The Art Of Self-Love For Singles

It is essential to learn self-love. Self-love is vital for well-being and mental health. It means treating yourself and loving yourself the same way that you treat others. This is a simple guide to the art of self-love for singles.




From school to work, perfectionism is taught as being a virtue. The reality is that perfectionism hurts you and can lead to you living a shorter life. You can start to move away from perfectionism by recognizing that it is terrible for you. You can work to slowly remove the self-worth that you attach to making everything perfect. You are permitted happiness because the pursuit of happiness is a natural human goal. It is also essential to develop self-compassion to be nice to yourself instead of criticizing yourself.


Learn to Listen to Yourself


You can learn to listen to yourself by paying attention to internal conversations with yourself. Inner talk is vital to learn to cultivate self-love. Start to learn to pay attention to the language that you use when you make a mistake. Do you insult yourself? Are you kind and understanding towards yourself? Be aware of how it makes you feel.  A way to develop the ability to listen to yourself is meditation. Self-kindness, though, is more important than being a good meditator. Learn to be compassionate and to treat yourself with kindness.




Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to experiences that occur in the present moment with no judgment. It is the ability to be fully present and aware of what is happening at the moment. Focus on what is in your control. You can cultivate mindfulness by working to become the best version of yourself. It chips away at stress and provides positive benefits to happiness, health, relationships, and work. As with everything, mindfulness requires practice, but you will see results when working on it.




Meditation helps to develop mindfulness and self-love. Meditation is a way to help you to better experience and accept your emotions and thoughts. Meditation helps to improve attention, decrease job burnout, and improve sleep. There are science-backed reasons for meditation.  It improves sleep. Meditation can help to lower blood pressure. Meditation can help singles to strengthen their emotional and mental health as well as the quality of life.




Self-love is a basic human necessity to believe in oneself. How you think about yourself reflects your career, relationships, perception from people, and personal happiness. You should never feel guilty about taking care of yourself and practicing self-care. Practice self-love by taking the responsibility to learn who you really are as an individual. You can decide not to allow others to define you. It is up to you to decide to take self-responsibility to embrace your true authentic self. Your value as a person is not defined by your relationship status, job, or anything else that society says you need to give your value. Your self-worth is innate to you.


The United States is an overmedicated nation where many of the issues are symptoms of a lack of self-love. When you are insecure, you begin to worry, lash out, and feel sad because you lack confidence. Self-confidence and embracing your true self will help to push down the nasty feeling and thoughts that make rise that affects your personal health. Self-love improves your health because you pay attention to your diet, relationships, intentions, and take control of your life. A healthy diet nourishes your body with clean food, a balanced diet, and staying hydrated with water. You will avoid toxic relationships and spend time with people who treat you with love and respect. There is nothing wrong with doing things that benefit you or are right for you since self-interest focuses on what you and your body need to be healthy. Taking care of your mind and body helps you to unleash your gifts and talents to the world. When you take control of your life, you become self-reliant and believe in yourself.


There are endless benefits of self-love that help yourself, your family, and your community. Once you realize your self-worth and practice self-love, you will release the happy hormone. This will make you contagious to everyone you meet, and people will want to be around you.




These are five ways that self-love for singles can be implemented in your daily life. Self-love for singles is vital because you need to listen to yourself, practice mindfulness, and meditate to control your thoughts and emotions. Self-love is a way to escape from the pressure to date by deciding to direct your own life rather than doing what society tells you to do.


What are other ways to practice self-love for singles?


Secure Single provides a forum for a diverse variety of perspectives, ideas, experiences, and resources and does not take official stances. All writers speak exclusively for themselves. Concurrently, any quotes, shares, reposts, interviews, etc. do not imply endorsement by Secure Single LLC or its curators. Now go live your best single life!

