10 Reasons For Single Men To Avoid Dating Women During The Holiday Season

Should single men date? Society wants men to feel pressure from women to date and marry. This is especially true with cuffing season, which happens during the holidays. There are more critical things men can work on rather than seeking out a romantic relationship. Here are ten reasons for single men to avoid dating women during the holiday season.

10 Reasons For Single Men To Avoid Dating Women During The Holiday Season

Learn Game

Single men can learn game. It is then up to men to decide the relationships they want to pursue. It could be one-night stands or get into a more serious relationship eventually. Game can help men to develop self-confidence.

Game requires men to work to understand female psychology. It requires men to know about hypergamy. Men who choose to take the red pill do it to better themselves instead of always being on the lookout for a mate.

Save Money

Save money. Stay out of debt. Follow a budget. Learn the basics of money management. Work to reach the first two financial goals: to have a minimum of $10,000 saved in an emergency fund, then make your first $100,000.

Related – 50/30/20 Budget Versus 60/30/10 Budget

Invest Money

Start to invest money as soon as possible. Start small by putting money away in a high-interest savings account and money market fund. Invest money in the stock market, real estate, or business.

There are many types of investments outside of the stock market. Play to your strengths. Once you have money from one successful investment, reinvest some money into another investment to diversify your risk across asset classes.

Related – 15 Habits To Build Wealth For Singles

Build Passive Income Streams

Work to build passive income streams. The Internet has made it easier to create passive income streams. It is best to play to your strengths when looking to develop the first stream of passive income. You can then use the passive income streams to build an online business.

Start An Online Business

Start an online business. A business is the ultimate asset because you can continue to find ways to grow it and create revenue streams. There are many ways to monetize an online business today. Some strategies include:

  • Advertisements on a website, YouTube, TikTok, or other social media platforms.
  • Subscription services.
  • Subscription newsletters (Substack or your own paid newsletter).
  • Sell merch.
  • Get a sponsor for content.
  • Affiliate marketing.
  • Sell digital products.
  • Sell physical products.
  • Provide a service to customers.
  • Be a coach or consultant.

A business is a financial asset. Once the business starts to make money, you can pay yourself monthly from the income it generates. The objective of a business is to make a profit. Companies do that by providing products and services there is market demand.


Single men can focus on their health. They can go to the gym. Regularly exercise. Follow a diet that they think works best. Get enough sunlight each day for Vitamin D.

Men can work to stay lean, fit, and build muscle. Looking your best can help men to be more confident in their professional and everyday lives. Self-confidence plays a vital role in success.

Hone Hard Skills

Hard skills are the most vital skills. Soft skills help with interpersonal relationships. It is hard skills that can help single men earn money, improve skills for work, and learn skills for business. The Interview Guys break down 112 examples of hard skills. Hard skills include:

  • Data analysis
  • QuickBooks
  • Photoshop
  • Video editing
  • Bookkeeping
  • Profit forecasting
  • Statistics
  • Automation
  • Machine operation
  • Forklift driving
  • Google Analytics
  • Graphic design
  • Copywriting
  • Carpentry
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Nutrition
  • Surgery
  • Typing
  • Sale pitches

Master one skill you are naturally good at in an area of interest, then move on to learn more skills. Many skills will overlap with each other. For example, sales skills naturally lend themselves to marketing and business.


There are benefits to spending time in solitude. Solitude helps with creativity, productivity, and increasing focus. Instead of being distracted by social media, a romantic relationship, or steaming content, you can spend time in solitude to help you reach your goals.

There is no reason always to socialize. Learn your interests, be productive, and spend time working to reach your goals. People can be distractions. Solitude can be a time to invest in yourself!

Related – Alone Versus Lonely

Invest In Yourself

Society tells men to focus on romantic relationships. If men are not dating, then they are losers. It is best to invest in yourself. It is vital for men to work to increase their income, grow their net worth, and continue developing skills.

Once you are financially stable, men can decide if they want to date or remain single. There is nothing wrong with either choice. People are staying single for longer today.

The best investment is in yourself. Invest in yourself first before you start to invest in others.

Travel Abroad

Travel abroad. Traveling is an excellent way to expose yourself to other cultures, traditions, and values different from your country. Try to avoid the main tourist locations as much as possible when traveling. It is best to go where the locals go when traveling. Traveling can help you to broaden your views about the world.

If you make enough money, consider investing in a second passport or country you enjoy. Live there part-time or full-time.

When I traveled to Greece with my dad before college, we had a great cab driver. The cab driver drove us around the lower parts of Greece for our trip. He helped us stay in the local hotels and find the best restaurants rather than just going to the more expensive tourist traps.

Related – Solo Travel: Tip for Trips for Singles to See the World Alone

Secure Single recommends:


Cuffing season is here. Men will feel pressure to date from friends and family. Ultimately, it is best for single men to invest in themselves.

Avoid dating women. Avoid romantic relationships. Invest in yourself to thrive as a single person!

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Lonely Single Men Versus Empowered Single Women

Does society have a double standard when it comes to single people? Today’s culture subjects people to an incompatible double standard with its portrayal of lonely single men versus empowered single women.


From criminal profilers in law enforcement to insurance companies setting your rate, being single is usually a liability.


Lonely Single Men Versus Empowered Single Women 

Lonely Single Men


Society calls single men lonely. Our culture then equates single men with being involuntary celibates or incels. The public portrays single men in negative ways. They are unsuccessful because they don’t have a girlfriend or a wife. Men are creeps because they are single. People tend to think there is something wrong with single men.


