Singles Celebrating Thanksgiving Alone Is The Best Choice

Thanksgiving is often thought to be a time to spend with family and if you are unable to spend it with family, then you spend it with friends and have a Friendsgiving. But why should that remain the case when the majority of the population is single and dining out alone is becoming normal? This Thanksgiving singles should not be afraid to dine out alone to celebrate the holiday if they will not be spending it with family or friends.

What Society Says You Must Do 

The common narrative for Thanksgiving is that it must be spent with family, but if it is not spent with family then it must be with friends for a Friendsgiving. Those are both good options, but the other option is enjoying Thanksgiving alone. There is nothing wrong with being alone or spending time alone. It is actually healthy and OpenTable has seen an increase of reservations for one by solo diners. Why not check out a new restaurant and enjoy Thanksgiving by yourself? That is what I will be doing and the day has plenty to offer singles.

What Singles Can Actually Do for Thanksgiving

Singles have the opportunity to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in the morning. The parade features large balloons of holiday features, live music, and crowds watching the parade in New York City. You can relax watching the parade with your favorite drink in hand and check out your friends’ posting pictures on social media. After watching the parade and seeing what your social media friends are up to, you can check out the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

After you see if there is anything that you want on sale for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, get ready to go to the restaurant that you made the reservation at to celebrate Thanksgiving. There is nothing wrong with dining by yourself or to celebrate Thanksgiving alone as a single. Singles are increasingly making reservations for one on OpenTable and it is great to do something on holidays instead of staying in your apartment or house. Try a new restaurant this Thanksgiving and celebrate being single!

However, if you are not interested in exploring a new restaurant, then help out at a local food bank this Thanksgiving. Find a local food bank or church that is having a Thanksgiving meal for the homeless in your city and volunteer. Singles volunteer more than couples and it is good to help those who are less fortunate by giving your time to assist with a Thanksgiving meal at a food bank. Volunteering to help on Thanksgiving and at organizations that provide help to the homeless will give you a different view of the world that is both healthy and helpful for singles.

Depending on how you plan your day and who your football team is, enjoy watching the Thanksgiving game. You can watch the games online, on the sports, channel, or by going to a local sports bar that is playing the game. Sit back and watch football this Thanksgiving.

There are plenty of things for singles to do on Thanksgiving and ways for singles to enjoy the holiday alone. It is healthy to spend time alone. There is no reason for singles to be sad that they are not celebrating the holiday with family or was not invited to a Friendsgiving. This Thanksgiving be thankful for being single and that you are not in a bad relationship where you have to travel to your significant other’s family to have those awkward Thanksgiving dinner conversations.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Ultimate Guide To Friendsgiving: Singles Should Enjoy The Holiday With Friends

This year you can be a champ when you bring the goods this year to Friendsgiving. If you’ve never been to a Friendsgiving, there are guidelines on how it works and how to be a great attendee to your host’s holiday event this year. Friendsgivings can be a safe place for singles to go, simply because you will be in like company! 

Friendsgiving is becoming a very popular in America, most likely because Millennials aren’t getting married as early or as much as our Gen-X counterparts, and that America is the country of workaholics. Most people who celebrate Friendsgiving range from those who don’t have a family to celebrate the holidays with, or are a workaholic adult who doesn’t have time to take a trip home. Whatever the case may be, Friendsgiving is a great way to get together with people you care about to be thankful for what you have: your friends, your home, your career, and your health. Of course there are many things to be thankful for, this holiday season is just the time to come celebrate your gratitude towards life.

What To Bring

If you’ve got a friend who has organized the event, you may have been assigned an item or food category of what to bring. It might look something like this:


Last Names & What To Bring (Example):

A -I: Side Dishes
H – P: Drinks
Q – Z – Desserts


The host usually makes the big stuff, like the turkey. If you enjoy preparing meals, then this is a great opportunity to show your skill by preparing something special for Friendsgiving. If you’re not too well versed in the cooking school, stop by your local deli. If you haven’t been asked to bring something, then a bottle of wine or even cider is always appropriate.


What To Do At Friendsgiving

Depending on if the event is hosted at someone’s home, or if it is at a community center, you can always offer your hand to help clean dishes, prepare last minute touches on meals, and even to help entertain the other guests.


