Fertility Crisis: Shocking 2021 Global Fertility Rate

A brunette woman breastfeeding her baby on a bed in the background. A fertility crisis red arrow moving downward with the 2021 global fertility rate. Image created using Canva Pro.

Does a worldwide fertility crisis exist? Will humanity cease reproduction? Will your family name die off? Here is a look at the shocking 2021 global fertility rate!

2021 Global Fertility Rate

Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports that the global fertility rate is declining from 5.3 children in 1963 to 2.3 children per woman in 2021.

African countries have the highest fertility rate of the seven continents. Africa averages 3 to 4 or more children per woman.

In 2021, the country with the highest global fertility rate was Niger in West Africa. Niger had an average of 6.8 children per woman, according to the World Bank.

Western countries, including China, Japan, and parts of South America, had an average of 1 to 1.9 children per woman.


Source: Statista, "The State Of Global Fertility".

Source: Statista


Longer Life Expectancy

The average life expectancy in 1951 was 68.

The current life expectancy is now 79.

The United Nations expects the average life expectancy to reach 88 by 2100.

Lower Childhood Mortality

The childhood mortality rate has declined. There are fewer childhood deaths today than in the 1800s and the 1950s.

According to Our World in Data, “Child mortality continued to fall across Europe, North America, and Australasia; around 1-in-200 children died before their 5th birthday in 2015.”

Higher living standards, clean water, sanitation, nutrition, and better healthcare and medical knowledge have resulted in declining childhood deaths.

Can Humanity Achieve Replacement Level?

The global fertility rate is in a perilous position. Statista’s chart indicates that Western countries have below-replacement-level fertility.

According to the United Nations, “The replacement level of fertility is close to 2.1 live births per woman in populations with a normal sex ratio at birth (around 105 baby boys per 100 baby girls) and relatively low levels of mortality.”

From Mothers To Career Women

The population decline in Western countries is due to women delaying having children. Women no longer need to become mothers. Women no longer need to receive their value from having children and being a mother.

Women are free to pursue higher education and join the workforce. Today, women can have successful careers. Instead of being mothers, they can be career-oriented women.

What Does This Mean For You?

Will You Ever Have Children?

People are delaying or choosing never to marry. The consequence is a decrease in the number of women having children. People are staying single for longer.

Will You Ever See Grandchildren?

If the global fertility rate continues to fall and people choose not to reproduce, you may never see grandchildren.

The consequence of this trend is the loss of entire family names.

Will Eastern Countries Dominate The West? 

Western countries could experience severe economic and social consequences. Their populations are failing to replace themselves. The result is that these countries will fare poorly. They will lack a strong labor force and low demographics to pay into programs like Social Security.

Countries with higher fertility rates could grow more influential as power shifts from the West to the East.


People are living longer. Women have fewer children. Western countries are failing to replace their populations. The fertility crisis signals the end of humanity!

Is the end nigh for countries with below-replacement-level fertility rates? Let me know in the comments below!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment, financial, or legal advice. Consult with a financial or legal professional before making an investment or legal decision. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). It is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.

A Record-High Number Of 40-Year-Olds Have Never Married

A record high number of forty-year-olds have never married. People are continuing to stay single longer or put off marriage altogether. This demographic trend in motion currently shows no sign of stopping.

A Record-High-Number Of 40-Years Olds Have Never Married

Statista reports, “A quarter of 40-year-olds in the United States have never been married, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Research Center. This marks the highest figure since the data first started being published back in 1900, and a major leap from the 6 percent low of 1980.”

Source: Statista, Chart: Record-High Number of U.S. 40-Year Olds Have Never Married.


I recorded a similar statistic in my book when I discussed the rising single demographics in the United States and worldwide. The demographic direction is the new normal.

Common Reasons

Common reasons people stay single longer include the rising cost of living, being unable to own a first home, and the loss of good-paying jobs.

Young people are told they must go to college. They end up with student loan debt. People then have a difficult time being able to get started in life.

Add on all the different types of debt that many people become accustomed to from a young age:

  • Student loans
  • Auto loans
  • Mortgage
  • Medical debt
  • Credit card debt

It has become more difficult for younger people to get started in life. The American Dream is dead if there was even an American Dream. The financialization of the global economy created the everything bubble. The everything bubble has made everything more expensive. People can’t get by unless they make six figures or more each year. If a person cannot afford to get by on their own, they won’t consider getting married. It is just common sense.

Things People Are Not Allowed To Talk About

There are a few controversial reasons why people no longer want to marry. Women have been empowered through feminism. Single women are told that they can do everything on their own. The modern woman is an empowered woman. There is no reason for her to marry or to become a housewife when she can work at a job just like men always have.

There is no reason to be associated with a man. Men are deemed to be toxic and stupid. That is a standard message sent in modern television shows and Hollywood.  Is it any wonder why men are choosing to go their own way? Women do not want to be with men. Society portrays men as useless. This is one reason why the men that are able are giving up on Western women.

The family has been destroyed because of government programs, feminism, divorce, and alimony. A man can get destroyed if he marries a woman who decides to divorce him later.

