Why Do Single Women Still Believe The Marriage Fairytale Bullshit?

Getting married and having a fairytale life is not exactly what happens when you enter adulthood. So many women have dreams manifest from their childhood of getting married to Prince Charming and living in a castle. The marriage fairytale myth hurts singles and couples alike. There is divorce, infidelity, long weeks of endless work climbing the corporate ladder, and everything else in between. The marriage fairytale that many women still believe about a magical white wedding followed by a happy ending is bullshit

Why Do Single Women Still Believe The Marriage Fairytale Bullshit?

As children, we were brainwashed by all those Disney movies with the same story outline: the princess gets rescued by a handsome prince with a gazillion dollars. What kind of subconscious bullshit is this? Teaching our children today that this is how society works is completely the wrong way to go the game of life. It imposes that women should wait for men to do everything and that men have to take full responsibility for providing for women. The cultural ideas have already begun to tip, hence the fact that there is more stay at home dads and women breadwinners. It’s 2018 – let’s wake up and smell the roses. Women are nearly fifty percent of today’s workforce and are leading even more badass careers today thanks to the women who have paved the way in relentless sociopolitical battles throughout history. Single women need to get over the silly marriage fairytale myth and embrace that the future is female.

Getting married is a terrible idea for many reasons, with divorce being a biggie. Although the divorce rate is falling, the reason for this is because millennials are putting off marriage because they are not financially ready, haven’t found ‘the one’ , and are not ready to settle down yet. Getting a divorce is one of the most stressful events that can happen in your life, along with moving, changing jobs, and losing a loved one. Save yourself the emotional drama, and get down to business. It’s time to focus on improving yourself and getting ahead in your career. Stop believing the marriage fairytale myth bullshit now women.

Did I mention how big of a distraction getting into a relationship is? When you are young and have a lot of energy, you should be working your ass off to make a good career for yourself and to create a better future for you. Don’t waste your time rolling the dice with a risky person who could be the biggest waste of your time. Stay true to you. Wait till you are in your mid-30’s or so. Make your own money, get your own car, pay your own bills, and remember that a man is not a plan. Get up and walk out away from the marriage fairytale romance women. Choose to accept the real world where the world and relationships are messy and being single is great instead of the marriage fairytale bullshit.


Have you heard of the double standard, as well? If you are a woman and get married, you just became the maid, the cook, the babysitter, the lander, and the full-time employee with a full-time weekly job. There is still a discrepancy with the pay gap and the responsibilities at home are still in the women’s court; however, men are  becoming more involved with home responsibilities. Forget all the extra responsibilities, and take care of you, because you are number one! Take care of yourself, work out, eat healthy, save money, and become confident in who you are and double down in succeeding in your profession. Hold your breath this spring while love is in the air, you owe it to yourself to look out for you and become the best version of yourself, today! Give up on the marriage fairytale myth today! 


Securely yours,

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Childfree Professional Single Women In Society

It’s no secret that the birth rates across industrialized countries have been on the decline for the last handful of decades. Professional single women now outnumber men in the workforce. The decline of birth rates is due to changes in legislation, international warfare, and the ease and availability of resources. The 1960s sexual revolution was perhaps one of America’s biggest tipping points, mostly because women could not have access to birth control, which allowed women to be sexually liberated. Not having children allows people to save more money and have more freedom to travel and to do what they want, when they want. Professional single women are rising in society by taking advantage of sexual liberation, independence, and the modern economy. 

Childfree Professional Single Women In Society


In America, the Affirmative Action plan was passed In 1961 by President Kennedy, creating the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity which made employers take action to ensure that every person receives an equal opportunity, this included women receiving equal wages of their male counterparts. 

Along with the Affirmative Action, shorty to follow was the 1960’s sexual revolution. which made it possible for women to get birth control. Since then, women can have sex without the heavy consecutive of raising a child.

International Warfare

During WWII in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, Rosie the Riveter came into existence to influence women to get jobs in order to help the countries production during war time. Women became needed in the workforce because the majority of American men were out fighting in WWII. When women began working, they also began bringing in a paycheck and learned to depend on themselves while their men were away. With men at war, birth rates also declined. As soon as men began to return after the war ended, women were pushed to return to their previous roles in the home – the result was that many women pushed back rightfully so to claim what was equally theirs: a secure job in the marketplace with good earnings.

*Check out this graph and notice that just before the baby boom in 1945 there was a drop in the birth rate during WWII.


