation, and argues that bringing a new life into the world is harmful. The premise of antinatalism is that procreation is unethical because life is suffering. The outcome of all life is death. It is better not to bring a new life into the world because life is pain, and the child will eventually die anyway. It has been in history in other forms, from religion to philosophy. Dualist religions such as Marcionism, Encratism, and Manicheanism taught that procreation is evil because the visible world is evil, including the human body, while the spiritual world is good. The goal is to leave the physical body and world to attain a higher reality and become part of the spiritual world.

For this reason, people should not procreate because the body and physical world are evil. In philosophy, antinatalism follows negative ethics that view procreation as harmful. Humans non-consensually brought a new life into the world without the child’s consent. Certain philosophers also argue that procreation goes against the Kantian Imperative. A child cannot be brought into the world for the good of other people or the Earth. A child brings harm to the mother and Mother Earth.

In short, antinatalism presents death as harm. It is better not to get a new life into the world. It follows negative utilitarianism, which argues that minimizing suffering is more important than maximizing happiness.


EFILism believes that since humans and animals result from unintelligent design, they experience unnecessary suffering. For that reason, it is best to stop procreating. The human race can go extinct. It places responsibility on the human race to stop breeding to stop the suffering of other sentient lives such as animals. EFILism sees humans and procreation as a problem because the real concerns are DNA, nature, and sentience on Earth.

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

VHEMT is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. The goal of VHEMT is for the human race to go extinct to return the Earth to its pre-human state and return Earth’s environment to non-human animals.


Childfree is a term that describes someone who has voluntarily decided not to have children. People may be childfree for five reasons: financial, job, and career goals, no desire to have children, personal health and well-being, and the environment. The childfree movement has grown and shows there is nothing wrong with being childfree.

Secure Single recommends:


These are four different thoughts within antinatalism, but the different variations critique human procreation because human existence is suffering. Someone may be an antinatalist for various reasons, from not wanting to have children to preserving and protecting the environment.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

An Introduction To Online Safety For Single Women

The Internet has created many benefits, such as allowing people to create their own online businesses and build passive income. The negative side of the Internet is that it has made it easier to stalk, dox, and take photos online. Cyber safety is especially a concern for women. Here is an introduction to online safety for single women.

An Introduction To Online Safety For Single Women

What Is Online Safety?

Online security requires ensuring your digital identity and information are posted or available online. It includes highly technical skills, such as white hat hacking and awareness of what you post online. As the Internet connects more people today, people can access a wide range of information. For single women, cyber harassment ranges from cyberstalking to inappropriate use of photos online.

Facebook And Instagram (Meta)

Facebook, now called Meta, became popular because it became a place for people to connect and share what was going on in their lives. That also meant that people shared their locations, videos, and photos.

Limit who you allow to see your posts, from text to photos. Turning your account private will give you the most privacy. You can then decide who can share your posts outside of your Facebook friends.


For Twitter, set your account to private. Another option is limiting the number of people who can respond to your tweet. The three possibilities are that anyone can reply, only the people you follow, or you may mention in a Tweet.


LinkedIn is a professional social media network. It combines a media feed with professional networking. LinkedIn allows you to change the visibility of your email address. This will help prevent people from soliciting your emails if they are publicly available. LinkedIn also allows users to make their accounts private. The account will then only be able to be viewed by LinkedIn users who are logged in rather than being found on the Internet if someone searches your name.

Protecting Photos Online

Photos and videos can be downloaded if they are publicly available online. Turn the settings to private or delete them on social media accounts.


Data is in everything. That is true of the photos that you take with your phone. EXIF data includes the following after a picture is taken:

  • Where the photo was taken.
  • The time the photo was taken.
  • The camera setting used on the camera when a photo was taken.
  • The device name
  • The serial number of the camera

You can read this article by How-To Geek to learn how to remove EXIF and geotagging information from your photos.


Limit or do not post photos or videos online. That may be difficult, though, if you are an influencer.

Do not share the actual location of where you live or your location when you are out, and do not check in on apps. If you decide to post pictures or videos, remove the EXIF and geotagging data.

Only interact with people you have built trust with. Be careful of the images, videos, and content you share online. It will likely be there forever, and traces may still be found even if deleted.