Secure Single recommends:


It is no surprise that there is a record number of 40-year-olds who are not married. These demographics are a trend in motion. People remain single longer due to the standard and negative reasons listed above.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

What Is Antinatalism?

What is antinatalism? There are different schools of thought within antinatalism, but each critiques procreation and the belief in the need to reproduce and have children. There are philosophical and social reasons why someone may adopt an anti-procreative worldview. Antinatalism presents a negative view of procreation. It is best to minimize world suffering; the only inevitable outcome is death.

What Is Antinatalism?

Antinatalism is a broad term for anti-procreation philosophy and school of thought. Antinatalism is a critique of human existence, has a negative view of procreation, and argues that bringing a new life into the world is harmful. The premise of antinatalism is that procreation is unethical because life is suffering. The outcome of all life is death. It is better not to bring a new life into the world because life is pain, and the child will eventually die anyway. It has been in history in other forms, from religion to philosophy. Dualist religions such as Marcionism, Encratism, and Manicheanism taught that procreation is evil because the visible world is evil, including the human body, while the spiritual world is good. The goal is to leave the physical body and world to attain a higher reality and become part of the spiritual world.

For this reason, people should not procreate because the body and physical world are evil. In philosophy, antinatalism follows negative ethics that view procreation as harmful. Humans non-consensually brought a new life into the world without the child’s consent. Certain philosophers also argue that procreation goes against the Kantian Imperative. A child cannot be brought into the world for the good of other people or the Earth. A child brings harm to the mother and Mother Earth.

In short, antinatalism presents death as harm. It is better not to get a new life into the world. It follows negative utilitarianism, which argues that minimizing suffering is more important than maximizing happiness.


EFILism believes that since humans and animals result from unintelligent design, they experience unnecessary suffering. For that reason, it is best to stop procreating. The human race can go extinct. It places responsibility on the human race to stop breeding to stop the suffering of other sentient lives such as animals. EFILism sees humans and procreation as a problem because the real concerns are DNA, nature, and sentience on Earth.

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

VHEMT is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. The goal of VHEMT is for the human race to go extinct to return the Earth to its pre-human state and return Earth’s environment to non-human animals.


Childfree is a term that describes someone who has voluntarily decided not to have children. People may be childfree for five reasons: financial, job, and career goals, no desire to have children, personal health and well-being, and the environment. The childfree movement has grown and shows there is nothing wrong with being childfree.

Secure Single recommends:


These are four different thoughts within antinatalism, but the different variations critique human procreation because human existence is suffering. Someone may be an antinatalist for various reasons, from not wanting to have children to preserving and protecting the environment.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single Demographics 2022 – 5 Surprising Reasons People Stay Single Longer

Why are people staying single longer? A recent demographic survey found that more single people are now in the United States than last year! Singles are a rising demographic in 2022. There are five reasons people stay single longer.



Single Demographics 2022 


[bctt tweet=”People are staying single longer.” via=”no”]


Society portrays being single as a bad time of life. Society says that single is a dirty word. The reality is that being single is wonderful. It does not matter why you may be single. There is nothing wrong with being single! Singles are a rising demographic! According to the United States Census Bureau, singles were nearly 50% of adults in the United States in 2022. That equals roughly 127 million people! Singles are a rising demographic. People are staying single longer.


What Could Be The Reasons Why People Are Staying Single Longer? 



What are some of the main reasons people stay single longer? While people may be single for many different reasons, here are five reasons that could make people stay single longer.




America has a debt-based financial system. Younger generations, from Millennials to younger generations, have gone into debt for things previous generations took for granted. An example is a college education. Millennials were encouraged to go to college. This only put most of them into debt. They get used to being in debt. They accept it as normal. The education system does not teach people the basics of money. Most people need to learn the basics of money so they don’t end up in debt.



They then get into debt which affects other areas of their lives. Common types of unsecured debt that most Americans have include credit cards, medical bills, personal loans, car loans, and student loans. Unsecured debt is a type of debt that is not backed by an asset. In contrast, secured debt is backed by an asset such as a house. These two types of debt may be referred to as good and bad debt. When money must go towards paying off debt, that is less money you can save or invest.



Rising Cost Of Living 


The cost of living continues to go up from groceries to real estate. It is now becoming expensive to live, let alone to consider living with another person and potentially starting a family. Add to this the rising costs from inflation that the Federal Reserve says decreased to 7.7% in October. Shadow Stats estimates inflation to be closer to 17.15%. That is the highest in 75 years!



Homeownership is the gateway for how people traditionally begin to build wealth. For most people, most of their wealth is in their house. Millennials and younger generations have been priced out of being able to afford a home. The rising interest rates are making it more difficult to afford a mortgage.



Groceries are becoming more expensive. Rents continue to rise. Utilities continue are continuing to rise. Gas and diesel are continuing to get more expensive. Gas and diesel are input costs that directly affect the prices of goods and services since it is needed to deliver them to stores. The bottom line is that the cost of living continues to rise in the United States.