Culture doesn’t think that men can enjoy being single. However, many men can enjoy being single. They may have no interest in dating or marriage. Overall, society sends a negative message about single men. In contrast, it sends a positive message about single women.


Related – What Is Involuntary Celibacy?

Related – The Myth Of Toxic Masculinity In A Gynocentric Social Order


Empowered Single Women

While society presents single men as lonely, it calls single women empowered. Our culture gives a positive message about remaining single to women. People tend to say single women are powerful because they are bucking the system by not dating or settling down with a partner or spouse.



Women don’t need a man, thanks to feminism. They can be alpha females. Single women don’t need a man for anything. Women can do everything a man can do. They can do it better! That is the positive message that our culture sends to women. They can be empowered and independent women.


Related – Career Focused Women: Independent Women

Related – Single Women – 5 Skills You Can Learn To Empower Yourself

Related – More Women Want To Be Single: Why We’re Leaving Behind An Age-Old Tradition Of Marriage


Society’s Double Standard

Society sends a clashing message about being single with its hypocritical statement about lonely men versus empowered single women. The public tends to think that men are lonely and that there is something wrong with them for not having a romantic relationship. While for single women, it sends the positive message that they are powerful and can live their best life single without a partner or spouse.

This is truly a conflicting message!


There Is Nothing Wrong With Being Single

No matter if you are a single man or a single woman. You can know that there is nothing wrong with being single. People may be single for many different reasons. You can learn to enjoy being single. The most important relationship that you can have is the one with yourself.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

The Myth Of Toxic Masculinity In A Gynocentric Social Order

Single men experience the pressure of fitting into and conforming to a gynocentric society. When a society becomes gynocentric, it makes everything have a focus around women. Gynocentrism is a problem for single men because anything about women becomes bad or toxic. The gynocentric focus has pushed the myth of toxic masculinity. The myth of toxic masculinity has now taken root in modern society. Single men can embrace positive masculinity and start to invest in themselves.


The Myth of Toxic Masculinity in a Gynocentric Social Order


What is Gynocentrism?


First, what is Gynocentrism? Gynocentrism (noun) is the “Dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory or practice; or to the advocacy of this. Sometimes practiced to the detriment of non-females.” Gynocentric (adjective) is “Anything can be considered gynocentric when it is concerned exclusively with a female (or specifically a feminist) point of view.” In sociology, Gynocentrism is “A pervasive cultural complex geared to prioritizing women and their interests.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines gynocentric (adjective) as “Centred on or concerned exclusively with women; taking a female (or specifically a feminist) point of view.”


“[Gynocentrism] is a worldview based on the implicit or explicit belief that the world revolves around women. It is therefore the counterpart of androcentrism, a worldview based on the implicit or explicit belief that the world revolves around men. Our point was that Gynocentrism has become de rigueur behind the scenes in law courts and government bureaucracies, which has resulted in systemic discrimination against men.” [p. 309] (Katherine K. Young and Paul Nathanson, Legalizing Misandry, 2006) This worldview leads to gynocentric feminism.


In brief, Gynocentrism believes that men must sacrifice themselves for women. Of course, that will look different for each man. Gynocentrism requires men to sacrifice their manhood, jobs, careers, and their masculinity at the altar of the gynocentric social order. It is vital to understand Gynocentrism and what a gynocentric society is since single men find themselves now living in a society today that has built a worldview around Gynocentrism.


Wage Gap Myth


A few critical Feminist myths continue to remain because Feminists don’t want to acknowledge the facts against their narrative. Time Magazine deconstructs the six central myths in “6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die”. The wage gap is the most widely used one that feminists like to point to for their position. The reality is that women often choose to get more social degrees and work in social fields than men who work in STEM fields that pay more. Of course, there are always exceptions, but that is most often the case. Yet Feminists continue to cry foul while pushing the propaganda that women make less, which is a result of the fields women go into compared to men and the many variables. It is an economic myth, and Feminists need to start to be honest about the data.


The Consequences of Living in A Gynocentric Social Order


Those myths will only continue to persist because they result from living in a gynocentric social order today. Men are expendable in a gynocentric society. Instead of recognizing the intrinsic differences between men and women, a gynocentric society wants men to conform to it, hurting men in the long run. There are consequences for men living in a gynocentric social order. Rollo Tomassi summarizes some of the problems it creates for men in the video below. In brief, a gynocentric society creates a communitarian society. Yet, it still wants men to produce because men are naturally competitive.


The Myth of Toxic Masculinity


The gynocentric social order conditions men to believe that masculinity is harmful. Toxic masculinity has become “the catch-all phrase that houses all masculine guilt under one roof.” This social order tells men not to be confident, telling men not to work on themselves. The gynocentric social order says that it is wrong to disagree or even correct women. It also points out the dangers of questioning feminism and the gynocentric social order.


When men argue against today’s society’s current politically correct vocabulary, men have often attacked ad hominem for misogyny or mansplaining. All that mansplaining and using language such as toxic masculinity is a strategy to invent terminology to degrade and coerce men to be silent. Politically correct vocabulary leads to the destruction of language because words no longer have meaning since they can change them to fit the ever-changing Newspeak narrative. Manipulating and changing words is an implicit psychological tactic to suppress men to fit into the gynocentric social order.