Secure Single recommends:


The Internet has many great uses, but one of its significant downsides, especially for single women, is cyberstalking and being sexually harassed online. This is just an introduction for single women on online safety. Single women can research and learn more about the technical aspects of online safety and cybersecurity from specialized websites.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperbackand for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Has Cybersex Replaced Real Sex?

More young people are living with their parents due to the rising cost of living, the loss of quality jobs, and the growing service economy. It may be awkward to bring someone home when you live with your parents. Or you may not want to spend the money on a date, then hope to get lucky after dinner. Cybersex simplifies things for both parties. There is no awkward conversation the next day. Has cybersex replaced real sex?

Has Cybersex Replaced Real Sex?

There is no longer any need for singles or couples to have a sexual partner. Cybersex and advanced sex toys can provide better pleasure than most people can. For those who want sex only for the gratification it brings in the moment, cybersex can be a better experience than real sex. There are no awkward conversations. You can figure out your favorite kinks and exactly what you enjoy.

No partner is needed!

What Is Cybersex?

Cybersex may be referred to as Internet sex, netsex, or computer sex. Cybersex is when two people send sexually explicit messages, pictures, videos, or other sexual content to each other. There are a variety of forms that cybersecurity can take. It depends on what the users are using to experience cybersex.

The Rise Of Cybersex

There are different types of cybersex. As the world continues to move online, online sex is becoming more common. Some kinds of cybersex include:

  • Porn
  • Sexting
  • Webcam sex
  • Smart sex toys (teledildonics)
  • Alternate reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) sex
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) sex

6 Types Of Cybersex


There are plenty of porn websites that someone can watch for free or pay to gain access to premium content. There is a large variety of erotica content that can be found on porn sites.


Sexting is short for sext texting. Sexting is when sexually suggestive or sexually explicit photos, videos, or messages are sent to another person. The other person could be a romantic partner, a stranger, or a cam model.

Sexting can be used to flirt between two people who are dating. Sexting could also come unsolicited.

Over the holidays, while I was attending community college to learn computer programs, I received a random sex message from a woman in my class. It was pictures of her in bikinis and other risqué photos. She wanted to hook up with me.

Webcam Sex

Webcam sex has grown in popularity. Onlyfans has made a name for itself as a site to find male and female cam models, so people can pay subscriptions to access their favorite models. There are other camming sites where you can watch cam models for free or decide to pay to have private with a model.

Someone must pay per minute for a private with a cam model. Each model will set their price per minute. A cam model may also do VIP shows where multiple people pay to watch the performer.

If you have a significant other, webcamming to have virtual sex could be a way to have a form of intimacy when you are away. It may be a good idea to check the security and terms and conditions of the video streaming service you plan to use.

Smart Sex Toys (Teledildonics)

Smart sex toys can be used solo, by a couple, and by cam models. There are smart sex toys for both men and women. Smart sex toys can be used to stimulate pleasure by providing a range of intensities and vibrations.

Smart sex toys can be controlled over the Internet or with an app. When used over the Internet, these teledildonic toys over a distance to pleasure a partner or a cam model. The smart sex toys that use apps are used for closer distances to stimulate solo or with a partner.

There are a range of smart sex toys for both men and women. There are smart vibrators, butt plugs, anal beads, and anything else that smart toy manufacturers come up with to provide pleasure.

Alternate Reality (AR) And Virtual Reality (VR) Sex

Artificial and virtual reality are other ways to experience sex.

There are ways to use AR and VR headsets to have virtual sex. Options to experience AR and VR sex are virtual reality porn, 3-D videos, immersive adult video games, and cam sites.

The only requirement is a headset that works with a website or app.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Sex

Artificial Intelligence (AI) now provides access to cybersex.  Artificially Intelligent sex ranges from AI chatbots, AI boyfriends and girlfriends, AI adult entertainment, and AI sex dolls.

As technology evolves, AI will begin to look and act more lifelike. That is especially true of the high-end sex dolls that continue to look more human-like. High-end sex dolls can also heat up, moan, and talk to you.

Secure Single recommends:


Next-generation technology is first tested in the areas of sex. That is because sex is a basic human desire. Cybersex allows people to experience the pleasures of sex with or without a partner. It will be interesting to see if people begin to opt out of human relationships and get a sex toy or sex doll instead for pleasure.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Debunking The Myth Of The Magical Other

The magical other goes by many names: soulmate, oneitis, and twin flames. Today, I will be debunking the myth of the magical other.