Related – 12 Causes Of Millennial Burnout


Wage Stagnation 


Wages have stagnated since the 1970s. Americans continue to lose purchasing power. Even a small raise will not beat the current inflation rate if employees get a raise. Combine wage stagnation with the rising cost of living, inflation, and it is becoming tough to keep up. It also makes it hard to get ahead. If someone has difficulty providing for themselves, they won’t want to consider providing for another person or want to have a family.



Dysfunctional Male And Female Relationships 



Feminism has further divided men and women. MeToo was a way to get rid of trial by jury. Instead of having a fair trial under the law, people were told to trust women. It has negatively affected relationships between men and women. If a man said something or did anything that may come across as wrong, he would be MeTooed. It would not be tried with evidence to see if the story that was told happened by looking at the evidence. This negatively affects due process and the rule of law.


Related – 7 Ways How MeToo Ruined Dating


The rule of law is more important than the court of public opinion. Public opinion can change from day to day. It can vary depending on what propaganda the mainstream media is pushing and telling people to believe. The rule of law is supposed to be objective and protect people’s rights.

It was innocent until proven guilty. It is now guilty until proven innocent, as with MeToo. It is no longer a fair trial before a court. It is now an emotional trial in the court of public opinion.


Women may be wondering why men are cautious around them. Men are aware that women can now destroy their careers with an allegation that may or may not be accurate. These types of false accusations have even led some men to kill themselves because women destroyed their careers. They can do it without due process. This is a consequence of MeToo.


MeToo destroyed dating. Men know that if they look at a woman wrong or even smile at a woman, they may be accused of sexual harassment. Some men may not risk approaching women when they know that a woman can ruin their reputation, career, and entire life if a woman accuses them of sexual harassment.


It is no wonder some men now avoid women in the United States. It is directly a result of feminism and MeToo. It has destroyed the relationships between men and women.


Related – What Is Gynocentrism?

Related – The Myth Of Toxic Masculinity In A Gynocentric Social Order

Related – 15 Legitimate Reasons Why Single Men Are Choosing To Stay Single And Are Giving Up On Women



Fueling The Flames Of Division 


[bctt tweet=”Divide and conquer is an age-old strategy of dividing people against themselves. It is a way to make people blame others rather than blaming their rulers.” via=”no”]


It is no longer the United States of America. It is now the Divided States of America. It has become more challenging to have a rational conversation with someone on topics you may or may not agree on. Emotions have become more important than logic. This has led to an overly emotional society. Rationality is gone. Today, you are either on one side of an issue or viewed as an enemy. This is dangerous. America is now a divided country.


Isms and ists rule the day. If someone does not agree with you, they will label you with the popular ism or ist of the day. Popular ad hominem labels include sexist, misogynist, racist, and bigot. This only creates further division among people.


Since no one will ever fully agree with another person on every issue, meeting and getting along with people is becoming more difficult. People have become more politically polarized because of identity politics. People are naturally tribal, but this polarization fuels the flames of division.




These are the five main reasons why people stay single. Economic breakdown, financial instability, broken relationships between men and women, broken social fabric, and the rule of law have become unstable in the United States. Without certainty, people will look after themselves first. Self-interest and self-preservation are natural human instincts. This negatively impacts singles who may want to date or marry. This creates uncertainty which may make people choose to be single longer. After all, why plan for your future if you can’t afford a house or cannot move up in society?

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

12 Causes Of Millennial Burnout

Why are many Millennials feeling frustrated and experiencing burnout? What is causing Millennial burnout? Millennials came of age during a critical time of transition, yet most were encouraged to follow the traditional path their parents and society told them to go down. Here are the twelve main causes that have contributed to Millennial burnout.


12 Causes Of Millennial Burnout




[bctt tweet=”Millennials cannot enjoy the same quality of life that past generations have enjoyed, from being able to buy a house to dealing with wage stagnation making them unable to get ahead.” via=”no”]


Millennials were told by their parents, high school college placement, college recruiters, and society to attend college. That is how it always had been done to become successful, they were told. They spent five figures at minimum to go to college. The price of college admission does not include buying books, living in dorms, and having to buy food for meals at the college cafeteria, grocery store, or eating out.


More money will be spent on the higher education system if someone decides to graduate from school or further. They will likely have more student loans to repay once they enter the workforce. The Economic Policy Institute in chart five shows that the “real average hourly wages of young college graduates, 1989 -2014” have been falling since 2000. There is no reason for young people to go to college today, given the better options that technology now offers that make the higher education system obsolete.


Coming Of Age During An Evolving Workforce


Millennials came of age during the evolving workforce. Jobs and more opportunities were beginning to transition from in-person to online. Some may not have been aware of this transition because they were in college, which was still pushing the outdated workforce. When Millennials were in their best years, in their twenties, websites and YouTube became popular hobbies or ways to create income.