The old way of growing up on a farm and raising kids are long gone. Because food, services, and other resources are so easily attainable, we don’t need a family to depend on. Women with economic independence can further their reach because they are no longer burned with outdated technology to keep their homes nice and feed themselves. We now have one of the most technologically advanced marketplace of our times.


Our current economy has made being a childfree single woman easier than ever before in history. Professional single women can lead more independent lives without children because of changes in legislation, international warfare, and our economy. Professional single women are the new normal and it is wonderful.                                                                                                                                  

Securely yours,


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

A Solo Women Travel Guide

In lieu of the rise of women independence and economic power, women are beginning to do more and see more through travel. Solo women travel is becoming common around the world. Whether for business or pleasure, here are five solo women travel tips on how you can travel safely as a woman from the US, Canada, or anywhere else in the world.

A Solo Women Travel Guide

 Do Your Research On Safe Countries 

Solo women travel tip number one. The United States Department of State has data you want. Check it out for yourself and do the research beforehand. Save yourself the grief and get a step ahead of the curve by educating yourself as a solo women traveler.

Get Your Passport Updated And Ready

Solo women travel tip number two. Get a passport through the US Post Office and make sure your documents are up to date before you travel. Make two or three copies of your passport and IDs just in case. If you already have a passport, make sure it is up to date and has enough room in the pages for you to travel.

Select An Optimal Wardrobe

Solo women travel tip number three. There may be a certain climate and style at the destination you are traveling to. Look up the weekly temperatures the particular region you will be staying at. Will you need water clothes, cooler clothes, sandals for the beach, or hiking shoes? Make sure you pack clothes that will benefit you while you are there. Selecting a style that is similar to locals will also help you smoothly blend in with the culture. You will mostly likely not get taken advantage of when you look like a local. Blend in and don’t get robbed.

Stay At A Legitimate Hotel

Solo women travel tip number four. Before you press “book this room”, make sure the hotel has positive reviews from more than fifty people. It is true that our disposable income increases with age, so booking a cheap hostel may be more attractive than an expensive hotel with the allotted conveniences. Make sure you do the research to see if it is safe. You don’t want to end up like those backpackers in the movie Hostel. Be safe, and be aware of the places you are going. If you get weird vibes, leave. Your safety should come first.

Don’t Get Wasted

Unless you are on MTV True Life or on a military base, you want to make sure you don’t get wasted while traveling. Having a drink or two is okay, but it does lower your inhibitions. When you are in a new place and are surrounded by people you do not know, make sure to keep your guard and wits about you. Getting intoxicated increases the risk of unsafe behavior, and could cost you more than you know.  Do not take the chance.


Take charge AND advantage of these times. Make sure you do your best to prepare for your travels to make it as seamless as possible. With all your ducks lined out in a row, you will have a better time during your trip, whether for business or travel. Bon voyage!

Securely yours,


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Single Women Beware The Cons Of Getting Knocked Up

Having kids is more work than a serious relationship. When you have kids, women tend to be 90% responsible. Forget about commitment in this day and age, men are great at worming their way out of helping a single mother in any way, especially if it is their child. Out of wedlock mothers are on the rise. After all the promises and sweet talk, women are left alone to rear a child. Sadly, women give up their life and devote all their energy and time to a child who is completely dependent on them. Sounds great, right? Single women can take advantage of the advances that came with the pill and the sexual revolution to prevent getting knocked up. Hell no, pass me the birth control.

Single Women Beware The Cons Of Getting Knocked Up

1960’s Sexual Revolution

Hello – do we not remember history? The 1960’s was all about the women’s sexual revolution. You want to make sure to tap into this. Women in history have made a lot of things possible, and we don’t stop there. Get your birth control on. Have as much SAFE sex as you want, and walk away with no strings attached. Women can have as much freedom as men without the burden of children. It’s a huge responsibility. Get birth control now – there are so many resources for free, depending on what state and county you live in.

Long-Term Effects

Yeah, it’s true that children can give you meaning to your life, but they also take away many freedoms as a young person. Your body will heal faster if you have kids young, but it will negatively affect your financial future. Your life will dramatically change, and it won’t be as glamorous as 16 and Pregnant.