The War on Masculinity


There is now a war on masculinity. It is an implicit series of battles that have been fought over time that been part of the culture war. If you are a man, society sees you as a problem. Words are power, so the myth of toxic masculinity is a tool to create weak men. The Internet, newspapers, magazines, movies, and television send messages that weaken men. For young men who are Millennials or younger, these men were raised by propaganda narratives from the gynocentric social order. Two famous or infamous narratives are the myth of toxic masculinity and the #MeToo Movement.


Toxic masculinity and #MeToo are weaponized propaganda to attack masculinity. The campaigns negatively attribute wrong actions that some men may have done to women to attribute that behavior to all-male behavior. Instead of rationally looking at what happened and objectively through a court of law, those movements use emotional appeal to growing. The consequence of #MeToo is that men are now uncomfortable being around women in the workplace or even just casually. Men realize that women could accuse them of predatory behavior in anything they do. Even if it is not true. A woman can falsely accuse a man of doing something he did not do. In that case, a woman will ruin a man’s professional reputation and career.


The Effect of the Myth of Toxic Masculinity on Society


The myth of toxic masculinity leads to a weak society. Toxic masculinity tells men something is wrong with them because they are male. When they show male traits such as being confident or assertive, gynocentrism labels men as displaying toxic masculinity. When they are just doing is displaying masculine traits. Some men will succumb to the gynocentric social order’s programming, resulting in weak men in society. These soft men are beta males and soy boys. Beta males and soy boys are men who go along with or believe in the gynocentric social order. Maybe they don’t know anything else, think that there is something wrong with masculinity, or are white knights. Weak men lead to a weak society which results in hard times. Weak men will not be willing to stand up when things become challenging or sacrifice themselves to protect their families and society when the hard times arrive. An example would be when the government starts to take away the rights of the people and becomes a totalitarian government.


Weak Men Create Hard Times


“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard time.” – G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain


Men no longer need to go out to hunt and gather to provide for themselves or their families. Hunting and gathering have now been replaced with jobs at the workplace. But men are dropping out of the workforce, and many things have led to weak men in modern society.


Higher Education


Fewer men are also going to college today. The modern education system does not teach people how to think. In theory, the modern education system is supposed to help prepare students to find careers. The modern education system has failed at achieving that objective. Millennials can attest to this because the higher education system created degree inflation given the state of the current higher education system that is not necessarily a bad thing. But more people are now discovering themselves unemployed or underemployed, including men, despite doing what they were told to do, which was to go to college. There are other options for men to invest their time and money. Some men would instead go to trade school. Some men may prefer to start their own business or online business. Neither of those options requires having a college degree.


The higher education system has essentially become a place for propaganda and indoctrination. When men go through it, they will likely believe what their professors tell them about how the world should work compared to how it works, which leads to a victim mindset. The modern education system trains students to find things to blame. The list of things to blame includes patriarchy, capitalism, employers, landlords, and work. Rather than students learning valuable skills that will better themselves and make them more desirable to employers. The higher education system is now creating weak men rather than men who think critically and build things that will contribute to society.




Men conventionally get more of their identity from work compared to women. The economy has drastically changed over the last decade. Still, those changes have only accelerated over the last three years as more businesses have gone online. The government also has created laws and policies that disincentivize the most productive men, or the government creates mandates that encourage people to resign from the workforce. The government laws, regulations, and taxes made unintended consequences that affect both men and women who work a regular job or own a business.


Role Models and Mentors


Millennials and the younger generations have difficulty finding role models and mentors who will instruct them on being successful. Instead, they either join groups that negatively impact them, like gangs, play video games, or spend their time online rather than working on themselves. The loss and lack of role models and mentors have created a generation of weak men. Single men can look for a mentor to help them to better themselves. A mentor can hold men accountable to work to achieve their goals. Men can learn from their mentor’s experience and professional background to improve their professional lives. A mentor can help a single man navigate and find his life purpose.


Intersexual Dynamics


Women like to date and marry up, and this is called hypergamy. But when a society has feminized men, women don’t want to spend time with those men, and similarly, when women act like men, men don’t want to spend time with those women. The consequence is a lower birth rate. The demographics won’t meet the bare minimum required to keep society going for the next generation. When a society cannot reproduce at the necessary pace, it will collapse, or the demographic numbers will need to come in through immigration.


A Return to Positive Masculinity


Modern society has distorted what it means to be a man through the gynocentric social order. There shouldn’t be a need to put “positive” before masculinity. But here we are today. Rather than falling for what modern society tells men to do and that there is something wrong with being male, their men can return positive masculinity. Men can start to act rather than remain passive as modern society wants them to do.


Single men can begin to go after what they want in their life. Single men can focus on personal development, achieve their life goals, and work to produce in a society that wants everything given to people without doing work. Men have been doers in history and value them through creating and doing rather than just being. Single men can start to take personal responsibility and self-ownership of their lives. Personal responsibility and self-ownership go against the communitarian characteristics of the gynocentric social order.


Return to a Life of Action


Men have traditionally been about doing things and taking action in your life. Rather than staying stagnant and stuck, men can decide to take action to change their lives. For men to change their lives, it will require time and hard work. In a culture that looks down on taking responsibility, it is time for men to take control of their lives with radical self-responsibility and self-ownership. Stop listening and telling people or yourself to stay safe. Accept that risk is part of life and utilize calculated risk to help you in your own life. Self-discipline is freedom.