Gig Jobs


Most Millennials have probably worked some gig job. These jobs are often thought of as temporary jobs until you can get an actual job working for a company or start your own business. Gig jobs can also be side hustles to generate additional income alongside a regular job. Still, most of the most well-known ones, like driving for Uber or Lyft, or delivering food for GrubHub or UberEats, won’t pay enough if you work fifty hours a week. I know from experience that I did food deliveries for GrubHub while in graduate school. You are also responsible for paying for your gas and anything extra that you may need to make the job easier.


Related – Life As A Single Woman Uber Driver [The Gig Economy Experience]


Unable To Get A Traditional Career


[bctt tweet=”The traditional job of working your way up for an employer and having a career is now a myth. The career is dead.” via=”no”]


Due to sending millions of jobs overseas and technology replacing jobs with robots and artificial intelligence, Millennials now must compete against humans and technology. A robot does not need to sleep. It does not need to eat. It can work twenty-four hours, seven days a week. They cannot get started on what has been thought of as a traditional career even though they are the most educated generation because most went to college only to get into debt and receive an overpriced piece of paper.



Millennials have become accustomed to jobs that are non-traditional jobs out of necessity. They will often work gig jobs to make some extra money. They may do freelancing part-time to full-time or do freelancing as a side hustle. They may find others side jobs or side hustles to make ends meet. The most successful found ways to make their side hustle into their full-time things and find ways to make money outside of a traditional job. As a result, they have been unable to get a regular job that is widely accepted as being thought of as normal by their parents or society.



Because of working non-traditional jobs, their resume does not match what employers expect. They may often receive weird remarks about their resume because it does not fit the nice box employers want. Thus, it makes it more difficult for Millennials to get what may be considered a traditional job because employers still have an old mindset of what a good resume looks like. This is true even if someone today has a bachelor’s and a graduate degree. I have experienced these types of remarks from interviews with employers.


Unemployed Or Underemployment


Millennials experience unemployment or underemployment. According to CNBC, “the number of employed young people making less than $25,000 a year has spiked significantly to the highest levels than a quarter century.” Millennials are generally tech-savvy, yet those skills and knowledge are often underutilized. Most, for whatever reason, may have been unable to get paid their true market worth. If they know what their skills are worth. They had to settle for a job that didn’t fit their skillset or knowledge just to be employed even though they were underemployed. Others may have decided to drop out of the job market since it has become nearly impossible to get ahead and get things previous generations took for granted.


Despite doing what they were told to do by their parents and society, they are unable to get ahead. Let alone make enough money to plan for retirement. The system is broken.


Wage Stagnation


Wage stagnation has been a problem since the 1970s for the upcoming generations as “the value of the dollar paid to employees has slowed compared to overall economic productivity.” One job can no longer cover most bills of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck. While most jobs that follow the career path are unable to keep up with wage stagnation, this becomes even more of the case, working multiple jobs that are essentially entry-level service jobs in the app economy. With the rise of inflation, the mainstream media is now beginning to catch on that American workers are taking on second jobs. With wage stagnation, rising inflation, expensive real estate, the gutting of the American economy, and the cost of living in one of the most expensive countries in the world, Millennials have been forced to find alternative routes to make enough money to survive.


Related – 30 Reasons For The Great Resignation


Real Estate


Real estate costs seem to only get more expensive in the United States. The Motley Fool found that the average home price in the United States is now $428,700. The average monthly mortgage in the United States is now between $2,000 to $3,000, depending on the mortgage type. According to Rent, the average monthly rent in the United States is $1,721 for a one-bedroom apartment. With the rising rent, mortgage, and real estate costs combined with wage stagnation, Millennials are accepting that they may never be able to buy a house of their own.


Home Ownership


Home ownership is a foundation for building wealth. Millennials and younger generations have been closed out from being unable to access this critical life milestone due to wage stagnation, the cost of living, and the rising cost of real estate. Millennials are becoming a generation of renters. Those who want to own a house may have to look for options outside the United States.


Related – Welcome To The Circus: Bread, Circuses, And Debt Traps


Social Media


Millennials grew up with social media. Social media lets users connect with people online rather than meeting people in person. It has also made it easier for them to compare themselves to others. It has also led to a rise in social isolation and loneliness.


Related – The Loneliness Epidemic And The Social Media Paradox




As a result of the rising cost of living and inability to get jobs that pay well, Millennials have often gone into debt. Millennials were encouraged to go into debt to get an overpriced college degree. According to CNBC, “the average millennial consumer has about $27,251 in non-mortgage debt, and millennial homeowners  have an average mortgage balance of $232,372.” Debt can add to the stress.




There are many causes of stress. Financial stress is a common problem that often goes overlooked. Getting married is another common cause. Fear and uncertainty increase stress levels. Emotional issues such as low self-confidence, low self-self-esteem, guilt, anger, grief, anxiety, and depression also can add to the stress.


Staying Single Longer


It is no surprise that younger generations, such as the Millennials, are delaying marriage and staying single longer. While people may be single for many reasons, the economic and financial consequences play a significant role in why many Millennials remain single. They cannot afford to buy a house, which is often the first step to the financial stability needed to begin to consider getting married. There are social, economic, and political ramifications to a country when people remain single for more extended or lifelong singles.