Additional Consequences

I know adults older than I am without kids. They have money to invest, travel, and treat themselves to the finer things in life. They are also rich in time. If you want to rock in your career, then DON’T get knocked up. Think ahead of the consequences. I’m not saying to never have kids, but I am saying that you should think seriously about your life, your goals, and your partner. There are also legal battles you may need to face if you do have a child with a guy. Get a good lawyer, or be prepared to get screwed a second time.

Your Body WILL change

Sex life after birth will be different. Your body changes after birth. Make sure that if you want to suffer the consequences of getting knocked up, then be prepared for your body to go to shit. You will have to let yourself go. Want the solution? Don’t have kids, work out, and take care of yourself. You will want to better your health in the physical, mental, and financial way. Make the most of your life and don’t screw yourself over. Get birth control, for real.


Remember that your life is ultimately yours. Open more doors and prepare yourself for a brighter and better future in your career, health, and finances. Having kids may be a traditional route, but think again: women have more opportunity now than ever, so take advantage of the good things in your life. Go for BIGGER and better things. Remember that Beyonce waited for kids in her 40’s, and she is prepared for them with a committed partner, a career that is hot on track, and a well-balanced life. Carpe diem, my single friends!


Securely yours,

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

5 Reasons Single Women Are Not Getting Married

If you’ve noticed the increasing number of singles, women especially, it is because more often than not women prefer to stay single, rather than get into a time consuming and committed relationship. Single women are on the rise, marriage is on the decline, and it’s because we are focused on our goals.

Sorry, not sorry, the percentage of married couples is on the decline. The reason is that women in this day in age have more freedom than ever, and more opportunity than our past counterparts who paved the way and made these times possible. Women are starting companies and reinventing themselves through education and blazer focused career paths. We, myself included, do not depend on anyone other than ourselves to take care of ourselves. And with that, the world is our oyster, and we can get everything we want with the right attitude and work attitude.

Similar to men, women like the free reign of the single life. It is a walk that 99% of us go through, and some of us stay in. It all breaks down into values. But there is no denying that the independence of women is on the rise. Instead of rearing families, we women now satisfy OURSELVES first. Single women are deciding to put their careers and education first over getting married and having children today. 

5 Reasons Why Single Women Are Not Getting Married

Personal Freedom is Everything

The thought of being single, drinking cocktails with the gals, wearing high heels, and having ‘no-strings-attached’ sex is fun. We have more time to ‘play’ and get down to business in our careers by starting a company or two. People in general lead happier lives when we work towards what WE want. This is the formula for a happy life. A securely single woman will make time for herself without feeling obligated to anyone else. Did someone say, Free Bird?

Career-Oriented Single Woman

Many women face the choice between being a career blazer and making well over $100,000K a year salary or raising a family doing thankless tasks. Freedom or slavery? I’ll take the $100,000K freedom 100% of the time. Focus on your goals and get a strong sense of fulfillment through your work. Similar to how men want to focus on their career before getting committed, women can do JUST THE SAME. More power to the V! The importance and reward of hard work should never be underestimated.

Personal Fitness Goals

More and more secure single females want to be able to achieve their personal goals and figure themselves out before they get into a relationship. How often do we hear of mothers ‘letting themselves go‘ to put their families first? Fuck that. You should never ‘let yourself go’. Complaining kids cure? Go for a run. You will get in shape, feel sexy, build mental toughness, and feel EXTREMELY good after you sweat. Everyone respects a person who takes care of themselves. DON’T fall into the ‘I want a family’ trap. Don’t have kids and don’t get married unless you have achieved all your goals. Know yourself, and know your worth. You are capable of SO MUCH. Become independent before you settle down with someone.


Some securely single women are not interested in getting married, especially when they are trailblazing. Meeting and exceeding your goals in your career and fitness levels will make you happy because you will feel in control of your life. So many times, I date men that get mad at me for working long hours and not putting them first. Yes, the company is nice, but it is distracting. Cut out everything that distracts you, and don’t put anyone ahead of you. It may sound selfish, but if you do not look out for yourself, NO ONE ELSE WILL.

No Strings Attached Sex

Thanks to the sexual revolution, women can have sex through the dreary and horrible responsibility of raising a child. No offense here, men, but you are not committed enough. There are so many single mothers out there who’ve had men abandon them and their babies. Fuck that. Just have sex without the intent of starting a family. And if the guy turns out to be psycho, you can let him go without a ‘minnie-me!