20 Things People Need To Stop Saying To Singles

There are things that singles get tired of hearing from people who continuously ask singles, “why are you not dating anyone”? Singles always hear a list of reasons why they should be in a romantic relationship. Singlehood is a negative status rather than positive life status. People need to stop saying these things to singles that are unfavorable about the single life. Here is a list of twenty things people need to stop saying to singles.


What is your relationship status?


Your relationship status has become a check box on forms and social media. When people start dating, get engaged, or get married, people celebrate them on social media. Popular culture praises romantic relationships while disapproving of singles. Society and popular culture have built a relationship hierarchy with singles at the very bottom. Instead of there being a relationship status hierarchy, each status is different and unique.


Why aren’t you seeing anyone?


When someone asks this, it implies that being in a romantic relationship is better than being single. This question builds upon the single stigmas. There is nothing wrong with not seeing anyone, just as there is nothing wrong with being single.


Why aren’t you married yet?


This question hints at the belief that marriage is superior to being single. It continues to build upon the stigma that is attached to be single. Marriage is a different life status. Being single is another lifestyle. Respect the single status because people are single for various reasons.


Who broke your heart?


The problem with this question is that it implies that someone is single because someone broke your heart. It implicitly, again, puts dating on a pedestal to being single. This question also assumes that you are in pain, bitter, heartbroken, and resentful because you are single. People seem to think that because you are single, you are automatically upset and angry. That may or may not be true. There are many different types of singles. The reasons why each person is single is ultimately up to each individual.


Just wait for your soul mate to find you.


The issue with this question is that this is a romantic idea that has perpetuated society. People believe it from watching Disney movies to watching romantic comedies. The soul mate theory goes back to Plato. The problem with this is that soulmates do not exist. The first step to a mature relationship is to know yourself. Once you become independent, you break away from the pressures that come from society to conform to it. Being single means independence. After all, autonomy is one of the single life values.


Is it hard for you that your siblings are getting married before you?


Everyone comes from a different size family. No matter the size of the family that you come from, siblings can complicate family dynamics. When people ask this question, it implies that you should be bothered that you are still single while your other siblings are married. Each person, and sibling, have their timeline of life goals that they want to achieve. Marriage may or may not be on the list. Marriage is a life milestone, but not everyone may want to have that life milestone. They could also be perpetually single since they have been unable to find a partner that aligns with their values. Some singles may be single by choice and enjoy being single and the single life’s benefits. Regardless of why a family member is single, the family should support each other rather than attacking each other on their relationship status: in a relationship, married, or single.


How does it feel being the last person in your family and extended family who is not married?


This question is similar to question number six on this list, but it includes your extended family as well. The question puts pressure on you being single when everyone else in your family and extended family is married. This question assumes that it is better to marry than to be single. The problems with this question are a combination of numbers three and six. It places marriage on a pedestal. It is a problem to be single when your family and extended family are married. There is nothing wrong with being single if your brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles are married. Family and extended family should support and work with each other rather than focusing on a romantic relationship status. Being single comes with single life benefits that people lose with dating and marriage. Singles should not feel sad or be worried if you are the last person in your family or extended family who is not married. You can live an independent life and live your life as you choose.


When are you going to have kids?


Single women are the ones who probably hear this one the most. The problem with this question is it implies having kids is the goal of life and that it is what everyone wants to do. Some people may not want to have children. That applies to couples as well as to singles. There is nothing wrong with deciding to be childfree.


How could you be happy being single?


The issue with this question and why people need to stop saying it because it implies you can’t be happy single. The question suggests being single is a sad life. On the contrary, you can be happily single.


Don’t settle for just anyone.


While this sounds like a good suggestion on its surface, it still emphasizes that romantic relationships make you happy. It implies that a romantic relationship is better than being single. When you are single, you can have fun, work on personal growth, and develop relationships with your friends. Rather than settling for a romantic relationship, you can focus on enjoying the single life.


You’ll meet someone when the time is right.