The myth of toxic masculinity is a growing problem in society. There is nothing wrong with being male. Single men don’t need to worry about what the gynocentric social order says about men. Single men can focus on themselves. Single men can invest in themselves and work towards their life goals. Single men can work to become the best versions of themselves and produce by working to provide for themselves and those who they care for in their life. The solution is to stop believing the toxic masculinity myth. Single men can embrace conventional masculinity and manhood. Single men can stop putting women and romantic relationships on a pedestal.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How Can A Man Understand His Way? 21 Ways!

Society and the institutions that are supposed to guide people are no longer relevant. People have lost trust in institutions, and these institutions can no longer help or guide men so that they can navigate and plan for their lives. There are a few key ways a man can understand his way. These include finding a mentor, taking responsibility for your life, and working to have a strategy and a plan for your life. How can a man understand his way? Single men can start to take back their lives by becoming self-reliant, finding mentors, and working to achieve their life goals. Here are twenty-one ways how a man can understand his way today.


How Can A Man Understand His Way? 21 Ways!


There are a few different ways for single men to start to understand his way. It will require single men to take back their lives rather than going along with the things that society wants that make men weak. These twenty ways are steps for how single men can take back their lives today.


21 Ways How a Man can Find His Way


1. Find a Mentor


The first way a man can understand his way is to find a mentor. It has become more difficult for men, and people in general, to find a mentor. You can find a mentor to help you reach your goals, ranging from religious or spiritual goals to career or business goals. Unfortunately, mentorship seems to have become lost for Millennials and younger generations. A mentor can help you stay humble, hold you accountable, and motivate you to work towards your life goals.


A mentor can also help you navigate problems they have dealt with in the past from their own experience so that you don’t make the same mistakes. Mentorship can also help you find your purpose. Purpose is something that seems to be lost today. Without a life purpose, you will have no life direction and will find yourself distracted and always remaining stuck where you are in your life. When you have a mentor, it is also a process of continual self-education to help to guide you to where you want to be with your life. While a mentor won’t be able to give your all of the answers, you can learn from their own life and experiences that you can then apply to better your own life. A mentor can help you become a more well-rounded person because you will hear stories from someone who is likely older than you. A mentor can give you life advice because they have more life experience. A mentor can provide you with career advice because they have more professional experience than you in your field.


2. Don’t Get Distracted by Romantic Relationships


The second way is don’t get distracted by romantic relationships. Instead of always pursuing romantic relationships or dating, you can start to spend that time working on yourself. When you stop spending all of your time going out on dates, you will also find that you are saving money that you can save or invest. You can also put your money into other things that you enjoy doing in your life. Instead of dating, you can better use your time and money.


3. Get rid of Toxic Friends and Toxic People


The third way a man can understand his way is to get rid of toxic friends and toxic people in his life. Single men can also decide to stop spending time with toxic friends and toxic people they may have in their life. Toxic friends hold you back, and toxic people can negatively affect how you think about and view yourself. Toxic people will affect your mindset and prevent you from reaching your full potential.


4. Practice Self-Discipline


The fourth way is to practice self-discipline. Self-discipline is freedom. You can work to build self-discipline in your life by improving your daily habits to change from bad habits to practicing good habits. Self-discipline also leads to inner growth.


5. Take Responsibility for Your Life


The fifth way a man can understand his way is to start to take responsibility for his life. In modern society, people expect things to be easy for them if they follow the process that society tells them to go through and then have a professional career. When you start to take responsibility for your life, you can plan out your life as much as possible.


6. Plan Out Your Life as much as Possible


The sixth way is to plan out your life as much as possible. While you will be unable to plan for everything that will happen in your life, you can write down one-, three-, five-, and ten-year plans to plan long term for your future. Planning will help you better plan for your future to stay on target rather than becoming stagnant and remaining where you are in your life.


7. Find Your Passion


The seventh way a man can understand his way is to find his passion. When you plan out your life, you will ideally know your passion. But to do that, you must first find and understand your passion. What are your favorite things to do? What are your strengths? You can follow your strengths and passions to figure out where you want to spend your time.


8. Know Yourself


The eighth way a man can understand his way is to know yourself. The Temple at Delphi had the saying inscribed on the Greek temple, “Know Thyself.” When you start to know yourself, you will better be able to find your passions and the things you enjoy doing in your life. You can discover your values, and then you can surround yourself with people who share your values.


9. Work Towards Your Life Goals


The ninth way a man can understand his way is to work towards his life goals. Once you have written down your life goals and the steps to get there with a range of life plans, you can create a strategy to work to get there to make it a reality. You can practice self-discipline in your daily life and good habits to improve your chances of success to achieve your life goals.


10. Focus on Your Health


The tenth way a man can understand his way is to focus more on his health. You can do this by focusing on your diet and personal health. There are a few main ways to start to improve your health. You can get on a good diet rather than eating processed food. Some popular diets are the Mediterranean diet, Keto diet, Carnivore diet, and the DASH Diet.


11. Go to the Gym


The eleventh way a man can understand his way is to go to the gym consistently. Many benefits come with exercise. When you go to the gym to do cardio and strength exercises, you will slowly notice that you will feel better about yourself over time. You will also start to look better over time too. It may not be fun initially to go to the gym, but you may enjoy it as you begin to see results for your hard work to go to the gym consistently. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle mass, or combine both, you will feel better about yourself and sleep better when you always exercise and go to the gym.