Portion Your Plate(s)

Keep in mind that this is a very special event, so bring your best attitude as well. Enjoy yourself, and try not to eat too much food. If you need to, take a spoonful of each dish on your plate, that way you get to try something that each person has brought and you won’t feel super full after finishing your plate. Be careful of seconds, and save some room for the pumpkin pie.


Enjoy Yourself!

The holidays were meant to be enjoyed with great company, so make sure you’ve got plans to be with people you care about during the holidays. There is no excuse to be lonely, because there are always a lot of loving people in the world. Have fun at your Friendsgiving, and remember to enjoy yourself this holiday season!





Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Ways Singles Can Survive Thanksgiving Dinner Family Interrogations

Headed home this Thanksgiving? Don’t fret if you’re single. We’ve got a survival guide on how to feel less pressured by your family interrogations. Remember that it is okay to be single. If your family is understanding, you will be just fine, if not, it’s time to pull those adulting pants up. Ready? Here we go!

Step 1: Plan Your Trip Home

Make sure wherever you travel this season that you are prepared to make a safe journey flying or driving home. On your prep list, make sure to have plans to be with your family most of the time, and to also call up your neighborhood friends so you can catch up and take a break from being at home too much.

Step 2: Stand In Your Truth

If you are single and reading this, be proud of who you are. Make sure that you are comfortable with yourself as you are, and that you don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being single. Student loans, self-discovery, and taking time to mature before getting in a relationship all factor into a patient single person. You should never rush to date someone, especially if you aren’t ready. Don’t let anyone push you.

 Step 3: Combat Interrogations

Most millennials are single anyhow, and it is a different world today than it was for your grandparents and parents. You may need to remind your family of this, and also let them know that there are pressing economic factors of why most millennials are single. You may feel like you are at a debate, just take a deep breath – it will be over shortly.

Step 4: Take A Break

This is where planning to see your neighborhood friends comes in handy. If you’ve having a tough time adjusting to being back home and getting slack for your relationship, then call a friend. You can go for coffee, watch football, see a movie, or go for a walk. 

Step 5: Workout

While this may seem counter intuitive, working out during the holidays will both keep you in shape while people are eating their 2nd’s and it will boost your endorphin’s – this will make you feel instantly better. Look great, feel great, and hey – be great. Look sexy while you are doing it, and be proud of your single self.

Now armed with knowledge, you will feel prepared to go home and be with your family as a secure single person. Feel proud of who you are and flaunt your stuff – you’re not tied down and you are as free as a bird to do as you please.


Stay securely single this holiday season,


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Thanksgiving Conversation Recipes To Respond To Family About Your Relationship Status

Thanksgiving dinner is the first holiday dinner that singles will have to go to this holiday season where family, extended family, and friends will ask you questions that are on all of their minds. Why are you still single? When was your last relationship? Why are you not dating anyone? When are you going to have children? While people are single for different reasons, there is nothing wrong with being single. This is a conversation recipe for how to respond to your family and friends interrogating questions about why you have no significant other.

Why Are You Still Single?

Directions: You are single because you found that the single life has much more to offer compared to when you were dating x, y, or z. In fact, you don’t see why it is a problem. Why are you asking me why I am single, you are not asking them why they aren’t divorced yet or how their marriage is going?

Recipe Variations: You are taking a break from relationships right now. You are content being single and  have found that it better than dating. Or, you are single by choice and are not interested in ever getting into a relationship. You respect their choice to stay married, get divorced, live with their partner, etc; why can’t they respect your choice to remain single?

When Was Your Last Relationship?

Directions: Insert the number of years since your last relationship, now describe the values of the single life and how you have found them to benefit you while being in a relationship constrained you from achieving your potential. You can also say how you enjoy being single and you don’t know when your next relationship will be, you may be on a break, or that you have no interest in dating anyone.

Recipe Variations: You can point out that singles are on the rise, millennials are delaying marriage, and relationships can be overrated.

Why Are You Not Dating Anyone?

Directions: Describe that the need to date and to become a serial dater is a repercussion of society’s dating industrial complex. There is no need for people to date to be in romantic relationships when friendships can actually be more worthwhile. The need to always date has driven people into a relationship hysteria and to not recognize that the single life is worth living. You are enjoying your time being single and being able to focus on developing yourself instead of having to take care of someone else.

Recipe Variations: Pick the dangers of dating and online dating, especially in light of all the recent sexual assault and abuse scandals. Consider adding a generous dash of sass, spice, or sarcasm about the dating industry and people always being in relationships as you want.