This question is similar to number five, but instead of it being a soul mate, it will just be someone you meet. It is also ridiculous that someone will magically find you when you want it. That is the message romantic comedies and Disney movies send. These questions seem to have a pattern of stigmatizing singles and a single life while worshipping romantic relationships. It also appeases singles so that once the time is right, whenever that is, that the person will appear. Singles can make use of the time in each day for self-development. You can focus on what makes you unique and the things that you enjoy doing in life.


I know somebody else who is single.


This person asking this question wants to play matchmaker. It also thinks that there is something wrong with being single. It does not consider that some single people enjoy being single. The statement puts romantic relationships, again, on a podium. Some singles are single by choice who have no interest in dating or getting married. Other singles may want to take a break from dating and choose to develop self-love and personal development.


Stop being picky.


When someone says this to singles, it berates them for being single. It also assumes that you are single because you are too picky about who you want to date. You could be deciding to take a break from dating. You could not even be interested in dating. There is more to life than romantic relationships. When you are single, you are allowed to go after what you want in life.


Have you even tried?


Where to start with this one. This question is problematic when someone asks it to singles because it makes singles look like idiots. It is also a condescending question. Maybe the person who asks this question could consider trying to be happy being single when they become newly single again.


Why aren’t you putting yourself out there more?


There are many problems with this question. It places pressure on singles. The question also suggests that singles need to seek out a romantic relationship. Singles do not need to put themselves out into the dating arena when they can use the single life to develop skills and work to improve their lives.


You are not invited because this event is only for couples.


If it is only a couple’s event, then why tell your single friends about it? This statement is patronizing to singles. They are not able to come based on their relationship status. Singles could the opposite and only invite singles to events or parties and not invite couples. Either way, it shows favoritism towards one group of people and not others. Ask your friends who may be interested rather than making it based upon something as arbitrary as a relationship status.


You need to change your attitude and life priorities.


The person who says this statement thinks that they know what is best for someone else. It means that singles need to change whatever they are focusing on putting their energy towards dating. The problem with this question is that each person is responsible and controls their attitude and life priorities.


How are you still single because you are beautiful/handsome?


This question implies that just because you are beautiful or handsome that you should date. How someone looks is not a reason to date or not. There is more to life than looks. This question neglects the other parts that make people human: mind, emotions, desires, and soul.


Why are you still single?


This question implies that there is something wrong with being single. It does not recognize that people are single for many different reasons and that there are different singles types. People can also enjoy and thrive being single.


You must be lonely being single.


This statement assumes that because you are single that you must be lonely. The statement thinks that all single people must be lonely. There is a difference between being alone and being lonely. People are staying single longer and delaying marriage longer than at any time in history. Singles can work on a relationship with themselves. You can learn to know yourself. They also can focus on developing the relationships that they want to nurture with friends and family. Singles can be social on their terms. Singles can focus on self-care. Single are responsible for their own lives because they do not need to answer a partner or spouse when making decisions. Singles also have freedom and independence to use as they please. Singles can embrace any opportunities that may come their way.




These are twenty things that people need to stop saying to singles. In a society that pressures single people to date and marry, it is vital to know what people need to stop telling singles. The single life values provide singles the ability to live and direct their own lives.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Monophobia: The Fear Of Being Alone

The fear of being alone is a real phobia. The fear of being alone is called monophobia. Being alone may be a real fear for some singles. The fear of being alone includes isolation and loneliness. There are three ways that singles can overcome the fear of being alone.


What is Fear?


Fear is a feeling or emotion that is based on the assumption that you are in danger. Fear can be rational. An example of a rational fear is the fear of seeing a rattlesnake because it can harm you. This fear is your survival instincts kicking in to defend you from getting hurt.


Fear of Being Alone


Monophobia is a broad phobia that ranges from a fear of spending time alone to being alone in public. Triggers of monophobia include loneliness and having difficulty with self-regulation. The fear of spending time alone and not being with others can be overcome. Fear of being in public alone can also be overcome. Fear is an enemy that you can defeat. Know your enemy and defeat the fear of being alone.