You can choose the one that works for you and the goal you want to work towards for your health. You can go for walks outside or do cardio exercises on cardio machines at the gym, and you can also lift weights and work to increase your strength.


12. Exercise Your Mind


The twelfth way a man can understand his way is to exercise his mind daily. Single men can start to exercise their minds by doing exercises that will strengthen their minds. There are different ways that you improve your mind. You can do this by limiting the amount of television and social media that you watch or interact with in your life. You can also learn how to think critically and to have a debate. Another way is to challenge yourself by listening to the argument from someone you disagree with to see if the ideas you make against their position hold up against scrutiny. A third way is to do mental exercises to train your mind on websites like Lumonsity or Brainable.


13. Meditate or Pray


The thirteenth way a man can understand his way is to meditate or pray. You can start to meditate or pray consistently. Meditation can help you reduce stress, control anxiety, and help fight addictions. Meditation and prayer can also help you experience more peace in your life.


14. Overcome Your Fears


The fourteenth way a man can understand his way is to overcome the fears in his life. You can work to overcome fear in your life. There are two ways how you can work to defeat fear in your life. The first way is to challenge your fear in small ways. You can work to incorporate your fears into your daily life. As you start to challenge your fears, you will slowly chip away at your fears. The second way is to learn relaxation techniques. Learn to relax. You can take some time to relax. Some relaxation techniques include meditation, deep breathing, or distraction exercises in your daily life when you start to feel overwhelmed by fear.


15. Self-Education


The fifteenth way a man can understand his way is to practice self-education. College degrees now suffer from degree inflation. There is no need to spend lots of money on an overpriced degree and get brainwashed by the higher education system unless what you want to do requires a college degree. College is just about being about to do well in tests, and you will learn more from self-education anyways. You can study things that you find interesting rather than taking college tests.


Self-education is simply the process of educating yourself. You can focus on what you are passionate about in your life. Self-education is more accessible today in the Internet Age. You can read books, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and read articles on the topics you want to learn. When you go on the path of self-education, you always are working to improve yourself. You will wish to continue to educate yourself on what interests you rather than stopping once you get a college degree.


16. Self-Reliant


The sixteenth way for how a man can understand his way is to work to become self-reliant. Self-reliance relies on your capabilities, judgment, or resources to be independent. When you are self-reliant, you also trust your powers of judgment and trust yourself. As you become more self-reliant, you will see that you will also gain more self-confidence. Self-reliance is vital because it is how you become free and independent from your family and can start to provide for yourself. Rather than relying on others and conforming to society’s expectations, follow what you want to do and set out to achieve your goals. You can learn to rely on yourself instead of going along with the crowd.


17. Work to Increase Your Net Worth


The seventeenth way for how a man can understand his own way is to work to increase his net worth over time. There is nothing wrong with money. The more you learn about money and how it works, the more vital you realize that money is just a store of energy. The energy is what you receive for your productivity from your job or what you contribute to society. People purchase a product or service from you. Over time, you find ways to increase your net worth by discovering ways to make your money work for you. You can invest money in the stock market or cryptocurrencies. You could also create passive income through an online business or real estate. You could earn extra money by working a side hustle. You can also save and preserve your wealth by putting a percentage of your money in precious metals. Precious metals and cryptocurrencies are also ways to stay outside the fiat financial system.


18. Become the Best Version of Yourself


The eighteenth way for how a man can understand his way is to work to become the best version of yourself. You can start prioritizing what you need to get done in your day and what you want to work towards in your life. You will find that you will become the best version of yourself as you become more self-confident, more independent, achieve your goals, and increase your net worth over time.


19. Be Independent


The nineteenth way for how a man can understand his own way is to work to be independent. As you get more confident, self-reliant, overcome your fears, and grow your net worth over time, you will discover that you will be independent. Independence comes when you can provide for yourself, do the things you want, and live without worrying about others since you are now in control of your life. Your parents are no longer telling you what to do or pressuring you because you are now free from your parents since you can provide for yourself.


20. Think for Yourself


The twentieth way a man can understand his own way is to learn to think for himself. Society has become flooded by propaganda from the mainstream media. In college and higher education, people are taught what to think rather than how to think. Being able to think for yourself will set you apart from your peers in society. You can learn to think for yourself, and you can do this by learning logical fallacies and questioning authority.


21. Find Your Purpose


The twenty-first way for how a man can understand his own way is to find his life purpose. There seems to have been a loss of purpose for people over at least the last few years. How can you find your life purpose? Your purpose will often be in the middle of this Venn Diagram, and it will be in the middle between your interests, your skills, and a problem that you care about in your life. You can find your life purpose when you know what is for you.




These are twenty-one ways for a man to understand his way and live a life of freedom. In a society with corrupt institutions and broken promises from institutions, you can work to go your way rather than continuing to believe in failed institutions. It is up to you to grow a spine, put in the hard work, and achieve the goals you have set to accomplish in your life.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Costs Of Divorce And Alimony Driving Men To Go Their Own Way

Men are deciding to stay single or to go their own way. Men are doing this because men are not in a good position if a marriage does not work. The cost of getting divorced and for alimony is expensive. Men are going their own way because of the costs of divorce and alimony for men. Fewer people are getting married today, or they are choosing to delay getting married. Singles are a rising demographic in the United States in industrialized countries. People are staying single longer for many different reasons. Men are also giving up on women, marriage and are choosing to go their way. Single men are finding it more beneficial to opt-out of dating and eventually getting married. The additional financial risks of the costs of divorce and alimony disincentivize men from getting married. More and more single men are deciding to enjoy the single life and go their own way. These are three simple reasons why men are choosing to go their own way.