Debunking The Myth Of The Magical Other

First, it is statistically impossible that there is a magical other. There are currently over 8 billion people on the Earth. That means for the magical other to find the person who is their soulmate is a minuscule number that is not even a rounding error. Statistics alone debunk the soulmate myth.

Second, the magical other would have to be predetermined for you from birth. It would necessitate that “the one” would recognize you when you are in the same room together. That is just a cheesy scene from romantic comedy and romance books. It does not happen in real life.

Third, for the magical other to work, you must be able to meet each other. The magical other may not even live in the same town, city, or country where you live. The magical other may live in another country on the other side of the globe. You may never visit that country. Many people never leave their home country of birth.

Fourth, for the concept of the magical other to work, it would require that you both share enough interests. Without any mutual interests, there is no way that you would ever meet the magical other. Just because you may be attracted to someone does not mean you share similar interests. Two people must have enough in common to want to commit to dating and later marriage.

Finally, the magical other may not speak your language. The magical other may not find you sexually attractive. The magical other may have no interest in you. If the person supposed to be your magical other has no interest in you, then the soulmate myth makes no sense.

The soulmate myth and the concept of the magical other is a fairytale. Disney has popularized it. Many people want to believe that true love exists and that a magical person exists for them.

I grew up watching The Princess Bride. The movie portrayed the concept of true love as super romantic. The Princess Bride also told viewers that there was one person for them. They found each other. Went through a time of separation and challenges. They then rode off into the sunset with their magical other. That is the world of Hollywood and romance novels. It is not real life.

There is no one person for you. The only person for you is you. It is up to you to take action every day by investing in yourself.

Invest In Yourself

Decide to invest in yourself rather than worrying about a magical other. Invest in honing your skills, fixing problems, and increasing your income. There is no need to pursue romantic relationships. Focusing on yourself and getting your life in order is the best choice. That requires practicing self-responsibility.

Take responsibility for your life. Avoid romantic relationships and know a magical other does not exist. Set and reach goals. Become the best version of yourself. It is up to you to live the life you want.

Secure Single recommends:


The magical other is a way to keep singles distracted from improving themselves. Romantic relationships distract people from reaching their full potential. Invest in yourself. Overcome challenges. Become the person you want to be. Thrive as a single person!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Reasons Young People Leave Romantic Relationships Behind

In a society that wants people to date, marry, and reproduce, the idea of men and women not wanting to date seems counterintuitive. Why are people deciding to leave romantic relationships behind? Here are five reasons why people choose to leave romantic relationships behind.

Leave Romantic Relationships Behind

Leave romantic relationships behind and invest in yourself. Everything is likely going to continue to become more expensive. The 20th-century way of doing things often does not work in the 21st century. These are some reasons why people decide to leave romantic relationships behind.

Working Long Hours

People now work long hours just to be able to make ends meet today. Yet, many people in the United States do not have an emergency fund or even a thousand dollars to cover an emergency. There is a point where if a person can no longer enjoy some of the basic things that previous generations have enjoyed, then why work long hours for horrible pay? It is a reasonable action when a person is not optimistic about the future.

Never Being Able To Afford A Home

Redfin recently reported a person must now be in the six-figure club to afford a home. Owning a home has been the cornerstone of what has been called the “American Dream,” which has become the American Nightmare. For many who make under six figures a year, the hope of owning a home is beyond their reach.

Rising Cost Of Living

Along with no longer being able to afford a home, the cost of everything continues to rise due to inflation. Food prices are rising. Health and car insurance premiums are rising. Utilities are rising.

The middle class is being squeezed and shrinking. The working and lower classes were already having difficulty getting by, but now it is nearly impossible to survive without going into debt.

Lower Living Standards

If someone tries their best just to get by and live as minimalistic a life as possible to avoid debt, they must drastically lower their living standards. Even then, someone may not be successful. A medical emergency, a car accident, or another unforeseen problem may arise that is out of one’s control.

Millennials and Gen Z are moving back in with their parents. The hope of ever being financially independent for some young people is becoming a real concern.