The fear of being alone is different from thinking that there is something wrong with being single. Isolation can be social isolation. It can also be an act of self-isolation to separate yourself from others. You can choose to be alone to avoid social situations. You may not be a social person. You may choose to isolate yourself from others because you are afraid of people. That fear may come from not having good social skills, not fitting in, or not having a network of friends. There is a solution to each of those problems that make you decide to avoid people.


First Steps


You can work to overcome your fear. If you have the fear of being alone, you can work to defeat it. There are three steps that you can do to beat your fear of being alone. The first step is to be aware of your fear. The second step is to identify your fear. The third step is to embrace positivity.


Recognize and be aware of your fears. When you are aware of what you are afraid of you can work to diminish your fear. Once you acknowledge your fear you have accomplished the first step to defeat your fear. Don’t let your fear get in the way of your thoughts and feelings. Fear does not define you.


Identify your fears. Be specific and learn to identify what makes you afraid. Observe what makes you fearful. Once you understand and know what you are afraid of, make a goal for yourself to work to conquer your fear. You can slowly work to defeat the fear of being alone by interacting with others. Self-isolation is not healthy since we are social creatures. If you are lonely, learn that loneliness is a feeling and not a fact. Identify the source of your fear of being alone then target it to remove that feeling out of your life. Once you make the decision to work to get rid of the fear of being alone you will slowly change your mindset.


Change Your Mindset


A bad mindset will control you. It will control you with bad habits and control you with fears by making you believe that the fear is real. You can change your bad mindset to a good mindset by working on yourself. You can start by gradually changing your mind about thinking that being alone is a problem. As you begin to change your mind you will retrain your brain that you can be happy alone. You will then eventually conquer your fear of being alone. Your life outlook does influence daily life. Choose to embrace positivity and work to change your mindset to defeat the fear of being alone.




There is nothing wrong with being single. You can be comfortable being alone. The fear of being alone, just like other fears, is an illusion. There is nothing wrong with being alone. It is up to you to work to overcome the fear of being alone if you have monophobia. You can become comfortable with being single. It is up to you to choose to recognize, identify, and change your mindset to conquer the fear of being alone and any other fears you may have in life. Make the decision to thrive as a single person and to work to unleash your full potential to the world.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Meaning Of The Number One For Singles

One is not the loneliest number. The number one is the most magical number. Numerology gives meaning to numbers. The number one is an important number for singles because of what the number one symbolizes for singles. The meaning of the number one for singles is self-reliance.


One is the loneliest number. Wrong. One is the freest number. One is the strongest number. One is the creative number. The number one symbolizes independence, confidence, and new beginnings. The meaning of the number one for singles complements the single life values.




One is a symbol of independence. One is a symbol of freedom. One is a symbol of autonomy. You are free to act and to live your own life. You are independent and able to rely upon yourself. You are able to direct your life to work to achieve your life dreams and goals. You are sovereign as a single. One is a self-sufficient number. You can make use of your independence as a single.




One is a symbol of confidence. You have the ability to develop and grow in confidence when you are single. Self-confidence is important to have because you are better able to face your fears. You can learn, practice, and master self-confidence as a single. When you become truly confident you will stand up for what your values rather than being uncertain and timid.


As you develop confidence, you will begin to stay away from negativity and toxic people. You will learn to surround yourself with positive people. To find the people who share your values and your goals. Body language is another sign of self-confidence. Your body language will change as you become more confident. Good posture, a smile, and maintaining eye contact are a sign of confidence. Stop accepting failure and choose to make failure no longer an option by stop making excuses. Be confident and go after what you want in life rather than settling for what others tell you to do. You can build self-confidence as a single.