Costs of Divorce and Alimony Driving Men To Go Their Own Way

Cost of Divorce

Divorce is expensive, and it does not put men in a good financial position for men who decide to marry. If it doesn’t work out, divorce costs continue even after you file all legal work. The average price of getting divorced in the United States is between $15,000 to $20,000. Additional costs associated with a divorce included attorney fees, mediation fees, parent education fees, therapy, and lender fees. If it doesn’t work out, those are some of the main costs of a divorce.

Cost of Alimony

According to divorce law, alimony is done to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage. The cost of alimony payments is based on your income and how the assets and any children you may have been divided after the divorce. Alimony will vary depending on where you live. The general practice is the longer someone was married, the larger the spousal support will be following the divorce. The formulas for alimony vary in each state in the United States. In many states, the number of years of marriage is the number of years of alimony that is required to be paid, but it cannot exceed the number of years the couple was married for, in marriages under twenty years in duration.

Additionally, suppose a spouse quit their job when they got married. In that case, you will then have to cover the cost of job retraining to reenter the workforce. That is called rehabilitative alimony. Divorce and alimony are expensive and take away time and financial resources that men worked hard for over their life. Men recognize the potential social and financial costs that can come with getting divorced, and it makes more sense not to marry because of the risk. For this reason, men are choosing to stay single and to go their own way.

Men Going Their Own Way

Due to divorce laws, alimony, and the financial risk of getting married then getting divorced. Divorce is expensive, and alimony only continues to drain men of their financial resources. It just makes more sense to enjoy being single. Single men can enjoy the single life while choosing to go their own way. Some men have made the conscious decision that they never want to marry. They have made the decision that they want to go their own way. Men going their own is about personal sovereignty and men choosing to pursue their own interests in a society and a world that would prefer that they not do that. Single men realize that they don’t need a significant other or a spouse to be happy because they can be happily single and live their life to the fullest on their own terms.

Men are choosing to go their own way for many reasons. The costs associated with divorce and alimony and that the law is more favorable towards mothers than to fathers when it comes to divorce contribute to men deciding to go their own ways. Singles are a rising demographic, and men are going their own way due to potential divorce and alimony costs.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

What Is Men Going Their Own Way?

What is Men Going Their Own Way? Men Going Their Own Way focuses on sovereignty and rejecting society’s stereotypes of what it means to be a man. Men who are part of Men Going Their Own Way choose freedom above all else.

What Is Men Going Their Own Way?


According to Men Going Their Own Way’s (MGTOW) website, MGTOW is a:


statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of the word ‘No.’ Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a ‘man’ is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn’t.


Men Going Their Own Way is not a movement. It is made of individuals who have decided to make a lifestyle choice. The lifestyle choice is recognizing that they are a sovereign individual. Sovereignty is being able to self-govern yourself and free from external control. It is better to be sovereign than to always look for a romantic relationship.


Men Going Their Own Way emphasizes personal agency and that marriage takes away freedom. Romantic relationships, especially marriage, restrict and limit individuals’ choices since you have another person to consider. Life gets more complicated once you have children, which further takes away personal sovereignty. In essence, Men Going Their Own Way is about sovereignty above all else.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

10 More Reasons Why Men Have Given Up On Women

Men have given up on women and are going their own way.

Men are giving up on women for many reasons today. But men are just outright done with women and do not want to get into a romantic relationship with women again.  Single men are worn out with women getting away with things and blaming men for doing the same thing. That is called a double standard and men are done with women getting away with everything when it comes to relationships. Here are ten reasons why men have given up women and are happy to go their own way.

10 More Reasons Why Men Are Giving Up On Women

Not Good Enough

Single men are tired of being told that they are not good enough by women. Not being good enough ranges from women saying that a decent man is not good enough to being talked down to by women. Men are more complex than women like to think with a wide range of interests and skill sets. Finally, being told that you are not good enough is simply just a vague answer that ultimately means nothing that women use to get out of getting to know men. Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of hearing the blanket statement from women that they are not good enough.

Not Handsome Enough

If men are not handsome enough, then women are not beautiful enough. It should go both ways. However, women are able to get away with saying things like this to men while if men said something along the lines of this to women they would be called a number of names in today’s politically correct society. Single men are giving up on women because they are tired of society’s double standard and being told by women that they are not handsome enough. There is more to life than looks.

Not Successful Enough

What does success really mean? Does it mean having money, power, influence, self-control, living a life of purpose, or something else? Again, this is an arbitrary and subjective complaint against men that women use when being successful can mean a myriad of different things to different people. Women should really get to know a man and now what drives a man to determine if their definitions of success align. However, this is often not the case since single men are giving up on women because they are tired of being placed in a box of what success means from women without even having a conversation to define the terms of success.

Hobbies and Interests are a Waste of Time

Women say that men are not good enough and that men should find hobbies and other interests, but then men are told by women that their hobbies and interests are a waste of time. This is hypocritical and men are tired of it. Women are able to get away with this while if men said this to women, they would likely be called sexist. Men have hobbies and interests they are just not the hobbies and interests that women approve of. Men have given up on women because they are tired of women saying that they need hobbies when they already have hobbies and interests.