Unable To Provide For Oneself

There is no reason to consider a romantic relationship if someone cannot provide for oneself. Financial security plays a vital role in self-confidence. Personal finance is essential in being able to take care of oneself. Yet, society intentionally does not teach young people the basics of personal finance. The result is a failure.

You must make enough money to put food on the table for yourself. You must be able to pay your bills. Find ways to eliminate unnecessary spending by following a budget. Live below your means. Pay off any debts. Save money. Find ways to invest and grow your money and net worth.

Financial independence is one way to develop self-confidence. There are three levels of financial freedom.


The old way of going to college and hoping for a good-paying job no longer works. You want to focus on your strengths, find a niche, and work to build an online business. There is no guarantee of success. Begin by working to turn a side hustle into an online business. You can add passive income streams to your business.

If you are good at writing, start a website or a Substack (or both). If you are good at sending a message through images, post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you are good at video, start a YouTube or TikTok channel. If you are good with audio, create a podcast. Once you earn enough money, you can utilize all these different platforms. Until you can hire people and it is just you, focus on your two or three best platforms.

The best investment is in yourself. There is nothing wrong with leaving romantic relationships behind to focus on oneself. Romantic relationships can be an external distraction. One’s life should be in order before adding a spouse or children if that is what someone wants.

Society prepares people to be mediocre. You can be exceptional. But you must first decide to accept self-responsibility and invest in yourself.

Secure Single recommends:


There is nothing wrong with deciding to leave romantic relationships behind. It is best to work on oneself. The current state of the economy and financial security is an incentive to invest in oneself. Find ways to increase your income and reach your goals. You can continue to listen to society or invest in yourself.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

The Dangers Of The Hive Mind

Society encourages people to conform. Popular culture tells you to keep up with the Kardashians, influencers, and neighbors. You give up your individuality as a person to get lost in the ocean of the collective. By joining the collective mentality, you enter the hive mind. Here are some of the dangers of the hive mind.

It is best to invest in yourself

The Dangers Of The Hive Mind

What Is Hive Mentality?

A hive mentality is when someone falls into groupthink. You get your validation by going along with the crowd. Being part of the group can make you feel like you are part of something important or being helpful.

You may have problems making your own decisions. You give up your ability to make choices by listening to someone in a position of supposed “authority.” Within that group, you find answers from someone in authority and those who make up that group.

Following the hive mind is easier than standing up for yourself. It is best to do your own thing. It is best to go your own way.

What Are Some Examples Of Groupthink?

There are many examples of groupthink:

  • Thinking you must go out with your friends to drink.
  • Watch sports to keep up with the guys.
  • Watch the latest television show that everyone is talking about.
  • Thinking that you need to be part of a political team (Republicans, Democrats, et cetera).
  • Being a band fan and identifying yourself as part of their fanbase(Swifts, Beliebers, Deadheads, Barbies, and Maggots).

Another example is thinking that college is needed for success. There are plenty of ways to be successful without going to college. Yet, society and people often tell you that college is required to succeed.

The Internet, digital courses, and just being able to educate yourself on whatever you find of interest and then discover a way to monetize it will set you apart from most people who go to college.

Leaving The Hive Mind

The best way to leave the hive mind is to start to know yourself and invest in yourself. You can begin to know yourself by spending time in solitude. Contemplation is a vital way to start to learn more about yourself. Another way to practically try new things is to learn about your interests, skills, and passion.

You can learn more about yourself by:

  • Figuring out what you enjoy and do not enjoy doing.
  • You can find your passion or obsession.
  • Something that you want to do to make money from.
  • Learn to think for yourself.
  • Learn critical thinking skills.

You can discover your passion/obsession. You can then find a way to make money from it. You can continue to make someone richer as an employee or go into business for yourself.

You can learn essential critical thinking skills. Basic critical thinking skills include being able to have a civil debate, argumentation, and being able to recognize logical fallacies.

You can then invest in yourself through:

  • Self-education.
  • Health.
  • Relationships.
  • Skills development.
  • Personal development.
  • Increasing your income.

Self-education is one of the most critical skills of self-made millionaires.

You can focus on your health by dieting, exercising regularly, and going to the gym. You could go for a walk every day.

You can spend time with your friends, family, and people you enjoy in your community.