[bctt tweet=”Many creative solutions are available today, but you need to be open to going against the grain and stop listening to the failed system. ” via=”no”]


While Millennials may be experiencing burnout, there are always options and solutions. Here are five solutions for Millennials to work to improve their life if they are dealing with burnout.




Live a minimalist lifestyle. Do you need all the gadgets, subscriptions, or things you have? Instead of always buying the latest things or trying to keep up with the Joneses, you can simplify your life. A minimalist lifestyle is living with and using only the things that you need. You may not need ten different versions of the same shirt. You may not always need to get the latest iPhone. It will also help you to save money since you will become less consumeristic.


Related – What Is Minimalism? 30 Benefits Of Living A Minimalist Lifestyle




Meditation is a way to deal with stress. It could be doing something as simple as doing some breathing exercises for a few minutes a day. You could also do yoga or prayer. You can practice mindfulness. It will depend on what you are trying to achieve through meditation. Learn to relax. Find peace, even if it’s only for a few minutes during your day.


Related – 5 Health Benefits Of Meditation And Why Singles Should Meditate During The Holiday Season


Learn An In-Demand Skill


You could learn in-demand skills in the areas of technology, trade skills, and business skills. Some examples of technology skills include digital marketing, data analytics, computer programming, cybersecurity, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Trade skills in demand include construction, plumbing, electrical technician, automotive technician, physical therapy, and medical laboratory tech. Business skills include being able to manage people, finding new ways to generate income streams, problem-solving, and being persistent. The reality is that hard skills matter the most, yet those are the very skills that they don’t teach students in college.


Online Business


You could decide to start an online business. An online business will allow you to find creative ways to build multiple income streams. It will also allow you to work from anywhere in the world. You need a website, an email list to build your core audience, products, and services to sell to your customers. You can add social media later to reach more people further to grow an online business. Once you have a few products, physical or digital, you can then have passive coming in that you can reinvest to expand the business, reinvest into another business, invest in another financial asset, or pay yourself once the business is making enough.


Move To A Less Expensive Country



You could consider moving to a less expensive state or country if you can work remotely, freelancer, or own an online business. Instead of having to pay $400,000 for an entry-level house like in the United States, you may be able to find something comparable in another country for $150,000 or less. You could buy the house or condo in cash instead of paying a mortgage which is standard in the United States. You could buy a second residency and get a second passport in another country. It is essential to have a Plan B strategy.





Millennial burnout is a problem. While Millennials are often presented as being a weak generation, the previous generations often won’t’ acknowledge that they came of age during a period of technological transition and disruption. Millennials have had to adapt to the changing economic and job environments to work to get ahead. Moving abroad may be a viable option for some Millennials since the American Dream is dead. If there ever was a dream to begin with.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

18 Reasons Why Someone May Choose To Be Childfree

People choose to be childfree for many different reasons. The reasons can range from the environment to financial reasons. These are eighteen reasons why someone may choose to be childfree.

18 Reasons Someone May Choose To Be Childfree


1. Want leisure time


The first reason why people are deciding not to have children is that they want leisure time. Children take away from your leisure time. Time is the one thing that you cannot get back in life, and it is the one thing that everyone has in common. Leisure time is valuable because you can spend it doing the things that you enjoy. Children take away from leisure time since you have to take care of them.


2. They haven’t found a partner


For those singles who may want to marry and have kids, they just haven’t found a partner yet. This could be because they are in a place where they cannot meet someone who shares their values or has not found someone. After all, they are too busy with work.


3. Can’t afford childcare


The cost of everything has continued to rise in the United States, along with childcare. The average price of childcare is around $12,000 a year. That varies on the age and the state where you live. Due to these rising costs, people are staying single longer and are choosing to be childfree.

The average salary in the United States in 2020 ranges from $29,068 to $49,764. The cost to raise one child to the age of 18 is roughly $284,000. That does not include the prices of childcare, education, healthcare, clothes, housing, and food. As the cost of housing has continued to rise, parent’s children are living with them longer. Children may end up living with their parents past the age of eighteen. This means they will live with their parents longer while they work or until they can buy a place of their own.


4. No desire to have children


More people are deciding not to have children. This is for a range of personal reasons, but some people do not want to have children. People who do not wish to have children may enjoy the freedom that comes with the single life.


5. Can’t afford a house


The cost of a house has continued to rise in the United States. This has made it more difficult for the younger generations to buy a home that is normally thought of as one of the first ways to get started in life and start a family.


6. Not sure that they would be a good parent


Yet others do not want to have children because they are not sure that they would be a good parent.


7. Worried about the economy


Some people are deciding not to have children because they are worried about the economy. They may be concerned about their economic situation. This concern may lead them to conclude that they don’t want to bring a child into the world if they are not optimistic about the economic future that children would have to deal with in society. For every new child born, another person is born with a debt burden that they will have to deal with on top of the current level. This means that they have to pay more than the past generations, especially Baby Boomers.