Ruin Enterprising Men

Women ruing enterprising men who want to start a startup, entrepreneurial venture, business, or a company by saying that it is not useful to people and it will not be successful to men. On another level, women often want to attract men to get into a relationship which distracts men from an enterprising goal. Women can ruin men by diverting them from their goals by working to make themselves the object that men want who is beautiful, melodious, fragrant, savoury, and soft. Women should respect ambitious and enterprising men rather than indirectly or directly trying to tear them down for a relationship or some other motive. Men are tired of women ruining enterprising men.

Jaded Women

Men are tired of having to deal with jaded women who show initial interest then no interest and then is not willing to work at all in any sort of relationship. After men try, men still receive the blame for a thing not working out when there was never any follow up or interest on the woman’s side. Men are tired of working to plan, prepare, and set up dates only to find out that women are not willing to commit because they are jaded from past experiences.

Jealous Women

Men are tired of jealous women who think that men are emotionally or physically cheating on them with someone else. Men have given up on women because of the double standards that women push on men when it in relationships, yet women are happy to get away with themselves in relationships.

Cheating Women

Men are done with women because they are tired of women being able to get away with cheating while women continue to maintain double standards about men in relationships. Men are tired of this because women constantly tell men that they can’t be with other women when they are in a relationship or women tell men that they can emotionally cheat on them while in a relationship. Men are exhausted of women being able to get away with doing things in society yet women holding a double standard and blaming men for doing the same thing when it happens. Men have given up on women and men are now going their own way.

Control Freaks

Men are done with women because they turn into control freaks once they get into a relationship. Women want to change men into their own image of what they want their man to be rather than letting the man be happy with who he is. Women will work to change everything about a man from how he dresses, what his house looks like, and to what type of job he should have when in a relationship. Women say they are looking out for their man’s interest, but men view this as being a control freak and women using the man to get what they want rather than to get it on their own. Men are done with women who are control freaks.

Psycho Bitches

Men are done with women who are psyche bitches. A psycho bitch is any woman who is manipulative, evil, uses men to get what she wants, and has psychotic tendencies. Men do not want to have any part with any woman who constantly tries to be with a man, manipulate a man into a relationship, use a man for financial or some other form of gain, or a woman who is just plain crazy.

Secure Single recommends:



Men are done with women because they are exasperated by the society’s double standard which allows women to get away with everything when it comes to relationships from dating to getting a divorce. Men are done with women because they are tired of being blamed for everything that is wrong in their life, in the relationship, and being blamed as the problem for everything in the world. For these reasons and more, men have concluded that it is best to go their own way and to be completely done with women. These men have given up on women. These men who go their own way are fine with being single, or at least view it as preferable to being in a relationship with a woman who could turn out to be a psycho bitch.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and on the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single Men, Manhood, And Toxic Masculinity

Is toxic masculinity a problem? Or, do men need to reclaim manhood and learn how to properly channel masculinity?

What do the new American Psychological Association study on men and the new Gillette advertisement have in common? Toxic masculinity. The traditional masculine characteristics that have been attributed to men for centuries are now called toxic masculinity. It is no surprise that men are giving up on women because manhood is believed today to be toxic. Single men should embrace their traditional and biological characteristics that have been attributed to manhood without fear rather than to appease modern society. Single men need to know that masculinity is not a sickness. Here is a look at single men, manhood, and toxic masculinityty.

Single Men, Manhood, And Toxic Masculinity

American Psychological Association on Toxic Masculinity

Single men do not need to strive to be better men according to how the American Psychological Association outlines. There are inherent differences between me and women, which modern society no longer wants to acknowledge. This is evident by the American Psychological Association “Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men”, gender politics, fourth wave feminism, and political correctness which share common goals. One of those goals is the impossible goal of getting rid of the intrinsic and natural differences between men and women by redefining masculinity as a social construct. What are some of these differences?

First, research has found that there are innate differences in the types of toys that boys and girls play with and that there is a preference that matches their gender. Second, it has been found that men have a “fight or flight” while for women it’s “tend or befriend” which has been found to be connected to the central nervous system and norepinephrine and cortisol rather than endorphins for women. Third, research has found that men are more self-interested compared to women who are more social and willing to share according to a study. Fourth, men are stronger and more aggressive than women which is, again, backed by scientific studies. Aggression is usually used to describe assertiveness, competitiveness, and ambition which have always been attributed as traditional masculine qualities. These attributes have generally made men more interested in seeking positions of power and to take more risks compared to women. There are intrinsic differences between men and women, but both sexes are equal to each other because of natural law. The American Psychological Association’s guidelines and others shared goals to redefine masculinity is an impossible goal.

Gillette Ad and Toxic Masculinity

Following the release of the American Psychological Association’s “Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men”, toxic masculinity has become a popular topic and Gillette even released an advertisement that focused on toxic masculinity. About halfway through the advertisement, there is a line of men barbequing and they all say “boys will be boys.” However, this statement seems out of context for how it is usually used. It has not traditionally been used to equate boys or men to sexual activities but rather that boys and men have different interests and characteristics compared to girls and women. Those interests and characteristics connect to the traditional masculine qualities. This is why men may do some things that women think are stupid.

Men enjoy competition. Could that be why so many men enjoy watching sports and getting into the occasional wrestling match with a friend?