To lead a happy life, go forth and focus on accomplishing your career goals, fitness goals, and finance goals. Make your life what you want it, and have fun while doing it. Your life will be less stressful and complicated when you are a secure single woman who is in control of your career, health, and finances. Go and be a badass!


Securely yours,

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!


5 Ways Singles Can Use Tinder Emotion Free

Everyone knows that Tinder is a completely ruthless hookup app. In our millennial generation, having meaningless-pleasurable sex out of wedlock is super common, and increasingly becoming more popular. There have been rare cases of people finding ‘the one’, but it does happen. If you are just looking to hookup, here is how to honor your emotional boundaries. Tinder is good for bouncing back after breakups, or just getting some goodies if you need it. We live in the insta-now decade, so when in Rome do as the Romans do. Right? Here are five easy ways to use Tinder without getting emotionally involved with someone by learning your boundaries and using the app to find sexual pleasure.

5 Ways Singles Can Use Tinder Emotion Free

No Strings While Traveling

Travelling is something that absolutely necessary. If you have not found a way to travel yet, do so immediately. You need to see as much of the world as possible. So while you are on your travels going solo or in a group, there is no harm in using Tinder to meet other singles on the road. As long as you know this is a one-time instance, go into the initial meeting knowing that you may never see this person again. Be safe and  aware of ALL your surroundings. This is a great way to leave no-strings-attached because you are ultimately in a different zip code.


If you just broke up with your significant other, there is absolutely every reason to be emotionally unavailable. You probably still have needs: company, companionship, physical touch, and sex. You will probably meet other people on Tinder that feel the same. You may even just want revenge sex. After all, the best way to get over someone else is to get on top of another. Forget getting under someone. Get on top. Do what you need to, in a healthy manner, to get over your lover.

Lonely Persons Colonic

If you are a workaholic, then you probably feel lonely from time to time. Work on fulfilling your sexual or companionship desires by using Tinder or other sex websites and apps. You don’t always have to have sex when you go on Tinder to find dates. Sometimes you just need a companion to join you on a simple date. Surrounding yourself with people is a good way to cure any sort of loneliness. Work on serving what serves you and others. Be good company. For moments when you just want to relax and breathe have a conversation with a stranger. This makes Tinder a good way to get connected to new people who may also be looking for a fresh new experience without unnecessary commitments.

Love ‘Em And Leave ‘Em

You might just want to sow your wild oats and whey. As long as you are clear with another person what your intentions are, and if their intentions align with yours, no harm will be done. Just know yourself, and work to understand how you will feel after having a sex with a complete stranger. Use protection, always. If you are okay with this sort of behavior, then go forth with confidence. Some people are just wired this way. Make sure you go into the situation with a strong and healthy mental attitude. Sowing your wild oats may just be a  phase, so enjoy it and then talk about your wild adventures when you’re older. We all need good campfire stories.


Think about it in this way, Tinder is quite a useful app! Know yourself, know your worth, and prepare yourself for any situation that may arise. When your values align with who you are, then you can enjoy life more by doing activities that align with who you are. Singles have the opportunity to be emotionally unattached if is a stage in our lives, so enjoy it. Whether you are recovering from break up, wanting to have company, or just need a lot of sex, be clear about your intentions to yourself and your sex partner. Get ready to have fun!


Securely yours,

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!


3 Ways Self-Respecting Women Can Find Unconditional Love

I have heard many people say that people mature the most during the defining decade of our 20-something years, this is especially true for women. It’s true that a lot of the sharp and rough edges get smoothed out over time, but I feel that in our 20’s, we grow up much more than our awkward teen years. A lot of people struggle with insecurities, not enough money, lack of love, and fear, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. What we want it to push past the shadow of a doubt, and to become our greatest and grandest versions of ourselves. We must do the following things, and more, in order to get a good starting place to become self-respecting women. No one teaches us this, but we have to learn to love ourselves, care for ourselves, lick our wounds, and heal ourselves from past hurts. This can be done with unconditional love. By practicing the following suggestions, you will begin to fill up your unconditional love bucket, which may be empty to become self-respecting women. So give it a shot, and start to fill your bucket.

3 Ways Self-Respecting Women Can Find Unconditional Love

How To Handle Fear

Fear prevents us from taking action, risk, and growing. When we can learn to let go of fear, we can unleash ourselves and become more powerful than we ever imagined. There is not too much that is different from powerful people and those who are fearful, the thoughts just separate us. Fear is also an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Whatever is scaring you right now, just know that you are bigger than your fears. By believing you can overcome your fears, you start to fill your unconditional love bucket. Not scaring yourself is an act of love unto yourself.