When Are You Going to Have Children?

Directions: You can say that you have never asked about their sex lives and whether or not they planned to have their children or if they are considering having more. How is this an appropriate question?

Recipe Variations: This is one of the more direct and uncomfortable questions to be asked, you are welcome to retaliate to the question as you think is best. The response range can range from a jalapeno to ghost pepper, dependent upon the context and tone of the person who asked it. There is nothing wrong with being childless. It is fine to be single and childless.


These are four short and easy conversation recipes to guide you through those awkward questions that family and friends love to ask singles at Thanksgiving. Please use a generous dash of the ingredients and spices of your choice when responding to each question as the circumstances require. Turn up the heat and watch these questions burn in flames.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Ways To Love Your Single Self During The Holidays

5 Ways to Love Your Single Self During the Holiday’s


Some say ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year.’ But how do you embody that when you have a sense of secure-single-loneliness?

While your friends are pairing up and starting their families, here are some tips to keep you focused during the holiday’s:

  1. Love yourself.

No matter what situation you are in, whether recovering from a bad break up, or are chronically single and have no clue why you can’t seem to get a glance from the opposite sex, keep one thing in mind: you can love yourself — even when others don’t seem to.

Explanation: Yes you may have some issues, like having a high number of cats at your house or that embarrassing comic collection… But you can still love yourself. If there are some ailments you would like to remedy, talk to your friends for feedback or simply seek out professional help. There is always a way to love yourself. This is one of the most important keys to a happy life.

  1. When your family asks if you are dating anyone…

It’s okay to say ‘no.’ This is perhaps one of the most powerful words in the dictionary. When preparing the rebuttal of why you are still single, here is one powerful you can add into your tool belt:

                 I am taking time to find myself — you can never go wrong with this. Seriously, we could all benefit from studying ourselves on a deeper level. As the great philosopher Socrates once said, ‘Know thyself.’

  1. Focus on the great relationships you have with friends, and amend ones that need nurtured.

So many times people can get lost in their own minds… Especially when you are single and trying to decide if a relationship is right for you.. ‘Should I do this? Or should I do that…?’ Take this moment in time you have to build up great relationships and amend the past. A good circle of friends is the icing on the cake to a beautiful life.  

If you feel lonely this holiday season, call a good friend and go shopping, eat out, and treat yourself! Perhaps a disagreement has distanced you from a good friend. Communication is key. Talking about how you feel, and expressing yourself in a safe environment will do a person good. Whatever route you take, make sure to appreciate your friends.

  1. Go workout.

Who doesn’t like a beautiful body? Head to the gym and work out for a quality hour. Mix it up with cardio, weights, or simply picking up a game of basketball. Bring your friends along, or simply go in solo. Either way, a workout will leave you feeling refreshed, and will vamp up the release of endorphin’s in your body — when they’re released, [they] make us feel better, improve our mood, increase pleasure, and minimize pain (

  1. Meditate.

This is a great call to action for any time you feel lonely, lost, or confused being single. Simply meditate. All you need is a quiet space, and time to focus on your breathing. You will come out the other end a lot happier.

Now that you are armed with some great tips to survive this holiday season, you can definitely have a more positive one. Happy holidays Secure Singles!

Yours truly,


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Happy Thanksgiving Singles

Secure Single wants to wish all the singles and unmarried a Happy Thanksgiving holiday. Whether or not you have any plans for Thanksgiving, be sure to relax and to enjoy some Thanksgiving food. Stores such as Whole Foods typically have festive holiday food available on their buffet. Restaurants also will have Thanksgiving and turkey dinner for the holiday, if you want to go out. Be sure to make a reservation for one, if you decide to go out this Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a day to remember what you are thankful for over the past year. Secure Single is thankful for everyone who we have been able to help to better live the single life over this past year. Now be sure to enjoy some Turkey, stuffing, and a good drink. Happy Thanksgiving singles!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

How To Roast Your Family On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day where people usually come back once a year and get together with their family, along with any close family friends. Depending on what type of single you are, you can play it safe at the dinner table and respond politely to questions about being single and singlehood. However, if you are interested in turning the tables on your family and friends this Thanksgiving, wear your singlehood with pride. This Thanksgiving don’t be roasted for being single, instead roast your family for things that society takes for granted and believes is normal.