New Beginnings


One is a symbol of new beginnings. When you become single again, the single life is an opportunity to start again. It is a time to learn that your value and worth as an individual is innate to you. Your value does not externally come from a romantic relationship. Being single is a positive time of life. The single life gives you the ability to improve yourself daily. Each day is a new day. You have twenty-four hours in a day, and it is up to you to use that time as best as you can.


Only One You


The meaning of the number one connects with accepting yourself. Accept yourself and be your own best friend. Learning to accept yourself can be one of the hardest things to do in life. We know our own darkness, weaknesses, and strengths in life. Support yourself by learning about your character strengths. What are character strengths? Are you curious? Kind? Brave? Honest? Along with learning your character strengths, build inner confidence. As you develop and feel more confident in yourself you will become self-reliant. You will stop relying on external compliments, praise, and reassurances to feel happy. Remember, one is about self-reliance. Be confident in your own decisions, even if others question them. Do not be afraid of going your own way and being a lone wolf. Accept yourself for who you are as a unique individual. Stop looking for or seeking approval from others. Self-acceptance is needed because you can give approval to yourself. Self-acceptance leads to self-reliance. Do not be afraid to embrace your individuality. There is only one you.




One is an important number for singles because it signifies self-reliance. Singles can learn independence, confidence, and not to be afraid of new beginnings. One is not the loneliest number. One is the freest of numbers. Society says to conform to it from getting into a romantic relationship to looking for external approval from others. It is up to you to choose to go along from the pressure of society or to make the decision to be self-reliant and to go your own way.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

3 Advantages Of Being Single And Not Having A Family

There are advantages and disadvantages to everything in life. A single life provides many advantages that disappear once you become a parent and have a family. There are three main advantages to being single and not having a family.


Single Life


There are many advantages that come with being single. You can implement the single life values in your daily life. You can work to improve yourself by working on self-development. As a single, you are able to focus on your personal health. You can direct your energy toward exercise. Exercise benefits singles by making you feel happier, weight loss, and to raise your energy levels. You can direct your time and energy towards finding hobbies. There is no spouse or children in your life who you need to care for as a parent. Of course, that is different if you are a single parent. You are able to freely travel. You can do as you please.


Independence and the Single Mindset


No one is dependent on you when you are single. You are childfree. When you are single and childfree you don’t have to worry about supporting a spouse and a family. The average cost estimate to raise a child from birth to 18 is $284,570.That number includes the cost of housing, food, child care, education, transportation,  healthcare, clothing, and other expenses to raise a child. The bottom line is you save money being single.


You are independent as a single. You are able to live your own life. This independence makes you self-reliant. Self-reliance is a strength because you depend on yourself to give meaning and fulfillment to life. Self-reliance is significant to happiness. It leads you to learn the self-concepts: self-acceptance, self-worth, resilience, self-care, and self-love. Self-reliance leads to your independence. Self-reliance and other self-concepts along with the single life values establish the single mindset. Once you master the single mindset, you will fully discover that the single life is a good life and the single life is worth living. You will become independent and free from society’s pressures with the single mindset. The combination of independence and having a single mindset makes you in charge of your life decisions.


In Charge of Your Life Decisions


When you are single you are fully in charge of your own life decisions. You are responsible for every choice that you make as a single. That includes both your good and bad decisions. The freedom that comes from being single allows you to live your life how you choose. This helps you to learn the things that you have control over in your life. It also assists you in learning what things are outside of your control. This will help you find the connections between the knowledge, important things, and what you are able to control in your life.


Once you adopt the single mindset and tie it in with being independent, you can work to unleash your unique talents and skillset to the world. You will no longer be afraid or care, what society or people think about your single status. That is true independence. You are free from what society tells you to think. You escape from groupthink. Baruch Spinoza said, “The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding because to understand is to be free.” To be free, or independent, relates to understanding because you are now able to accept the reality of the world and to free yourself from it. You emerge from the cave. It is now your choice how you choose to use your new freedom in your life. That is true personal responsibility.