Get Your Self-Respect Back

If you grew up in a home where you did not learn about self-respect, building this mental muscle can be a challenge. The good news is that you can build your self-respect by setting boundaries with yourself and others. If you do not respect yourself, you will not receive respect from others. It is a two-way street. It is also likely that you will not respect others if you do not respect yourself. To respect yourself, you will need to take care of your body and your mind, the rest will come together. Get plenty of sleep, talk kindly to yourself, make time to work out, make time to read, and set boundaries with friends and families. Taking care of yourself is also an act of love, and helps fill your unconditional love bucket.

Bounce Back After Failures

When we fail, and sometimes make the same mistake twice or three times over, we can let in self-sabotaging thoughts and self-doubt. No self-respecting woman would ever let a failure hold her back. If you fall down, make sure you get up. Getting up after failure shows love and respect for yourself. You want to promise yourself that you can ALWAYS take care of yourself, and be there for yourself. Make note of a failure, take into account what you did right, and what you did wrong. Each failure is not truly a failure, it is feedback. Get up, and stay up. You are strong, so believe it! When you get back up, you show yourself unconditional love. Be persistent and keep moving forward!


Repeat each of these actions and you will continually keep your unconditional love bucket full. You will have more self-respect than you ever thought possible, and it will continue to grow year after year. In our defining decade, we set up the habits that make us strong, beautiful inside and out, and give us the discipline to love and respect ourselves, unconditionally. These are three steps that self-respecting women can follow to become the woman they want to be. 

Stay secure with yourself. And remember, unconditional love and self-respect are two of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, so allow yourself to have it today.


Securely yours,


Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

A Single Ladies Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

You may notice that while you are walking down the aisles of the grocery store you can see pink and red balloons, candy hearts, and red roses. Looks like it’s almost Valentine’s Day! *Shrug* But who really cares, as a single person? All that lovey-dovey stuff just seems like a bunch of fluff, and can really make a person sick. What we really want is a night out at the bar with friends, or to stay in while wearing our pj’s and watching House of Cards. Really though, when you’re not a participant, it can be very overwhelming to see all this ‘love in the air’. Get ready, cause we’re about to hold our breath! Need help surviving this season? Check out our ultimate Valentine’s Day survival guide for all the single ladies. 

A Single Ladies Valentine’s Day Survival Guide

Step 1. Learn To Tune It Out

When you’re single it’s nice to not have to worry about taking another out for a fancy dinner. In fact, most millennials are single and being single is on the rise. There is so much pressure from our parents and older generations that make us feel like we ‘have-to’ get into a relationship. People act like you’ve got the plague when you tell them you’re single, and simply reply, ‘Oh honey, let me help you!’ The truth of the matter is that some of us don’t really care. We want to do our thing, be independent, and enjoy ourselves while we’re young, wild, and free. So tune out all that garb, and focus on you!

Step 2. Recognize That Love Can Sometimes Equal Lust

Sometimes people who are in-love’ may just only be ‘in-lust’. So if you’re comparing yourself to the Joneses who seem to have a perfect relationship, realize that everyone has issues. Believe me, if we all put our problems on the street collectively, we would see everyone else’s and run to get ours back! Sometimes relationships make everything much harder. There are some people who are in love, which makes you happy that they’ve found happiness, but there are also others who force it and are just in lust. Be glad you don’t have to navigate those waters as a single guy or gal.

Step 3. Celebrate National Singles Awareness Day with Pride!

With everyone posing on social media all the flowers and chocolates from their Valentine, go forward and post a picture with you and your friends for National Singles Awareness Day! This Valentine’s Day survival guide says that you should also enjoy being single! Couples in love may have their spotlight, but you can have yours as well. Be proud of who you are, your single-status, and your job. Keep moving forward in your life. Relationship statuses don’t matter. Work hard to make things happen, and celebrate yourself every step of the way with your family and friends. Move forward and take this. #FriendsSelfie

Step 4. Be With Friends

If you’re celebrating National Singles Awareness Day, and you’re solo, then pick up the phone to dial a friend. What better way to celebrate a holiday than just to be with your amazing friends who build you up? I would say that’s a pretty good trade. Friendships enrich our lives.