When you are asked about your single status and if you are dating anyone, answer honestly and don’t be afraid to roast them just like the Thanksgiving Turkey.


How are you still single? Have you gone on any dates recently?


Single: I enjoy being single. It is great! I can go anywhere I please, spend my time as I like, and I am not tied down by another person or kids. I don’t believe in dating or romantic relationships. I’m simply not interested in that. How are you still together with your girlfriend/boyfriend? I thought you were going to break up a long time ago.


Have you met anyone that you really like?


Single: I met this awesome guy/girl at my favorite bar the other day. We talked. He/She was hot. I am hot. We bought another round. He then took me back to his place and it was great. I’m always being told that I need to put myself out there. I did that. I’m just not interested in dating. Have you met anyone that you really like? Oh, that’s right you’re married. Have you ever considered an open marriage?


You should be out looking for love. Let it find you.


I think it’s important to learn more about myself and know myself first. I don’t need or want another person in my life. Plus, romantic love is always presented in such a positive light by society and Hollywood. Do you know what the divorce rate is today? Are you out looking for love after your recent divorce? Enough talking about me. Tell me about that.


Aren’t you tired of being alone? Don’t you get lonely?


Actually, no. There is also an important difference between being alone and lonely. Being alone is positive while being lonely is negative. I enjoy being alone. I get to read. I get to watch Netflix. I get to go to events alone. I don’t get lonely because I am comfortable in my own skin. Are you comfortable doing things by yourself? When was the last time you did something alone?


Can I set you up with someone? I know someone who you would be compatible with and you two would make such a cute couple!


No, you cannot set me up with someone. Please don’t ask me again. Where you set up with someone? Was that how you met your boyfriend/girlfriend?


Enjoy being single this Thanksgiving and be blunt to everyone at the table about how great the single life is. Don’t be afraid to roast your family this Thanksgiving!

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. In fact, it is this Thursday. Singles and unmarried will be travelling home to catch up with their families and then will most likely be asked about their relationship status, or lack of one. Singles should be confident this year when asked about their singlehood at Thanksgiving dinner with their friend and family.

The primary animal that will be roasted this Thanksgiving is a turkey as its demand increases due to the holiday, but singles will be the other unusual creature roasted at the dinner table this year. A turkey will be cooked, braised, smoked, or roasted to be served as the main course. Singles will be roasted by dinner guests, friends, and family about their relationship status who expect that their sons and daughters should date and get married. However, there is nothing wrong with being single and that is the core message that singles need to get across to family and friends at the Thanksgiving dinner table.

Society still expects men and women to get married to maintain the structure and organization of societal institutions. However, marriage rates continue to decline – especially among Millennials—while the divorce rate has remained consistent. Millennials have become skeptical, cynical, and disillusioned about marriage as they recognize the divorce rate, failed (or serial) marriages, and are delaying or not planning to get married because of debt from higher education. This is a first practical response and rebuttal to questions from family and friends directed towards singles at the dinner table.

Singles today are now 45% to 50.2% of the current American population (depending on how the survey is conducted) and are beginning to get noticed more when it comes to issues. As a growing group, singles are able to decide how they want to live their lives such as if they want to possible get married or remain single by choice. Single Millennials are also more open to open relationships and polyamorous relationships while becoming more skeptical about monogamy. In this way, singles are still able to have sexual and other relational experiences that have traditionally been considered to be part of marriage without committing to a partner; but instead, remaining single. Being single does not have to get in the way of sex and other life experiences; in fact, singlehood should increase the opportunity for more life experiences compared to getting married. This is a second response that singles can use to respond to questions from their family and friends this Thanksgiving.

No one is born married. Everyone is born and will die single (married or not). All people are individuals first. As individuals, each person is responsible for their choices and their actions without interference. All individuals are moral agents, this entails that each individual has natural rights and negative rights that are universal rights given to each individual for being a human being. An individual should be free from coercion, an external force that the government can use, that intimidates individuals. These provide the basis for a philosophical response for why individuals choose to be single because everyone is an individual first and is given rights in accordance with the laws of nature.

There are many ways to respond to dinner guests this Thanksgiving when asked why you are single. Depending on who is asking you about why you are single, you can respond with a practical or philosophical answer. This Thanksgiving be prepared and ready with a response as to why you are not dating rather than being roasted at the dinner table for being single and unmarried.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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