There are many advantages to not having a family and being single. These are only three that you can apply in your life. You can utilize the single life values. You are independent and you do not have the numbers of worries that come with having a family. You are free and in charge of your life decisions.  These advantages help you to thrive as a single person!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How To Be Single In 5 Simple Steps (Even If You Don’t Want To Be Single)

Society pressures people to be in a relationship and to marry. Society continues to push the belief that a relationship is needed to be happy.  This has made it so people don’t know how to be single. You can know how to be single and you can enjoy the single life. You can learn how to be single in five simple steps.

It’s Not a Problem


The first step is to know that it is not a problem to be single. This will require you to change your mindset from believing that a romantic relationship is needed to be happy to know that there is nothing wrong with being single. You may discover that you really enjoy being single!


Enjoy Being Single


You can enjoy being single even though society pushes people to date. Enjoy being single by spending time doing the things that you love. Being single allows you to accept opportunities that come your way. Being single is a time for self-growth. Being single opens the door to master self-love. Being single is a time to learn more about yourself. No matter what type of single you are being single lets you learn to know thyself.


Happy Being Single


Being single is not a sad life. It is a happy life. You can be happy being single.  This requires changing your view of being single from a negative to a positive. A positive shift towards being happily single will help to not get into a bad relationship. A romantic relationship does not mean happiness. Being happy single adds to your confidence as a single person. You can be happily single.


Learn the Single Life Values


You can learn the single life values and implement them in your daily single life. The first value of the single life is autonomy. You are free to direct and to live your life as you choose. The second value of the single life is diversity. Diversity is a value of the single life because there are many different reasons why people are single. The third value of the single life is security. Security is a value of the single because there must be a solid foundation in order to flourish as a single person. The final single life value is flexibility. Flexibility is a single life value because singles have the ability to make choices and to take advantage of opportunities that others in relationships are unable to do in the same situations. You can learn more about the single life which will help you to be able to be single to the fullest.


Be Single to the Fullest


As a single, you might as well choose to be single to the fullest. Make the most of the single life and thrive as a single person. Be single to the fullest by viewing being single as an advantage in life rather than a disadvantage. You can be single to the fullest by using the freedom that comes with the single life to travel, study, pursue your interests, and to develop yourself into the person you want to be. Being single is not an empty life. Being single is a complete life and you can make the choice to be single to the fullest.




These are five simple steps on how to be single even if you do not want to be single. Society pressures people to date and to marry. These five ways on how to be single go against society’s pressure. Being single is not a problem. You can enjoy being single. You can be happy being single. You can use the single life values in your life. You can be single to the fullest in a society that emphasizes romantic relationships. These five ways are a starting point on how to be single in a couple-oriented world.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How To Survive As A Single Lone Wolf

You can survive and thrive as a single lone wolf in a society that wants everyone to follow the herd mentality to be in a relationship. A lone wolf is single by being separate from the pack. A lone wolf must work to survive alone outside of the pack. Being single can feel the same way from society’s constant pressure to date. Being single can make you feel like a lone wolf. There is nothing wrong with being a single lone wolf. You can survive as a single lone wolf by adopting the single life values.

How to Survive as a Single Lone Wolf in a Society Focused on Romantic Relationships

A Lone Wolf

You work, act, or live alone because you are an independent lone wolf. As a lone wolf, you find solutions and work to achieve life goals. As a lone wolf, you know the difference between being alone and being lonely. You work to achieve the ends that you want to achieve in life as a lone wolf. You resist the pressure to do things that go against your interests and life goals as a lone wolf. You are able to live alone while not becoming lonely. You are able to do what you want and need to do as a lone wolf without getting distracted by what others tell you. Do not worry about fitting in with society. Choose to embrace your destiny and your life mission as a single lone wolf.