Step 5. Get Ready for Bigger Things

Life is an amazing adventure. When you think bigger, and believe in yourself, you can bring some pretty incredible experiences into your life. Think about what you want to do in your career, with your friendships, and where you want to travel. One step you can do today, is to take a piece of paper out and begin to write out what you want your life to look like. Everything in our lives is a creation of our thoughts, so you want to make sure you are going for bigger and better things. Think big!


It does not matter what kind of single you are, whether recently broken up or a longtime proponent, Valentine’s Day can seem like a lot of fluff. This holiday season, be prepared to focus on other things and get out with your friends. There is more to life than romance, so go find beauty where you can and take your friends with you. Be the best you can be this Valentine’s Day, er I mean, National Singles Awareness Day! Hope this Valentine’s Day survival guide helps you to make the most of the holiday. Treat yourself to good times with friends, Netflix, and candy. Stay secure singles! 



Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Whoopi Goldberg Explains Why Women Prefer Being Single

Whoopi Goldberg on The View summarized a recent survey that found 61% of women prefer being single than to be in a relationship. The same survey found that only 49% of men prefer to be single.

The View hosts speculated that the reason why women prefer being single is because they are generally better able to take care of themselves and their living area while men generally learn those skills later in life. While it may be true that men may have more difficulty in learning to how clean and to care of their living space, it is a skill that can be learned by single men. Singles, both men and women, should know how to do basic household chores and how to shop for one person so they have the freedom of the single life.

“As it turns out, I am not normal and that is something that I have come to accept.” – Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg is correct. There is nothing wrong with being single, but society pressures singles to get married to feel normal and to be accepted by society. However, being single is becoming the new normal as people continue to delay marriage or decide that they do not want to get married. The single life is a good fulfilling life.
Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!

Career Oriented Women Marry Later In Life

There are many reasons why millennial women marry later in life. It could be due to the fact that women now, more than ever, have more opportunity in the workforce to create their fortunes. It may also be true that alongside the ambitious women are those with student loan debt. It could be possible that one of the reasons that women work so hard is that they want to make something significant of themselves and they want to be financially free. These are some of the reasons that influence single women remaining single longer and delaying marriage, which is the new trend. 

With opportunity knocking at the door and financial freedom around the corner, women have began to blaze down the career path with relentless passion. Student loan debt is on the rise, and so is the cost of living. Women’s rights are also more liberated than ever, thanks to progressive women in history. Women who now have the opportunity to work more in higher and more advanced positions, and make a really good amount of cash flow to lessen and eliminate the burden of student loans.


With our minds preoccupied, marriage and family are far from our minds. It is true that some women want a family and aspire to be good mothers, but it is also true that that is not the only option available for women. Go after what you want. Start that business, work three or more jobs to pay off your debt, learn new skills that make you marketable in the marketplace.


Marriage used to be a union of economic security for women in previous generations, but now that is not the case because Marriage Rates Are Plummeting:

“The median age at first marriage is now 27 for women and 29 for men — up from 20 for women and 23 for men in 1960… Today an unprecedented portion of millennials will remain unmarried through age 40, a recent Urban Institute report predicted. The marriage rate might drop to 70 percent — a figure well below rates for boomers (91 percent),”

What’s more is that having student loan debt does in fact delay marriage. Here are the stats about student loans:

General Student Loan Debt Statistics​


  • Total Amount of Student Loan Borrowers: 44 million +
  • ​Total Outstanding Student Loan Debt: $1.41 trillion +
  • ​Average Federal Student Loan Default Rate: 11.8%
  • Average Number of College Grads with Student loan Debt: 60%
  • Average Debt Per Borrower: $27,975
  • Average Debt Per Graduate: $16,723
  • Average Debt Per Graduate Student: $57,600
  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Public School: $26,828
  • Average Debt Per Borrower at a Private School: $30,281
  • Department of Education’s Estimated Profit Over Next 10 Years: $127 billion


With student loans as a burden, and an economic climate of opportunity, it’s no wonder that women are taking advantage of having a career oriented life. To pay off your student loan debt and have a career you once could have only dreamed of, you can literally life the life you desire. Career oriented women are smart because they choose to make the most of their time developing into the best version of themselves.

Views expressed in this article are the author’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of Secure Single. It is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not investment or financial advice. James Bollen is the author of Thriving Solo: How to Flourish and Live Your Perfect Life (Without A Soulmate). Now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. Subscribe to Secure Single’s Substack for free!
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