You can work to hone your skills. You can become a master of a set of skills to separate yourself from others. You do not need a fancy degree to show you are skilled in something.

All of the things I learned to do I did on my own, not in college: digital marketing, writing a book, Amazon Ads, copywriting, and sales. None of my college classes taught me those skills. I learned them because I was interested in them.

I did invest in some digital courses, but those were outside of college. They are from successful entrepreneurs in their own niches. Those were the people who I wanted to learn from, not from a professor.

As an employee, you have a maximum threshold that depends on your field. In some careers, you may be able to live comfortably off of that. In other fields, you may not even be able to get by due to wage stagnation, inflation, and the cost of living.

You always want to look for ways to increase your income. That could mean taking on a second or a third job. It could mean starting a side hustle. The problem with side hustles is that you may not enjoy them and only do them for the money. That means you may not be able to do them long-term.

The better option is to figure out what you enjoy doing. You can then turn it into a business. As you learn business skills and earn revenue from your first one or two products or services, you can then expand by delegating tasks you do not enjoy to create more products and services. You can then build an entire team around you. You can make a business around your obsession.

With the Internet, you can reach anyone who uses the Internet to purchase from a larger online store. A business no longer needs to only cater to a segment of the population in the town where it is located. Monetize and build a business around your passion to leave the job you may hate.

Secure Single recommends:


You can continue to be a member of the hive mind. Or, you can start to go on a journey of self-discovery to discover what drives you. Only you can know that. Society and the group mentality can prevent you from learning about yourself.

It is then up to you whether you want to remain in the employee model or take a risk and move to the business model.

Your life. Your choices. Your rules.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

What Is Childfree?

You may be wondering, do I have to have kids? Do I need to have children? What is childfree? Here is a look at what it means to be childfree.

What Is Childfree? 

Childfree means that you have no kids. You can be single and childfree. A couple could also be married and childfree.

Why Would Someone Choose To Be Childfree? 

It could be a lifestyle choice that singles or even couples choose. There are some single who may have no interest in dating or marriage. Those single may be single by choice or celibate.

A couple may agree that they do not want to have children. Or, a woman may be infertile and unable to have children.

Childfree As A Lifestyle Choice 

Being childfree is a lifestyle choice. Here are five reasons why someone, or a couple, may decide to be childfree.


There are environmental reasons why someone may decide to be childfree. They may be worried about bringing a new child into the world due to concerns about climate change. They may not want to have a child who will contribute to waste, which will negatively affect the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency found:

  • Food waste was estimated at 63.1 million tons in 2018.
  • Plastic products were estimated at 35.7 million tons in 2018.
  • Municipal waste was estimated at 292.4 million tons.

If someone cares deeply about nature and wants to care for Mother Earth, they may decide to be childfree.

Costs Associated With Raising Children

The cost of living, education, transportation, food, and other expenses continue to become more expensive. Most Americans already live paycheck to paycheck. It is no secret that raising children is expensive.

Due to the financial costs of having children, someone may choose to be childfree to save or invest money so that they can live.

Noise Pollution

Children can be loud. Someone may decide to be childfree so they do not have to put up with the noise pollution from children.

May Not Want To Raise Children

Someone may have no interest in wanting to raise children. They may not view themselves as good with kids or the parenting type. A couple may decide to live together or be married but never want to have children.

May Be Infertile

A woman may be infertile. Or, a woman may be past childbearing age. Even if she wanted to have children, she may no longer be able to have children.

Individual Or A Couple’s Choice

It is ultimately up to everyone to make their own choices. Each person then is responsible for their decisions. A single or a couple may have their reasons for choosing to be childfree. People have the freedom to decide how they want to live their lives.

Secure Single recommends:


These are only some reasons why people may choose to be childfree. It is up to each person to determine if they want to have children. Some single men and women may have no interest in having children or even getting married. Someone, or a couple, may do it for financial or personal reasons. Childfree, in essence, means simply just not having children.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Singles Do Not Need An Artificially Intelligent Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Relationships continue to get more complicated and weirder. Instead of dealing with someone ghosting you on Tinder or another dating app, you can have an artificial intelligence significant other. Here are five reasons singles do not need an artificially intelligent boyfriend or girlfriend.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

IBM summarizes that “At its simplest form, artificial intelligence [AI] is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning,” IBM then breaks artificial intelligence further down into three main categories:
• Weak AI pr Artificial Narrow Intelligence (AGI)
• Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
• Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Most of the talk around AI refers to the number two, general artificial intelligence. ChatGPT has grown this discussion. As AI evolves, the question is how it will influence human relationships.