A Lone Wolf and the Single Life Values

By adopting the single life values, you can flourish as a single lone wolf. As a single lone wolf, you are free to live life on your own terms. You have flexibility as a single lone wolf that can quickly adapt to change. You are secure in your life decisions despite what others say about your choice to leave the herd as a single lone wolf. You take the road less traveled and do your own thing as a single lone wolf. You survive as a single lone wolf in a society that wants conformity from people to date.


Pursue your own freedom, truth, and authenticity. Direct your own path as a single lone wolf. As a lone wolf, you have the freedom to focus on achieving your life goals and ambitions. A single lone wolf to self-actualize your truth about the world and to make it your daily reality. You do it even when your friends, family, and society that stand in your way. A single lone wolf lives an authentic life. You live your life according to your values rather than what society tells them to believe. You survive as a single lone wolf because you are not afraid to stand against the herd mentality to always be in a romantic relationship.


You can be single. You can be a lone wolf. You can be a single lone wolf. There is strength in having the personal will power as a single lone wolf to work to achieve what you want in life. If you are a single lone wolf, you can view it as a strength rather than a weakness. You can survive as a single lone wolf in a society that pushes herd mentality and conformity by implementing the single life values as a single lone wolf.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

4 Ways Singles Can Combat Loneliness During Social Distancing

Loneliness is a problem that some singles experience. Loneliness is also a problem when you are isolated and have minimal to no social interaction during this time of social distancing during the quarantine. Here are four ways that singles can combat loneliness during social distancing to stay sane while in quarantine.

4 Ways Singles Can Combat Loneliness During Social Distancing




Singles can use technology to stay in touch with their friends and family. This can be done using social media, video communication applications, and finding groups online that fit your interests. Social media can be used to stay up to date with your friends and connections. You will be able to see what your friends are posting about and communicate with them to see how they are doing with the coronavirus and the lockdowns.


Join A Virtual Club or Group


Find a virtual group that shares your interests and hobbies. You can find groups on Facebook and Meetup to meet like-minded people. You can also find a range of different online support groups and hobby clubs to get interaction with people online and with video calls to get personal interaction while in quarantine. The Internet allows you to find people during this time who share mutual interests and your values so consider joining a virtual club or group to get some level of social interaction during the pandemic.


Go Outside


Don’t be afraid to go outside. Get Vitamin D. Go on a short walk or sit outside if you have a patio. Exercise and being outside is healthy. It is unhealthy to stay inside since it attributes to health issues because you need sunlight. The health benefits associated with going outside include relieving stress, strengthening immunity, increasing focus, healthier lifestyle, emotional health, psychological health, weight management, better short-term memory, improving eye vision, decreases deficit disorder, and life longevity. Despite the pandemic, don’t be afraid to go outside to get fresh air and enjoy the sun because it is healthy.


Reach Out to Others and Ask How Others are Really Doing


During this time, people are cooped up inside and are having minimal to no social interaction depending upon their situation. You should not be afraid to reach out to your friends and family to ask how they are doing. However, make a point to be direct and to get them to be honest about how they truly are


These are four simple ways that singles can combat loneliness during this time of social distancing. Make use of technology. Find groups online. Go outside and get exercise. Reach out to your friends and family during this uncertain time and know that you can defeat loneliness.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Keep Your Life Direction On Course In 5 Steps

It is easy to get distracted and lose sight of your goals. There are many ways to waste precious hours of your time without working towards your dreams. It is important not to lose your life direction. Here are five simple ways to keep your life direction and achieve your life goals.

Keep Your Life Direction On Course In 5 Steps


Avoid Distractions

The most important thing that you must do is to avoid distractions. This is easier said than done because it requires you to learn time management skills and to implement these time management skills every day. Distractions may include social media, watching television, reading the news, entertainment, and spending time that is not productive for you. Make a list of your distractions and work to decrease the amount of time that you spend on these distractions. Time is a valuable finite resource and it is the one resource that you can never make back in your life. If you want to better manage your time and goals, implement the next four steps below to work to achieve your life goals.