There are also economic reasons to be childfree. The average cost to raise a child from birth to the age of eighteen is around $284,570. That is $15, 809 a year. The most typical salary in the United States is $52,918. That leaves $37,109 to cover expenses such as food, healthcare, clothes, transportation, and education. Prices continue to go up in the economy from inflation; the cost of raising a child will continue to rise with it. For women, having children can disrupt their careers. More women are entering the workforce, so it may be in their economic and career interest to delay having children or to remain childfree. Due to the rising costs of living and the cost of raising a child, some couples and singles may choose to be childfree.


8. Worried about global instability


There is growing concern about global instability for several different reasons. Some of the problems could be related to globalism, breakdowns of supply chains, and physical or cyber warfare between nation-states.


9. Career is a greater priority


Getting a job and working up their way up in their career field is a greater priority than having children. Millennials have ranked their education and their careers as more important than having children. This is a shift in the preferences as past generations have married and started a family at an earlier age than Millennials.


10. Worried about population growth


Someone may choose to be childfree because they are worried about overpopulation and population growth.


11. Too much student debt


Millennials and the younger generations have gone to college and higher education, resulting in student debt. Debt makes it harder to have children since it is a sound financial practice to work on paying off any debt that you may have.


12. Personal health reasons


People are deciding not to have children for health reasons. This is especially true for women since they have a higher risk of experience adverse health effects after giving birth to children.


13. Can’t afford college

College is considered a life milestone, and it is pushed in high school for students to go to college. It is becoming harder for people to afford college as the price of attending college continues to rise.


14. Worried about climate change

Some people may choose to remain childfree because they are worried about climate change. It has been found that carbon dioxide contributes to climate change, and humans emit approximately 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide a day. This means that having one less child or being childfree is a way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the world.


15. Worried about domestic politics


The domestic politics in the United States have steadily been growing more divisive over the past decade. The United States has continued to become more polarized. There may be concerns about the state of the country or the political direction of the country.


16. Worried about domestic stability


There are also concerns about domestic stability. This goes along with domestic politics. These concerns could be about the growing political divide and the country’s changing demographics and economic stability. The rising costs to buy a house in the United States and potential concerns about civil unrest and possibly even a civil war.


17. Worried about the environment


People are deciding to be childfree because they are worried about the environment. People pollute the environment and change the environment by taking down trees or tearing up the land to build. Being childfree is a way to preserve the environment, have less co2 to for climate change, and decrease trash and waste in the environment.


18. Freedom of the single life


Being single provides freedom which is one of the four single life values. The single life allows you to live your life exactly how you want without having to worry about a spouse or children. Singles have the freedom to do as they please without worrying about caring for a spouse or children. This gives you the freedom to travel, see the world, pursue your own interests, develop your skills, discover yourself, and live your best life.




No matter why you are childfree, there is nothing wrong with making the personal decision not to have children. Some of your friends or family may think that it is a wrong choice for whatever reasons they may give, but they are not in charge of your life. You are the one in control of your life.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Arguments For Being Childfree Versus Arguments For Children

Society’s life milestones expect people to follow are to date, marry, have kids, and get a house with a white picket fence. Some people choose not to have children, couples and singles, for personal and other reasons. These are five arguments for being childfree and the responses that people may give who want people to have children. There are different reasons why people may choose to be childfree versus choosing to have children.


5 Arguments For Being Childfree Versus Arguments For Children


1. Childfree For The Environment

The first reason why some people may choose to be single is for the environment. The argument for this position is that people are responsible for the environment and that overpopulation is a problem. To prevent climate change, rising sea levels, and carbon dioxide levels, people should choose not to have children. Since a human emits roughly 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide a day, then having one less child or being childfree reduces carbon dioxide emissions in the world.


Response To Argument


The counter-argument that someone may give is that there is nothing wrong with having children. It is natural to have children because reproduction is part of human biology. They may also say that humans are supposed to tame and be in charge of the earth. People can still be responsible for the environment while still having children. Some people who argue to have children may cite Genesis 1:28, which says, “ Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves the ground.” According to this view, people are higher than animals. It is acceptable to make the earth work for the good of humanity since humans rule over it.


2. Childree For Economic Reasons


The second reason someone may be childfree is for economic reasons. The average cost to raise a child from birth to the age of eighteen is around $284,570. That is $15,809 a year. The most typical salary in the United States is $52,918. That leaves $37,109 to cover expenses such as food, healthcare, clothes, transportation, and education. Prices continue to go up in the economy from inflation; the cost of raising a child will continue to rise with it. For women, having children can disrupt their careers. More women are entering the workforce, so it may be in their economic and career interest to delay having children or to remain childfree. Due to the rising costs of living and the cost of raising a child, some couples and singles may choose to be childfree.


Response To Argument


The second response for having children could be that although children are expensive to raise, children are an investment in the future. This views children as an investment instead of a sunk cost. Children are the next generation that will keep society and the country going. Someone may say that children and families are needed to maintain a nation. That is because a country needs a steady population to sustain itself. They may say something along the lines of “As goes the family goes, so goes the nation, and so goes the whole world in which we live.”