Reclaiming Manhood from a Toxic Society

“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.” – Seneca

There is no toxic masculinity. There are only good and bad ways that men can act in society. Men should strive towards having a positive impact and this does not require getting rid of natural manhood. There are qualities that have traditionally been attributed to manhood: stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, aggression, courage, initiative, provide and protect, self-reliance, honesty and moral strength, tenacity, self-control, respect yet challenge authority, self-respect, loyalty, humility, compassion, and character. There is nothing wrong with these traits in and of themselves. These traits can be channeled in both positive and negative ways. While the qualities of manhood emphasize not displaying emotion, self-reliance, and strength it is important for men to be able to know when to use strength and when to be a gentleman. However, if a man cannot fully accept his manliness then he is not ready to be a gentleman. Be a man and use your manhood for good. A man, though, should know the time and place for each.

Related – The Myth Of Toxic Masculinity In A Gynocentric Social Order


Contrary to popular thought that seems to be more and more against men and manhood, single men should embrace manhood and then strive to be a gentleman. Masculinity is not toxic. Masculinity is not a sickness. Masculinity is inherent in men and is part of having X and Y chromosomes. Single men should work to become the best men possible by directing their masculinity in positive ways. Prove yourself to your family, friends, community, and society.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single Men Who Go Their Own Way During The Holidays

Choose to be part of the single men who go their own way during the holidays.

The holiday season is a time with additional pressure date and to get engaged. Single men can make the most of the holiday season and New Year’s by choosing to go their own way rather than succumbing to a relationship. Single men who go their own way during the holidays are confident men who realize that a relationship does not give meaning or happiness to life.

Single Men Who Go Their Own Way During The Holidays

You Can Choose to go Your Own Way this Holiday Season

A survey found men feel the most pressure during the holidays to find a partner. This is most likely because cuffing and engagement seasons take place during the holiday season. There is added pressure from friends, family, and society to date and to propose to someone during the holidays. Single men can free themselves from these societal pressures and choose to go their own way during the holidays. It is better for men to go their own way during the holidays instead of getting tied down each holiday season.

Single men who go their own way during the holidays can travel, save money, volunteer, and fully enjoy the holiday season how and with who single men want. For single men who go their own way during the holidays, they can spend the holidays exactly how you want rather than having to go visit a significant other’s family during the holiday season. Single men can travel to see the world for the holidays to learn about how other cultures celebrate Christmas and New Year’s. Single men will save money when not being a relationship during the holiday because they don’t have to visit a significant other’s family, go out on holiday dates, and go to a New Year’s party to have a midnight kiss. Single men can volunteer during the holidays –and the rest of the year– by volunteering their time, money, and resources to charities and nonprofits. Volunteering is a way for single men to give back to their community. Single men who go their own way during the holidays are able to choose exactly how they want to spend their time and who they want to invest their time in during the holidays. For some single men, this may mean helping their local church or bringing in the New Year by attending a New Year’s party exactly how you want to end the year. Single men can choose to spend the holidays alone, with friends, or make new friends at events they attend during the holiday season.


Single men who go their own way during the holidays should not be afraid to stand up to society’s norms of cuffing and engagement seasons during the holidays. Single men say “no” to dating and make the priority of the holiday season anything that they want that are not romantic relationships. This holiday season is the time for single men to go their own way during the holidays!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single Men And Sexual Satisfaction For Cheap

Access to sexual satisfaction for single men has never been easier.

It is no secret. Single men have given up on women. Single women have given up on men too. Dating is on the decline. Marriage rates have plummeted. Why would single men no longer want to date and to marry? One simple reason is that men no longer need romantic relationships and monogamy to get sexual satisfaction. Marriage is no longer needed for single men to get sexual satisfaction today.

Single Men And Sexual Satisfaction For Cheap

Sexual Satisfaction Most Expensive In Romantic Relationships

The most expensive form of sex comes from marriage and from romantic relationships. This is because the amount of sex is controlled by the partner who a man is in a relationship with or who a man is married to. The man in these relationship models cannot have sex unless their partner wants to have sex too. However, both marriage and romantic relationships are having a difficult time keeping men’s attention when they compete against cheaper alternatives to get sexual satisfaction. It requires more work and men will probably get less sex, single men are opting out of the dating market and the marriage market. Why?

Cheap Sex Comes With Technology

Sex. Is. Cheap. Today. With the advent of the Internet and apps, there is a limitless supply of ways for single men to access sex and to pair up with the partner of their choice. Hookup apps allow single men to meet and hookup with someone easily to have a one night stand or a series of flings without having to worry about it turning into a romantic relationship. Apps such as Tinder and Grindr are the most well known the hookup apps available today primarily for the purpose of sexual satisfaction. There is no reason for men to take the hard route to get sexual satisfaction when it can be found by simply downloading an app today.

The Internet Is A Gold Mine For Cheap Sex

The Internet has democratized the accessibility to find information and for single men to discover new kinks. Single men are the widest users of pornography and porn is the cheapest form of sexual satisfaction available. It can be found online for free and can be viewed as often as single men want to watch it. Men can discover new sexual expressions from porn that a romantic partner may have never allowed them to try. The combination of the wide availability of the porn and what compliments watching it has greatly depreciated the value and the control of women having control over sexual satisfaction. Women cannot compete against the cheap sex that is available today and they realize this.


Single men no longer need to date or to be married to get sexual pleasure. The Internet and apps allow single men to view and to find someone to sleep with or they know they can search online for porn anytime of the day. Sexual satisfaction is only a click away today with technology. There are many reasons why single men have stopped dating and are giving up on women, but cheap sexual satisfaction is definitely a great motivator… and single women know they can’t compete.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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