What Types Of Artificial Intelligence Partners Are Available?

If you search online, you can find AI sex dolls, even AI boyfriends and girlfriends. This is the next step in moving away from human relationships. Social media has eroded and commoditized “friendships.” Intimate relationships are moving from personal sexual experiences to buying an AI sex doll, interacting with cam models, or an artificially intelligent significant other on your computer or device.

How Could Sexbots Help Singles Realize Sexual Fantasies?

The Next Web summarizes that sexbots allow for the following:

  • First dates
  • Safe sex
  • Happy endings

The reason is that you can create your own experience with your sexbot. The Next Web breaks down Bloom further, which is an erotic audio platform. The erotic audio stories are designed to work with sex tech toys. You can create your sexual journey and story with your sexbot without worrying about sexual diseases that could come with an actual sexual partner. Instead, you could choose to opt for artificial intimacy.

5 Reasons Singles Do Not Need An Artificially Intelligent Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

It Is A Digital Relationship

You will likely be paying to enjoy the façade of a digital relationship compared to a real relationship. It is now different from “friends” on social media, but this AI says it is your boyfriend or girlfriend. Companies have created a set of 1s and 0s to make singles think they must date… even if it is with AI.

Spend More Time Online

Because of the significant other label, you may want to spend more time with your AI boyfriend or girlfriend. This is problematic. You are wasting valuable time that you could spend improving yourself on your computer, app, or other device to interact with artificial intelligence. You can likely cancel your subscription or account, i.e., AI relationship, anytime. Ending an actual relationship is more complicated.

Friends With Benefits

AI is digital. Unless you have dropped a few grand for an artificially intelligent sex doll, even then, it is still just a sophisticated doll and piece of technology. It may be able to warm up to make it “feel real.” But it will still feel very different from an actual sexual experience.

Waste Of Time

Rather than spending time with a natural person, as a friend or sexually, you are deciding to spend it with a form of computer science (see AI definition above.). If you want sex, you could go to a bar to hookup, use a hookup app, or pay virtual satisfaction from an e-boy or e-girl on every growing range of camming sites.

Free And Premium Camming Sites

You could use free and premium camming sites rather than interacting with an AI boyfriend or girlfriend. You could interact with a cam mode for free on some camming sites like Chaturbate, while others provided a more premium experience like Live Jasmin. It ultimately depends on your budget, sexual desires, and how much you will spend for your moments of pleasure.

It Is Up To Each Single

It is ultimately up to everyone to decide how they want to utilize technology. That applies to camming technology to access e-boys and e-girls to design your AI boyfriend or girlfriend. People are single for a variety of reasons. Each person is on their journey and wants something else regarding a relationship, be it a temporary emotional connection to marriage.

Time And Money

It is ultimately up to you to determine whether an artificial boyfriend or girlfriend is worth your time and money. The same principles apply to spending valuable time and money on camming sites like Only Fans, Chaturbate, and Live Jasmin.

You could save and invest your money rather than spend it on a few minutes of pleasure tipping a cam model or getting to know your AI significant other. You could save money to grow your emergency fund, put it in a money market account, or invest it in the stock market. You could even decide to start your own online business.

By saving and investing your money, you could decide to think long-term rather than on a temporary pleasure. The ability to think long-term is a vital role to success.

It is ultimately up to you whether or not you want to surrender your short-term carnal desires to an artificial significant other or cam model or invest in your future. The best investment is in yourself.

Your time and money are vital assets. Learn to use them wisely to better yourself.

Secure Single recommends:


It is up to you whether or not you want to invest your time and money into an artificially intelligent partner. If you find some value in it, that is all right. The same applies to someone who views it as wasting time and money.

The best investment is in yourself, not following the latest technology trends. Focus on yourself, and you will discover that you can begin to reach your goals. Romantic and sexual relationships can distract you from achieving your full potential. You can say “no” to romantic and sexual relationships to better yourself.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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