3. Childfree For Health Reasons


The third reason someone may decide to be childfree is for health reasons. Pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous for women and leave lasting effects on women’s health. Some of the impacts on women’s health are postpartum depression, feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and sleep deprivation. There are also concerns that if the parents have a genetic or health disorder, they may inherit the genetic disorder.


Response To Argument


Someone may respond that although there are dangers with childbirth and health problems can come from genetics. Health problems can also be a result of an individual’s lifestyle choices. They may even say that is what the healthcare system is for and why it is essential to living a healthy lifestyle by exercising and maintaining a healthy diet. It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children how to live a healthy life and take care of themselves.


4. Childfree For Social Reasons


The fourth reason someone may decide to be childfree is for social reasons. Once a couple has kids, it is harder for them to be involved with their friends and communities. For those who value their friendships and spend time with their friends, children take away time to spend going out with friends and the community they have developed over time. Those who enjoy spending time and being actively involved in their community have less time to be involved in their community when taking care of kids.


Response To Argument


The response may be that some singles may choose to become single parents by choice by either adopting or using in-vitro fertilization. Some singles may want to marry and have kids. Even though your social life changes once you have kids, there is nothing wrong with having a different social life. Your social life may revolve around children as they grow up. Parents will start to hang out and spend more time with parents who have kids so that children can play with each other while the adults talk and catch up with their other friends who also have children. Children change your life and your social life, and they may say that there is nothing wrong with that, so there is nothing wrong with having children.


5. Childfree For Philosophical Reasons


The fifth reason someone may give is for philosophical reasons. The primary argument is that you can decide for yourself if you want to have children. It is up to you not from the pressure that comes from society or the thousands of government laws that benefit married couples who have children. There is more to life than working than dating, marrying, having kids, and a white picket fence. You can enjoy life without having children.


Response To Argument


The response to this argument may go along the lines that it is good to have children and bring children into the world. Children are a blessing to their parents, to others, and every person is unique. Children are also a way to continue the family name, bloodline and to create family memories. You can also leave things to your children and the next generation after you die to help better to set them up for their future after you die. This, in turn, helps your family after you die while also leaving behind a legacy. This places a positive view on birth and having children.




No matter if you are childfree or you may want to have children, these are five arguments for and against being childfree. Some couples have made the choice that they don’t want to have children. Singles may choose that they do not want to date or marry because they want to be childfree.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

What Is The Childfree Movement?

The childfree movement is a social movement that works to spread the message of voluntary childlessness or childfreedom. The childfree movement sends a positive that there is nothing wrong with not having children. The childfree by choice movement unites those who have chosen not to have children or reject the idea of having children. There are five main reasons why people may choose to be single.


What Is The Childfree Movement?


People can choose to be childfree include singles and couples. Couples could be childfree by choice or because they were unable to have childfree. They may prefer a lifestyle that comes from not having children. Couples and singles will have more freedom to travel and do as they please without having a child dependent upon them. Singles have more independence and freedom. They can focus on personal development, interests and do as they please because they have children.


5 Reasons People May Choose To Be Childfree


The first reason why some people may choose to be single is for the environment. The argument for this position is that people are responsible for the environment and that overpopulation is a problem. To prevent climate change, rising sea levels, and carbon dioxide levels, people should choose not to have children. Since a human emits roughly 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide a day, having one less child or being childfree reduces carbon dioxide emissions.


The second reason someone may be childfree is for economic reasons. The average cost to raise a child from birth to the age of eighteen is around $284,570. That is $15, 809 a year. The most typical salary in the United States is $52,918. That leaves $37,109 to cover expenses such as food, healthcare, clothes, transportation, and education. Prices continue to go up in the economy from inflation; the cost of raising a child will continue to rise with it. For women, having children can disrupt their careers. More women are entering the workforce, so it may be in their economic and career interest to delay having children or to remain childfree. Due to the rising costs of living and the cost of raising a child, some couples and singles may choose to be childfree.


The third reason someone may decide to be childfree is for health reasons. Pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous for women and leave lasting effects on women’s health. Some of the impacts on women’s health are postpartum depression, feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, and sleep deprivation. There are also concerns that if the parents have a genetic or health disorder, they may inherit the genetic disorder.


The fourth reason someone may decide to be childfree is for social reasons. Once a couple has kids, it is harder for them to be involved with their friends and communities. For those who value their friendships and spend time with their friends, children take away time to spend going out with friends and with the community they have developed over time. Those who enjoy spending time and being actively involved in their community have less time to be involved in their community when taking care of kids.


The fifth reason someone may give is for philosophical reasons. The primary argument is that you can decide for yourself if you want to have children. It is up to you not from the pressure that comes from society or the thousands of government laws that benefit married couples who have children. There is more to life than working than dating, marrying, having kids, and a white picket fence. You can enjoy life without having children.




There are many reasons why people may choose to be childfree, from the environment to economic reasons. The childfree movement provides couples, who may not want children, and singles a voice that there is nothing wrong with not having children.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

10 Reasons Why Millennials Are Not Marrying

There are many advantages to being single and not having a family. There are different reasons why people are single. Some singles may eventually want to marry. But why are Millennials not marrying? Millennials are remaining single longer and are not marrying for a variety of reasons. These are ten reasons why Millennials are not marrying and are staying single.