Create a List of What You Want Out of Life

In order to not lose your life direction, you should first write down a list of what you want out of life. Writing things down in a physical notebook is worth doing because it helps you have robust recall while also improving your brain health and brain development. Start by writing what you want out of life and after it is fine-tuned, you can transfer your list to your computer and phone. By saving it in multiple places, you can review when you are at home or running errands so that you can make sure that you sticking to your list. Along with have a list of your goals of what you want out of life, you need to have a time period set to achieve each of your different goals.


SMART Criteria

First, in order to act on your goals and to achieve your goals they must be clearly defined. SMART criteria is a process to create clearly defined goals that you can measure to achieve success. SMART stands for simple, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Simple means that you are able to distill your goal down into a few words so that it is straightforward. Measurable means that is quantifiable so that you can validate your goal. Attainable means that they are reasonable given the time period to complete the goal. Relevant means that the goal fits into the larger life goals that you have set for yourself to achieve in life. Time-based means that you have set a timeframe for when to complete your goals. The SMART criteria will help you to complete the goals that you set out for yourself over periods of time.


Short Term Goals

Short term goals are goals that you want to achieve six months to a one-year time period. By creating a short-term goal, you are better able to get to where you want to be in life. Follow the SMART criteria and write down the goals that you want to work to achieve this year.


Medium Term Goals

Medium term goals are for goals that are two to five years out. Do the same process as you did for your short-term goals. This will help you to make your medium-term goals a reality in the next few years.


Long Term Goals

Long-terms goals are for goals that are five to ten years out, or even further out depending on how long term you want to plan for your life. Plan for your life long term and keep life direction.


It is important to have a life direction and to create goals for your life. Life direction and goals provide you with an outline of what you want to work towards in life and is a way to keep you accountable to meet your life goals. Rather than getting distracted by life and things that take away your time and attention, work to create goals for yourself to keep your life’s direction.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How Singles Can Have Community During Self-Quarantine

The coronavirus is a pandemic and is a global health crisis. With social distancing and quarantine stay-at-home orders in place, it is harder to for singles to have social interaction which is necessary to live a healthy life. During this time, it can be difficult to find community. Here are four ways for singles to have community while in self-quarantine.

How Singles Can Have Community During Self-Quarantine


Video Chat Apps

While you may be unable to see or visit your friends or family due to the coronavirus, technology can help you stay in contact and to stay sane during the pandemic. It is a compromise on true social interaction, but it is a substitute that technology provides during this time because social interaction is vital for health. There are plenty of video chatting appsthat you can use but some of the most popular options are FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom. Regardless of which video chat app you decide to use, you can reconnect with old acquaintances and stay in touch with your friends and family.

Reconnect with Past Friends

Use this time during quarantine as an opportunity to reach out and reconnect with old friends. By having the courage to reach out to an old friend, you will be able to learn more about yourself and the path that you chose to go down in life while learning that your judgment of people may have improved or declined over the years. Also, you never know, you may be able to rekindle a past friendship, reconnect, and continue a friendship that you thought was lost. Be brave and choose to reach out to a someone you lost contact with and see what happens today.


Now is the perfect opportunity to stay in touch with your friends on a more regular basis. Your friends are likely staying at home with more time available and figuring out how to fill their time. You can schedule calls to talk to your friends on a consistent basis to grow and nurture your friendships. Text or call a friend right now and set up a time for video chat app today! Remember, friendship is good for your health.


This is also a good time to talk to your family more since they may not be working, or are working less, so it’s easier to reach your parents and siblings. Family also contributes to your well-being which is important for staying healthy. You will be able to get to know your parents and siblings better during your time in quarantine by using video chat apps to stay in contact with each other.


Rather than spending time inside without any type of social contact, you can use video chat apps to get the next closest option to social interaction with friends and family. Community and social interaction are important to live a healthy lifestyle while in quarantine and during normal times.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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