Coming of Age During Two Recessions


Millennials came of working age entering the workforce during the 2008 Recession. Millennials are now at what should be the height of the generation’s earning power, but that is not the case because of another recession, the Coronavirus Recession. Doug Casey, a well-known crisis investor, has called it the Greater Depression. Jobless claims are nearly 800,000. While the Coronavirus Recession is not good for anyone, Millennials are being the hardest hit. They are now being called the New Lost Generation. The combinations of these two recessions and other factors that contribute to building wealth. Millennials only own 3% of the United States’ wealth despite being a quarter of the country’s population.


Rising Cost of Education


The cost of higher education rose by 25% over the last decade. That’s a price increase of $5,000 to $10,000 for a year of tuition.  Despite being the most educated generation, Millennials have had difficulty finding work, recording double-digit unemployment numbers. Millennials are often working jobs that they are overqualified for in the workforce. Millennials are the most educated generation in history.


Wage Stagnation


Millennials have borne the brunt of wage stagnation. Wages have fallen 43% for the Millennial Generation. That is a massive drop, while the cost of living continues to rise. As wages stagnate, savings rates continue to fall with low-interest rates.




The Millennial Generation is the most indebted. Millennials have credit card debt and student debt.  Millennials are afraid of debt and are the wisest when it comes to planning for their financial future. The combination of credit card and student debt adds to why Millennials are staying single longer and not marrying.




Inflation is a persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a steady decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services. Inflation has risen, making everything more expensive for Millennials who are already experiencing wage stagnation. The average real rate of inflation ranges from 7% to 13.4%, dependent upon where you live in the United States. The rising inflation means that you get less for your money.


Rising Cost of Living


Millennials have cited the rising cost of living as a barrier of entry to buying their first house. The cost of living is continuing to rise for Millennials. Prices have been rising for Millennials from groceries, rent, transportation, and clothing.




Millennials are being called the Renter Generation. Sixty percent of Millennials make the decision to rent. Millennials are renting for the long-term with nearly 70% of Millennials reporting they make less than $50,000 a year. That makes homeownership out of reach for Millennials.


Rising Cost of Houses


Homeownership is falling for Millennials. The median cost of a house in the United States is $295,300 for 2020. That makes it difficult, if not impossible, for Millennials to save to buy a home. Homeownership is a key to building wealth and financial stability. Millennials have been priced out of the housing market.


Don’t Own Wealth-Building Assets


Millennials only own 3.2% of all of the United States’ wealth. Millennials own less than 5% of all of the US wealth while Baby Boomers had 21% of the wealth in the United States at the same age. Wealth is built by owning and having assets that have been priced out of reach for Millennials.


Cost of Raising a Child


The cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is $284,570. The costs of raising a child include housing, food, childcare, education, transportation, healthcare, and clothing. That is a quarter of a million dollars. Since the cost of raising a child only goes to 18, that does cost does not include the costs and expenses with college and higher education.




These are ten reasons why Millennials are not marrying and are remaining single. There is nothing wrong with being single, but some singles may want to marry. Millennials should know that there is nothing wrong with being single. Society may pressure you to date and marry, but you can thrive as a single person.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Alone Without a Romantic Partner? Singles Are a Major Demographic!

Are you feeling blue because don’t have a romantic partner? A recent report found that 51% of people between the ages of 18 to 35 currently are single and do not have a romantic partner. But instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have. You are part of a large demographic of people who are single, unmarried, and do not have a romantic partner which is wonderful!

Are You Alone Because You Are Without a Romantic Partner?


Alone Without a Romantic Partner

The 21st Century is the age of single people! That is great because you do not need a romantic partner to live a happy life. You are responsible for your own happiness. You can shop for groceries alone. You can manage your finances alone. You can move up in your career or start a business on your own. You can go on solo travel trips alone. You are responsible for you! Life does not require a romantic partner to be successful and to find happiness.


Even if you are interested in dating and want to marry, you can use your time being single to grow as a person and to mature in your career. This will help you to be prepared both financially and supportively for once you start a romantic relationship. Plan for your future. It may include a romantic partner or spouse. It may not. Even if you do get married, you may get divorced and become single again. Being in a romantic relationship does not equal happiness or being successful in life.


You are not alone without a romantic partner. You can learn to enjoy your time alone without being lonely. You can find a community which shares your same interests to grow as a person and to have a good time. You can also spend time with your family and friends. Being singles does not mean being lonely. If you are single and unmarried, by not having a romantic partner or a spouse does not make you have less value as an individual.


Rather than focusing on finding ‘The One’ or forcing a relationship, view your time being single as a time to learn more about yourself and to develop as a person as well to learn more about others and the world. More people are remaining single longer, delaying marriage, or deciding to never marry. You are not alone without a romantic partner because you are single. As part of that large and growing demographic, it is time to embrace the single life and to thrive as a single person!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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